Originally Posted on April 7, 2015 by admin
Official Communique from The Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata
April 6, 2015Winnipeg
An Urgent Directive to all Sheriffs and Peace Officers of the Republic, and their Direct Action Groups (DAG’s):Thirty men and women – all of them officials of church and state, plus one corporate CEO – were lawfully convicted in February, 2013 of committing or concealing unspeakable Crimes against Humanity across Kanata, including the torture, trafficking and killing of children. These guilty individuals were all sentenced to twenty five years in prison or permanent banishment from Kanata. It is now the job of all Republican Sheriffs and citizens to immediately arrest and detain or banish these guilty criminals, who are wanted felons and Public Enemies under the law. You will be acting under the authority and warrants of the High Court of Justice of the Republic.
A complete dossier of these convictions and court order will be provided to you as part of your training for this mission. The names and locations of the guilty are listed below. The Arrest Warrant issued against each party by the Republic’s High Court of Justice will be provided to you upon completion of your training.
The guilty parties include heads of state like Elizabeth Windsor, Stephen Harper and Joseph Ratzinger, officials of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, RCMP officers, and lower level functionaries.
Arrest Procedure:
Upon receiving the High Court of Justice Arrest Warrant, Republic Sheriffs and their citizen-based Direct Action groups will apprehend the convicted party named in the Warrant and declare them to be under arrest. The following statement will then be read to them in front of at least three witnesses, and filmed and broadcast for posterity:
“(Name of Apprehended party), you have been lawfully convicted of committing or concealing crimes against humanity on the soil of Kanata, and accordingly have been sentenced to twenty five years in prison or permanent banishment from Kanata. You are hereby declared to be a public enemy. As an officer of the Republic of Kanata, and acting under the authority of the court’s verdict, and of this Warrant of the High Court of Justice of the Republic of Kanata, I hereby order you to immediately comply with this Warrant and either surrender yourself to me for incarceration, or leave our country immediately, and never return. If you fail to comply with this Warrant, harsher measures will be taken against you. Do you understand what I have said to you and will you comply?”
If the party complies, he or she will be led away by you and taken to the border for deportation. More likely, they will ignore or deny the Warrant and their guilt, in which case you will respond,
“You have twenty four hours to comply with this Warrant.”
After 24 hours, you will return with others in your DAG and enforce the Warrant.
You may approach local police, deputize them as common law peace officers, and seek their assistance in the arrests.
The DAG that accompanies you must consist of at least five people, including a videographer to record the event, and someone to act as a liaison with the press, or with the police or other security if they try to intervene.
We will be holding specific training workshops in the weeks ahead to prepare you and your DAG for this mission. Contact us directly for more information.
with our thanks,
Colin Sullivan, Secretary, on behalf of the Provisional Council