Operation Atonement: Ending the Reign of Criminal Churches
Posted on December 9, 2017 by Kevin
Download (in English and French versions): General leaflet – Operation Atonement
Commencing on Child Holocaust Remembrance Day – April 15, 2018
under the auspices of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
www.itccs.org , www.murderbydecree.com
The Aim:
1. To identify, disrupt and stop church-related child torture, trafficking and murder;
2. To enforce standing common law arrest and reclamation warrants against convicted churches and individuals, and
3. To legally, materially and spiritually disestablish these criminal church corporations.
The Means:
1. Public Teach-ins, Educational Forums and Ceremonies
2. Public Protests, Occupations, Spiritual Exorcisms and Civil Disobedience
3. Citizens’ Arrests and Seizures of Church Assets and Property
4. Boycotts, Financial Sanctions and Sabotage
5. Public Tribunals and Common Law Court Trials
The Actors:
We the People, authorized by Court Warrants and accompanied by Common Law Sheriffs, special action units and deputized police officers.
Background Information
The growing global effort to halt the systemic abuse and trafficking of children was sparked by the ITCCS in February of 2013 when its Brussels-based common law court successfully tried and deposed Pope Benedict, and convicted Queen Elizabeth and others for complicity in Crimes against Humanity. Since then, similar courts have issued arrest warrants against the highest officials of the Catholic, Anglican and United Churches and their governmental and corporate partners in crime. It is now up to the people of all countries to take direct action to halt the massive child trafficking networks run by these churches because of the deep complicity of existing courts and governments with their crimes. As convicted criminal bodies, these churches have lost the right to legally operate under both international and moral law. It is We the People who must enforce this law and defend children everywhere from religious predators.
The ITCCS and its affiliates in nine countries are launching a new global effort to bring an end to the reign of these child-killing church corporations in the form of Operation Atonement. We have chosen April 15, 2018 as the commencement date for this open-ended, ongoing campaign, for on that day in the year 2005 survivors of the genocidal, church-run “Indian residential schools” in Canada launched the first Aboriginal Holocaust Remembrance Day. Building on this, we are commencing an even more universal Child Holocaust Day so that the global industry of profiting off and murdering children will be stop forever.
The Nature, Course and Strategy of Operation Atonement
For centuries, the state-incorporated churches – especially the Church of Rome and of England – have murdered, enslaved and waged unrelenting warfare against the world’s people, seized and stolen their lands and wealth, brutalized and trafficked their children and imposed a stifling mental and spiritual tyranny over most of humanity. They have done so as partners in Empire and as such are politically protected and legally shielded by all governments from the consequences of their continuing crimes. As a result, these tax-exempted religious corporations have become transnational criminal bodies that are deeply involved in organized crime, the global arms industry and drug and child trafficking. The Vatican is the most murderous and wealthiest criminal syndicate in history, and it kills and corrupts with impunity while feigning humanity and “divine authority”.
Because of this, we cannot stop these churches’ crimes against the innocent without striking at the heart of their power, which is threefold: their money, their legality, and their credibility. For despite their apparent authority, these religious bodies are extremely vulnerable to public exposure because of the depth of their wrongdoing. Our campaigns have proven this by our successful deposing of Pope Benedict, Jesuit leader Adolfo Pachon and three other top Vatican officials during 2013 and 2014.
Operation Atonement is designed to strike directly at all three of these weak points in the defenses of this deceptive enemy. It will do so publicly, lawfully, and by educating and mobilizing the people, both inside and outside of these churches. Our aim is a simple one: to disestablish these false and criminal institutions by making it impossible for them to operate. Our weapons are both material and spiritual, and we shall call upon divine providence and intervention to abolish these false churches.
Operation Atonement will proceed in three stages: Education, Direct Action and Disestablishment.
Stage One will begin on Sunday, April 15, 2018 with commemorative ceremonies outside and inside targeted churches, including spiritual exorcisms and prayer vigils. We will make a direct appeal to members of these churches to separate themselves from their evil through fasting, prayer and withholding all tithing. These public events will be followed for two weeks with a general public education campaign and the selective training of our cadres at teach-ins and workshops. The latter will be designed to arm our activists with an understanding of their enemy and train them for the upcoming battles.
Stage Two will begin on Monday, April 30, 2018 with direct actions aimed at the church institutions and their top officers and clergy, including those who stand convicted in ITCCS common law courts. The normal operations of the targeted churches will be disrupted according to the requirements of international law. Guilty individuals will be peacefully arrested and publicly banished from the community, or handed over to deputized police forces for imprisonment under the terms of their convictions. Church facilities will be peacefully occupied and their assets and properties seized to prevent their criminal usage, as required under international law. Stage Two will be open-ended and will continue as long as is necessary to forever halt the operations of these churches.
Stage Three will accompany Stage Two and will seek to achieve the permanent disestablishment of these church corporations. Stage Three will have three aspects: legal, financial and spiritual.
a) Legal: Public Common Law Courts and Citizen Tribunals will be convened to bring to trial anyone suspected or guilty of crimes against children and humanity. These Courts will issue and enforce warrants to arrest the guilty and seize their assets and properties. Public Tribunals will operate as permanent citizen-led investigative bodies to monitor criminal churches and their partners, and bring charges and legal actions against them.
b) Financial: A long-term campaign of economic sanctions and sabotage will be brought against these churches to de-fund them and seize their assets, as is required under international law governing criminal bodies. These sanctions will be extensive and will include reducing church tithing and collections; nullifying their charitable tax-exempt status and their right to operate under the law; targeting individual donors and bequests, as well as the insurance companies that underwrite these churches; and imposing financial liens and lawsuits on individual church officers as responsible parties to a serial crime. The general aim will be to prevent these criminal churches from financially operating.
c) Spiritual: Recognizing the demonic nature of the Vatican-led crimes against children and humanity, our efforts are also aimed at the spiritual forces that rule these false churches. Our first public exorcism of the power behind the Vatican in October, 2009 disrupted that power and began its demise. Through divine grace, we will continue to use weapons of the spirit to expose and expel the unseen forces that sustain church criminality and corruption. Our aim is to disestablish those forces and their puppet church bodies and officials, and help release Christians from their spiritual enslavement to institutionalized evil.
The strategy behind Operation Atonement is both material and spiritual, designed to publicly and psychologically destroy the legitimacy of these false churches and nullify their authority. At every moment our campaign will appeal to the hearts and minds of the church members and the public, including the police and state authorities. Standing on the moral high ground as we always have done, our basic appeal will be that just and honest people have no place in murderous and duplicitous corporations; and that true Christians have no need for religious hierarchies. But accompanying this “carrot” will be the hard legal hammer that their funding or participation in such legally convicted churches makes them an accomplice in their crimes, and subject to arrest. This two-fold approach cannot be countered by church leaders without them opening the Pandora’s Box of their crimes that they must hide from their “flock”: an impossible, no-win scenario for them.
Similarly, governments are continually exposed by their use of our tax money to subsidize these felonious bodies, and by the refusal of their courts to prosecute proven church child rapists and killers. Both church and state are inherently on the defensive over the entire issue of church crimes, and can therefore be manipulated and provoked into the responses we want by our own relatively small forces.Again, we have shown in practice how possible this is, once even a tiny group acts with courage and persistence, and establishes the field of battle.
Coordination and Preparation
The organizing for Operation Atonement has already begun. Orientation handbooks and other material will be available by January 15, 2018. The general Operation will be coordinated by the ITCCS Directorate through its three Field Secretaries, in North America, Europe and Australia. Local affiliates and people in these respective areas should write to itccsoffice@gmail.com or to the emails listed below to connect with one of these Secretaries. The latter will help you organize your own local action group and will keep you updated and supplied.
Preparing for Operation Atonement begins with your own committment to this sacred cause, of protecting children and stopping their killers. Many of you may find yourself on your own, or in the company of only one or two others who are willing to take this course of action. Don’t be disheartened; others will join you when you begin to act. We have found that even a handful of people armed with the truth can force the biggest criminal institution into an irrational panic. Press that point of weakness and your efforts will be rewarded.
Regular updates about our campaign can be seen at www.itccs.org. But the time for you to choose is now. We look forward to working with you in the months ahead. Unite and act now, for the children!
The ITCCS Directorate
Monday, January 1, 2018
itccsoffice@gmail.com (Head Office)
thecommonland@gmail.com (North America)
congregationalcovenant@gmail.com (Europe)
brendahearst101@gmail.com (Australia)
ITALIAN version:FINE DEL REGNO DEL TERRORE CONTRO I BAMBINI OPERAZIONE ESPIAZIONEData di inizio: 15 aprile 2018Giornata della memoria dell’Olocausto dei bambiniIl traffico di routine, la tortura e l’omicidio di bambini sono diventati un’industria globale lucrativa in cui le principali corporazioni ecclesiastiche sono profondamente coinvolte. Il Vaticano, la Chiesa d’Inghilterra e altre chiese sono condannate nei tribunali di questi e altri atti di genocidio. Il vostro finanziamento e adesione a queste chiese criminali sta permettendo che i loro torti continuino.Il 15 aprile 2018, le persone in molti paesi intraprenderanno un’azione diretta per fermare questi crimini colpendo alla loro fonte. L’operazione espiazione eseguirà arresti di cittadini contro stupratori di bambini noti e funzionari della chiesa che li aiutano, occuperà pacificamente le strutture della chiesa e interromperà le loro operazioni, fermerà il finanziamento e la protezione legale che consentono queste istituzioni criminali. Queste chiese hanno tradito la loro fiducia e hanno perso il diritto di operare secondo le leggi di Dio e dell’Umanità. Noi Popolo non permetteremo più a tali lupi nell’abbigliamento delle pecore di sfruttare e brutalizzare i nostri bambini.Puoi contribuire a salvare le vite degli innocenti unendoti a questo sforzo globale. Ecco come:1. BOICOTTARE le chiese cattoliche, anglicane / episcopali e unite negando loro la presenza e il finanziamento.2. RICHIEDI che il tuo governo revochi lo status di esenzione fiscale di queste chiese.3. EDUCARE te stesso e gli altri su questo crimine e sulla storia nascosta e sulla natura di queste chiese criminali.Vedi www.itccs.org e www.murderbydecree.com.4. UNISCITI al gruppo di azione OPERAZIONE ESPIAZIONE più vicino e interrompi direttamente queste false e omicide chiese. Contatta itccsoffice@gmail.com per partecipare.Condividi questo foglio con un amico. Agisci ora per fermare la guerra contro i nostri figli!Sponsorizzato dal Tribunale internazionale dei crimini di Stato e Chiesa (ITCCS)www.itccs.org , itccsoffice@gmail.com
Posted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, 9th circle, Action: What to Do, Australia, Canada, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, common law, common law court of justice, covenanters, Crown of England, England, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Holy See, home rule, Ireland, Italy, ITCCS, Jesuits, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Jubilee, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ninth Circle, Ottawa, Papal Deception, police state, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Press TV, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, Radio, radio free kanata, Reality Checks, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Stephen Harper, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Torture, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, United States of America, vancouver club, Vatican
An Update on the aftermath of the Ninth Circle disruptions and arrests of April 30 – In English and French
Posted on May 6, 2017 by Kevin
ITCCS Special Communique of May 5, 2017
Issued by the Executive Council of the ITCCS

Including this link to the subsequent Radio Free Kanata broadcast:
All of our special action teams have reported in. This Communique is a compilation of their separate reports, excluding information that must be kept confidential for now in the interest of the safety of children or witnesses, or impending legal action.
- The nineteen cult members arrested by our teams and local police in Zwolle Holland, Dijon France and Lucerne Switzerland are presently in custody in police facilities in those cities. We do not know if the detained have been formally charged by local prosecutors yet. However, the police recovered considerable evidence of cult activity at the arrest sites, including Satanic regalia, blood-marked torture devices and children’s clothing, and in the case of the Zwolle site even the physical remains of dead and mutilated children held in cold room containers.
- Our teams in these three towns have retained their own record of this evidence, including the photographs and recorded statements of the cult members. Some of them have positively identified more senior members of the Ninth Circle cult, including Catholic Cardinals and European Union politicians and military leaders. One of the arrested men, who claims to be a secondary level leader of the cult, has agreed that for certain benefits he will provide detailed evidence against the cult including by naming those who are heading its organization.
- The eight children who were liberated and saved by our teams in these three towns have either been returned to their families of origin, if they were kidnapped from them, or held under protection in independent safe houses until they can be relocated with safe and caring families. Three of the children were immigrants from Romania or Tunisia, and five were native to France and Holland. None of them were older than six years old. They are all still in a state of shock and recovery after having been starved and beaten, and confined in small padlocked cages that were recovered in our raids.
- The teams in the other cities, save Washington DC and Montreal and Vancouver Canada, have had nothing else to report besides the general fact that the cult sites they had targeted were heavily protected by paramilitary personnel. However, our sources tell us that their ritual killings were relocated or suspended as a result of the announced disruptions. These other cities were Rome, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Brussels and Geneva. The suspected Ninth Circle ritual at the Opus Dei centre in Tara, Ireland was also suspended and no activity was detected there.
- Three of our action teams, in Vancouver and Montreal Canada and Washington DC, were halted and arrested by plain clothed security forces who refused to show any identification. All of our team members were released the next day except for one individual in Vancouver who remains incommunicado. We assume the cult killings in these cities – in a sub-basement crypt at the Vancouver Club, in a sub-basement hall at Marie Reine du Monde Cathedral in Montreal and within the interior of the St. John’s Episcopal Church near the White House – proceeded as scheduled.
- The day after these raids our Executive received a back-channel communication from a party claiming to represent “an element” within the Roman Catholic Curia, the so-called College of Cardinals. This party carried a message requesting a meeting between “influential officials” at the Vatican and the ITCCS leadership. We have stated to this messenger that any such meeting must occur outside Italy and be subject to monitoring and recording in the presence of our security staff and legal counsel. We are awaiting a reply.
- One of our sources close to the Ninth Circle leadership has indicated that the Circle is moving its dual headquarters from the Club Lorraine in Brussels and a private chateau in Belgium to an undisclosed location in North America. This shift may explain the rapid shut down of our North American teams. We have also learned that Cardinal Gerald Lacroix of Quebec, the senior Roman Catholic official in Canada who was appointed to that position by the criminally convicted Pope Benedict / Joseph Ratzinger, was present during March of this year at secret high level coven gatherings of the Ninth Circle in Brussels and Rome. Both Lacroix and Ratzinger were reported to be active participants in a Ninth Circle ritual killing of a young boy on February 22, 2014 at the San Lorenzo Jesuit Church in Rome along with Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, and Denis Lebel, a federal cabinet minister in the Canadian government of former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. ( see http://itccs.org/2014/11/04/ottawa-false-flag-killings-covered-huge-scandal-itccs-breaking-news-november-4/ – note that the videos connected to this report were banned from the internet within days of their posting). This suggests that the relocated Ninth Circle headquarters may be near to Montreal or Ottawa, Canada, both of which have had a long history of Satanic ritual killings and military MKULTRA/mind control programs closely tied to the Ninth Circle cult.
- In response to our actions, police and judges associated with the Ninth Circle have escalated their attacks on our organization and clinical counselors allied with us who have diagnosed and publicly named Satanic Ritual crimes. Three of these counselors (in Canada, the USA and England) are now suddenly facing professional discipline and possible criminal charges, along with the usual public smear campaigns. But of related and even greater concern is that our top Field Secretaries have been targeted for elimination by the Ninth Circle. Here are the details:
- Our Ninth Circle source reports a “private” discussion of the top Ninth Circle leaders that occurred on May 2 in Rome. The details were passed on by a disenchanted Catholic priest who is placed closely to a senior Cardinal and Ninth Circle member. At this private meeting it was stated that the highest priority for the Circle had to be “eliminating” once and for all the operational leaders of the ITCCS, namely the three Field Secretaries for North America, Europe and Australia. The latter include Kevin Annett, “John Street” and the Australian secretary. Our source was unable to discover whether the Vatican’s normal channel for assassinations – the espionage agency known as the Holy Alliance – would be handling these killings or whether they would go to contracted “local assets” from their partner the Mafia Ndrangheta. Regardless, since of our Field Secretaries Mr. “Street” and Kevin Annett have been especially public and visible leaders of our campaigns, their safety is of the highest importance. We have directed them and the Australian Field Secretary to go underground for now and to follow the normal protocols of those who are in protective custody.
- These expected counter-attacks are in fact a sign that the Ninth Circle and its Vatican/corporate backers are beginning to panic and are resorting to fearful self-defensiveness. We expect more cracks to appear in the ranks of their cult and for more defectors and informants to emerge. We are optimistic that this murderous three century old Jesuit cult is in collapse, which means that our efforts must intensify.
- We urge all people of conscience to join us, receive common law Sheriff training, and mobilize your communities to arrest the Catholic clergy and others who are funding and aiding the Ninth Circle. Follow our updates at www.itccs.org and every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern and 11 pm GMT on Radio Free Kanata at www.bbsradio.com/radiofreekanata .
Issued by the Central Office of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and StateMay 5, 2017 GMTwww.itccs.org , itccsoffice@gmail.comhttp://www.veteranstodaylive.com/2017/05/08/pushing-back-the-darkness-the-struggle-against-the-satanic-order-continues-on-radio-free-kanata-may-7-2017/
Communiqué spécial d’ITCCS le 5 Mai 2017
Une mise à jour après les interruptions et les arrestations du Neuvième Cercle le 30 avril
Publié par le Conseil exécutif d’ITCCS
Tous les rapports de nos équipes d’actions spéciales nous sont parvenus. Ce communiqué est une compilation de leurs rapports respectifs, excepté les informations qui doivent rester confidentielles dans l’intérêt de la sécurité des enfants ou des témoins, ou pour des raisons de procédures judicaires.
1. Les membres du culte dix-neuf qui ont été arrêtés par nos équipes, et la police locale à Zwolle aux Pays-Bas, à Dijon en France, à Lucerne en Suisse, sont actuellement placés en garde à vue dans les locaux de la police de ces villes. Nous ne savons pas si les détenus ont été officiellement mis en examen par le juge d’instruction. Cependant, la police a récupéré beaucoup d’éléments matériels concernant les activités du culte sur les lieux des arrestations, y compris des insignes sataniques, des appareils de torture maculés de sang et des vêtements d’enfants. En ce qui concerne Zwolle des restes humains ont même été récupérés, des corps d’enfants morts mutilés conservés dans des chambres froides.
2. Dans ces trois villes nos équipes ont gardé leurs propres éléments comme preuves matérielles, y compris les photographies et les déclarations enregistrées des membres du culte. Certains d’entre eux, ont formellement identifiés beaucoup de membres plus haut-placés du culte du Neuvième Cercle, y compris des cardinaux catholiques et, des politiciens de l’Union Européenne ainsi que des militaires gradés. L’un des hommes arrêtés qui se présente comme un dirigeant de second rang du culte, a donné son accord pour fournir, en échange de certains avantages, des preuves matérielles contre le culte, y compris les noms de ceux qui sont à la tête de cette organisation.
3.Les huit enfants qui ont été libérés et sauvés par nos équipes dans ces trois villes, ont été renvoyés dans leurs familles d’origine, s’ils ont été kidnappés, ou bien remis sous la sauvegarde et la protection de l’enfance, jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient retournés en sécurité dans des familles d’accueil. Trois des enfants étaient des immigrés en provenance de Roumanie ou de Tunisie, et cinq étaient natifs de France et des Pays-Bas. Aucun d’entre eux n’avait plus de 6 ans. Ils sont encore en état de choc et se remettent de ce drame après avoir été privés de repas, et avoir été battus, en étant confinés dans de petites cages cadenassées qui ont été récupérées au cours de nos raids.
4. Les équipes dans les autres villes situées à Washington DC, Montréal, et Vancouver au Canada n’ont rien à rapporter, excepté le fait que les lieux de culte qui étaient visés étaient très protégés par du personnel paramilitaire. Cependant, nos sources indiquent que les rituels meurtriers ont été déménagés ou bien suspendus du fait de nos annonces de ces interruptions. Ces autres villes étaient Rome, Londres, Paris, Francfort, Bruxelles et Genève. Le rituel du Neuvième Cercle de l’Opus Dei qui devait se dérouler à Tara en Irlande, a été suspendu et aucune activité n’a été détectée à cet endroit.
5. Trois de nos équipes d’action à Vancouver et Montréal au Canada et Washington DC, ont été retenues et arrêtées par des forces de sécurité en uniforme qui ont refusé de s’identifier. Tous nos membres ont été libérés le jour suivant excepté une personne de Vancouver qui reste injoignable. Nous supposons que les cultes meurtriers de ces villes situés dans la crypte en sous-sol d’un Club de Vancouver, et dans une salle souterraine de la Cathédrale de Marie-Reine-du-Monde à Montréal, et au sein de l’Eglise Episcopale St John près de la Maison Blanche se sont déroulés comme prévu.
6. Le lendemain des raids un de nos cadres a reçu par un autre canal, une communication d’une partie prétendant représenter « un élément » de la Curie Catholique Romaine, que l’on désigne sous le nom de Collège des Cardinaux. Ce canal a adressé un message demandant une rencontre entre « des officiels influents » du Vatican, et les dirigeants de l’ITCCS. Nous avons indiqué à ce messager que ce type de réunion devait avoir lieu en-dehors de l’Italie, et qu’il serait sous surveillance, enregistré en présence de nos équipes de sécurité et notre conseiller juridique. Nous attendons une réponse.
7. Une de nos Sources proche de la direction du Neuvième Cercle, a indiqué que le Cercle déménageait son double siège du Club Lorraine à Bruxelles et d’un château privé en Belgique dans un lieu inconnu, en Amérique du Nord. Ce transfert peut expliquer la fermeture rapide de nos équipes en Amérique du Nord. Nous avons appris également que le Cardinal Gérald Lacroix du Québec, officiel catholique Romain au Canada qui a été nommé officiellement à cette fonction par le pape criminel inculpé Benoît /Joseph Ratzinger était présent en mars dernier lors d’un rassemblement un jour férié, dans un lieu tenu secret du Neuvième Cercle à Bruxelles et Rome. Lacroix et Ratzinger ont été identifiés comme étant des participants actifs aux rituels meurtriers du Neuvième Cercle, notamment celui d’un jeune garçon le 22 février 2014 à l’église Jésuite de San Lorenzo, en compagnie du pape François, Jorge Bergoglio, et de Denis Lebel, un ministre du cabinet du gouvernement fédéral Canadien de l’ancien premier ministre Stephen Harper. (Voir http://itccs.org/2014/11 /04/Ottawa-false-flag-killings -covered-huge-scandal-itccs- breaking-news-november-4/Remarquez que les vidéos reliées à ce rapport ont été supprimées de l’internet dans les jours suivant leur publication). Cela suggère que le déménagement du siège du Neuvième Cercle pourrait peut- être se situer près de Montréal, ou Ottawa au Canada, les deux ayant un long passé historique de rituels sataniques meurtriers, et de programmes militaires de contrôle mental de type MK-ULTRA étroitement reliés au culte du Neuvième Cercle.
8. En réponse à nos actions, la police et les juges associés avec le Neuvième Cercle ont augmenté d’un cran leurs attaques contre notre organisation et les conseillers cliniques qui nous sont associés, lesquels ayant diagnostiqué et publiquement désigné les crimes Rituels Sataniques. Trois de ces conseillers (au Canada, aux USA, et en Angleterre) sont maintenant directement visés par des mesures disciplinaires de leur profession, et susceptibles de poursuites pénales, en plus des campagnes de diffamation habituelles. Mais le plus important concerne nos Secrétaires de Terrain qui risquent d’être éliminés par le Neuvième Cercle, voici les détails :
9. Notre Source du Neuvième Cercle rapporte qu’une « discussion » privée des dirigeants du Neuvième Cercle s’est déroulée à Rome le 2 mai. Les détails nous ont été transmis par un prêtre catholique désabusé qui est proche d’un cardinal âgé et d’un membre du Neuvième Cercle. Lors d’une réunion privée, il a été dit que la plus grande priorité du Neuvième Cercle devait être « d’éliminer » une fois pour toute les dirigeants opérationnels d’ITCCS, en désignant les trois secrétaires de terrain pour l’Amérique du Nord, l’Europe et l’Australie. Ces derniers comprennent Kevin Annett, « John Street » et le secrétaire Australien. Notre source n’a pas pu savoir si c’est l’organisme habituel du Vatican – le service d’espionnage connu sous le nom de la Sainte Alliance – qui se chargerait de ces assassinats, ou si le contrat serait sous-traité à leur partenaire de la mafia Ndrangheta. Qu’importe, puisque nos secrétaires de Terrain, « Mr Street » et Kevin Annett sont des personnalités publiques dirigeantes et visibles dans nos campagnes, et que leur sécurité est de la plus haute importance. Nous leur avons conseillé, ainsi qu’au secrétaire de Terrain Australien, de demeurer dans la clandestinité pour le moment, et de suivre le protocole normal de ceux que nous maintenons sous haute protection.
10. Ces contre-attaques attendues, sont en fait un signe que le Neuvième Cercle, et ses soutiens du Vatican et des multinationales commencent à paniquer et ont recours à la peur pour leur autodéfense. Nous attendons encore plus de failles dans les rangs de leur culte, et plus de défections au fur et à mesure que les informateurs émergent. Nous sommes optimistes sur le fait que les trois siècles meurtriers de l’ancien culte Jésuite est en cours d’effondrement, ce qui signifie que nos efforts doivent s’intensifier.
11. Nous invitons d’urgence toutes les personnes de conscience à nous rejoindre et recevoir une formation de Shérif de droit commun (common law) et de mobiliser les collectivités pour arrêter les catholiques du clergé et ceux qui financent et soutiennent le Neuvième Cercle. Suivez nos mises à jour sur www.itccs.org et chaque dimanche à 15h Pacifique, et 18h sur la côte est, et 22h.00 GMT sur Radio Free Kanata :www.bbsradio.com/radiofree kanata .
Publié par le Bureau central d’ITCCS
Le 5 mai 2017
www.itccs.org , itccsoffice@gmail.com
ITCCS Breaking News Interview: October 27, 2014
Posted on October 27, 2014 by admin
ITCCS shifting to community-based direct action to secure common law justice and self-government
VANCOUVER, BC – In this Exopolitics TV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre today, Kevin Annett, the North American Field Secretary for the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS.ORG), provides an overview of ITCCS becoming more community-based and direct action oriented as people’s need for common law justice and self-government increases.
Kevin also discusses the rise of police state laws in Canada and elsewhere, the prosecution of the Catholic-Ndrangheta criminal network, and the Vatican Bank’s funding of the Asian financial oligarchies competing with the World Bank for global hegemony.
Details of the upcoming conventions to establish constitutional Republics in Canada and England are also shared.
ITCCS: itccscentral@gmail.com
Republic of Kanata: republicofkanata@gmail.comPosted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, Action: What to Do, Australia, Canada, Canon Law, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, China, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, common law, Crimen Solicitationas, Crown of England, CSIS, Dean Clifford, England, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Holy See, Italy, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, NDAA, Ndrangheta, Occupy the Vatican, Ottawa, Papal Deception, pedophilia, police state, political prisoners, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, Radio, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Torture, United Church of Canada, Vatican
Update interview: British Crown stopped in their effort to arrest Kevin Annett; new ITCCS offensive against corporate backers of child trafficking
Posted on August 31, 2014 by admin
VIDEO-Kevin Annett: British Crown & Ireland attempt arrest to stop ITCCS action on 800 sacrificed babies, and more
VANCOUVER, BC , August 30, 2014 –
In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Kevin Annett stated today that the British Crown issued an extradition order to the Government of Ireland to arrest him while he was to have been in Ireland working on the ITCCS investigation of the 800 babies ritually sacrificed and murdered at Tuam, Ireland. This extradition was in fact motivated to stop the ITCCS action to prosecute guilty parties in the Tuam baby sacrifices, including the reigning Cardinal of Ireland, Sean Brady, and to prevent further ITCCS investigation and enforcement of its verdicts against Popes Francis Bergoglio and Benedict Ratzinger for Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice.
Kevin Annett, who plans to return to Brussels and Germany for further ITCCS operations, stated that it appears that the planned arrest actions have now actually strengthened ITCCS operations world wide, with the appointment of Field Secretaries in Western Europe, Australia and Asia, and North America, and a world-wide membership of 800 involved in Common Law Court and Common Law Sheriff Enforcement and Investigative activities.
ITCCS Actions against Satanic Corporate Sector
Kevin Annett discussed ITCCS actions that are now planned against corporate defendants that were implicated in the disruption of an August 15, 2014 planned Satanic sacrifice in Montreal by ITCCS Direct Action Units. These defendants include Cargill Corporation, where Satanic rituals has been held in corporate headquarters according to participants who have come forward. Cargill is “is now the largest privately held corporation in the United States in terms of revenue.
Republic of Kanata
Kevin Annett also discussed the Republic of Kanata convention in Saskatchewan, Oct. 27 – 31, 2014.
International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
International Common Law Court of Justice
Report from the Joint Consultation of the Directorate of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Common Law Court of Justice Held in Brussels and New York City August 20-24, 2014
Posted on August 25, 2014 by admin
Issued to all Common Law Court groups and their affiliates, including the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata and the Covenanted Congregationalists
Overview and Synopsis
The Tribunal and Court Directorate, its staff officers and Field Secretaries met in Brussels and New York this past week to review its work and plan the coming year’s actions.
With the successful prosecution of its second litigation against top church and state officials for crimes against humanity (www.itccs.org 19 July, 2014), the Court has established a Permanent Commission of Inquiry into Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice that will convene on September 1, 2014. All affiliates are urged to work actively with the Commission to continue the prosecution of culpable individuals and institutions.
The attempted arrests of convicted felons Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), Adolfo Pachon and Justin Welby, and the successful disruption of their Ninth Circle sacrificial ritual in Montreal, Canada on August 15, has compelled the upcoming resignation or removal of Bergoglio: the second deposing of a pope indicted by our Court since February, 2013.
The August 15 disruption has yielded hard evidence of the Ninth Circle sacrifices and their participants: evidence which is presently being analyzed by our Court and will be published as part of our ongoing Commission into ritual sacrifice. The Montreal cult member who has agreed to work with our Court has already identified the locations and dates of other upcoming rituals, which will be targeted and disrupted by our Direct Action Units, and their participants arrested and held for prosecution.
Since February 2013, and building on these successful convictions and actions, affiliated common law courts and common law education groups have been established now in nine countries: Canada, the USA, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, New Zealand and Australia, under the coordination of three Field Secretaries: Kevin Annett (North America), George Dufort (Western Europe) and Cameron Mottus (Asia and Australia-New Zealand). Over 800 people are now active in these local groups.
These courts have commenced the indictment of government, church and corporate officials in their respective countries for human rights violations, mortgage fraud, criminal conspiracy, child trafficking and murder, and betrayal of their oaths of public office. Some of the more successful common law groups, such as in Coventry, England, have gathered hundreds of people in conferences and public actions.
In the USA, where over one third of our volunteers are based in 31 states, five serving county sheriffs and their deputies are active with us in establishing and safeguarding common law courts.
In Canada and England, nation-wide movements have been established under our auspices to depose and replace “crown” law and authority, through the creation of Constitutional Republics that can serve as the lawful basis for common law courts. The Republic of Kanata will be lawfully proclaimed in Winnipeg, Canada on October 31, 2014, after a delegated Convention adopts a new Constitution for the nation. A similar development is expected in England and Australia during 2015.
It has been noted by our Field Secretaries that most of the local groups are absorbed in the details of organizing courts and are missing the broader vision and basis for the courts themselves. In particular, the majority of our local common law groups in Canada, England and Australia-New Zealand have failed to grasp that without such a replacement of so-called “crown” jurisdiction by a Republican constitution and nation, there can be no lawful basis for de jure common law courts in their respective countries.
It is therefore ordered that every common law group in these “commonwealth” countries affiliate and link their work to the Republican movements, and to the practical effort to bring about constitutional Republics to replace the law and authority of the “crown”, including by participating in the constitutional Republican conventions.
In this regard, a brief organizational report from the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata is included, below.
Finally, it is noted and welcomed that alongside the political deposing of the criminal body known as the “Crown of England” has emerged a synonymous movement to spiritually depose the Vatican and corporate Christendom. This movement has coalesced under the general banner of Covenanted Congregationalism, or The Covenanters, which is seeking to rally Christians under a new allegiance separate from the crimes and perversions of the church of Rome and its affiliates. Our Tribunal is working actively with this movement, which is based in the USA, Canada and England. (see the American movement at www.covenantedcommunity.org)
New Directions and Procedures
The disappearance and assumed murder of one of our Court’s key investigators on July 3, the harassment and arrest by Belgian authorities of politicians sympathetic to our work such as Belgian M.P. Laurent Louis, and an apparent “kill order” issued against Kevin Annett and other key Court officials by the Ndrangheta criminal syndicate, have compelled new procedures.
Kevin Annett, a prominent public spokesman for our movement, will be travelling across Europe during September, but according to a new, tightened security protocol. Henceforth Kevin will travel accompanied by a party of trained security personnel, media groups and advisers, and will conduct only by-invitation gatherings with the core organizers in each region and country. His itinerary will include Ireland, England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy. Invitations and requests for Kevin must be addressed only to and approved by the central ITCCS office at itccscentral@gmail.com .
The Central Command of our movement will continue to operate anonymously and independently of all of our public sections. Media interviews will not be granted by any member of the Directorate or the Court. Our acting Field Secretaries will have the sole authority to speak publicly on behalf of the entire movement, with the approval of the Directorate.
The key evidence that convicted all of the felons in both of our Common Law trials, and the evidence gathered by our August 15 “take down” of the Montreal sacrificial ritual, will be available in a screened form no later than September 15, 2014. Copies of this evidence can be obtained through the Central Office, with the approval of the Directorate.
Finally, a central operational fund has been established by the Tribunal to pay for the travel and daily costs of our Field Secretaries and the most active local groups. Requests for such funding along with a detailed budget may be submitted to itccscentral@gmail.com .
In closing, the daily organizational work of every local group must now be systematized under the direction of one local Convenor who is a liaison with the central office or the appropriate Field Secretary. The Convenor must issue a monthly report to us and involve all local members in joint weekly public actions and organizational meetings.
It is the task of the Convenor to ensure that our work to stop crimes by murderous institutions becomes continual and effective in local communities. Only the most dedicated and clear minded man or woman can fulfil this key operational command role in our movement.
May all of our members and activists take their own initiatives and audaciously prosecute criminals of church and state, and their corporate allies, in the months ahead. The world is watching us.
Issued jointly by the ITCCS Directorate and the Common Law Court of Justice
25 August, 2014
Organization Report from the Secretariat of the Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata
August 25, 2014, issued by Colin Sullivan, Secretary to the Council (republicofkanata@gmail.com)
There are now twenty four local branches of the Republican movement in Canada, embracing nearly two hundred sworn members. (See details below)
To organize our work systematically and prepare for our upcoming Constitutional Convention to found the Republic, it is advised that each branch undertake the following routine:
1. Public actions involving all local members, such as protests, leafletting and recruitment rallies, must occur twice each week, on a weekday and a weekend (say Friday and Saturday).
2. Local branch meetings – to touch base, share resources and experiences, and plan local events – must occur every week, preferably on a weekend to allow maximum participation.
3. Each branch must organize the following committees: a) a Direct Action Unit, to provide enforcement, security and intelligence, and organize a local Republican militia; b) Membership and Education, to recruit new members, train and integrate them into the movement, collect membership dues and conduct regular internal and public education programs; c) Reclamation, to conduct land and property seizures, establish alternative economies and work jointly with the DAU militia; d) Common Law Court, to create and maintain local courts under the jurisdiction of the new Republic, and e) a Local Executive, to coordinate all the work and report to the Provisional Council.
4. The Local Executive shall be chaired by a Convenor, who is the personal liaison with the Council and who retains copies of all of the documents, insignias and resources of the movement.
5. Every member of the movement is required to do the following: a) Take an Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of Kanata, b) pay monthly membership dues, and c) work actively under the direction of at least one local committee.
6. Delegates to the October 27, 2014 Convention in Winnipeg must be elected no later than October 1 on the basis of one voting delegate for every five sworn local or at-large members. Other members are encouraged to attend the Convention, where they will have speaking but not voting privileges. At present, our 191 pledged members may elect a total of 38 voting delegates.
The movement is presently organized into five districts consisting of the following branches:
District One: West Coast
1. Nanaimo-Vancouver Island
2. Vancouver- Lower Mainland
3. Abbotsford-Hope
4. Kamloops-Central Interior
District Two: Prairies
1. Calgary-southern Alberta
2. Edmonton-northern Alberta
3. Brandon-western Manitoba
4. Winnipeg
District Three: Ontario
1. Thunder Bay
2. Sault St. Marie-Sudbury
3. North Bay
4. Toronto
5. Kingston
6. Hamilton
7. London
8. Picton-KIngston
9. Ottawa
District Four: Quebec
1. Montreal
2. Quebec city and eastern townships
District Five: Maritimes
1. Halifax
2. Cape Breton
3. New Brunswick
4. PEI
5. Newfoundland
A website (www.republicofkanata.com) and a facebook site are presently under construction. A monthly Membership Bulletin is also being prepared.
Finally, a special Indigenous Advisory Council consisting of elders from the Mohawk-Six Nations, Miq Maq, Algonquin, Anishinabe, Cree, Metis, Nuu-chah-nulth and Squamish Nations is now working with the Provisional Council to draft our Constitution and lay the basis for a truly federated Republic of equal nations. These elders are recruiting indigenous members for the Republic.
We look forward to a Convention that will issue a shot heard around the world!
GUILTY: Pope, Jesuits convicted in historic case
Posted on July 19, 2014 by admin
In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio et al (Case Docket No. 18072014-002)
The Judgement of the Magistrates of the Court, including the majority decision with with one dissenting opinion
Issued in Chambers Friday, 18 July, 2014
The unanimous Judgement of the Court is that the three primary defendants Jorge BERGOGLIO, Adolfo PACHON and Justin WELBY have been convicted and are guilty as charged of aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, including murder and human trafficking, and of personal involvement in those crimes. Their guilt has been ably presented and proven beyond any reasonable doubt by the Prosecution.
The refusal of the Defendants to respond to a lawful Summons, to deny or refute the charges against them, or to present a counter case in their own defense, compelled the Court to consider their silence as a de facto pro confesso plea in which their guilt was established by their refusal to enter a plea. Precedent has established that pro confesso – which is the refusal of a defendant to plea in a case of profound importance – provides the basis for the lawful conviction and deposing of rulers and responsible heads of church and state. (The People in Parliament v. Charles Stuart, January 3, 1649)
In this precedent, the High Court established by the Parliament of England ruled that the silence of heads of church and state when accused of crimes against their own people amounts to a confession by the accused of all of the charges made against them (January 22, 1649).
One of our colleagues offers a dissenting opinion.
While concurring with the judgement that all three Defendants are guilty as charged, the dissenting Magistrate argues that pro confesso applies only when no other means exist to prevent such rulers from perpetrating tyranny and wars of aggression on their own people and their liberties, as was so in the historical case cited.
The dissenting colleague argues that by convicting the Defendants primarily under a pro confesso precedent, their actual guilt for the crimes cited can be construed to have been established according to a legal technicality. To quote our colleague’s statement,
“The overwhelming guilt of these leaders for unspeakable crimes demands that we convict them not simply on the basis of a technicality but according to the evidence alone, so that their guilt is crystal clear to the world and to posterity.”
The Court has taken into account this dissenting opinion in formulating its final judgement.
Accordingly, it is the unanimous judgement of the Court that:
1. The Defendants Jorge BERGOGLIO, Adolfo PACHON and Justin WELBY are guilty as charged on two counts: of organizing, aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, including murder and human trafficking, and of personally participating in the routine and ritual rape, torture and murder of children.
2. The Defendants are sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole or pardon, and to the forfeiture of their assets, property and authority.
3. The sworn Sheriffs of the Court and their affiliated Direct Action Units, established by the Court on June 1, 2014, are ordered to immediately arrest and imprison the Defendants at facilities provided by the Court, and to seize their property and assets. The public is asked to assist the Sheriffs in this task. An open ended International Citizens’ Arrest Warrant will be issued by the Court against the convicted persons within 48 hours of this judgement.
4. The Court will produce a full public statement making it clear that the basis for its conviction of the Defendants lay entirely in the hard evidence of their guilt, and that their refusal to plea, and hence the pro confesso judgement, was a contributing factor but not the basis of the guilty sentence.
5. In addition, to emphasize that this conviction is not a limited one aimed only at the top figureheads of murderous regimes, as of September 1, 2014, the Court will establish an ongoing Permanent Inquiry to investigate and prosecute others involved in the crimes proven in this case and contained in the permanent Court record. This Inquiry shall be entitled The Permanent Commission into Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice and will have the power to subpoena and arrest, and adjudicate cases before the Court. The Commission will be international in scope, have no time restriction, and will seek cooperation from governments, international agencies and police forces with the aim of prosecuting and stopping forever the trafficking, ritual torture and murder of children.
6. To protect this Commission, its witnesses, officers and evidence, the Court record from the case of The People v. Bergoglio et all will remain sealed for now, along with the identity of the witnesses and Court officers, with the exception of that permitted by the special and unanimous authorization of the Court. The Jury members who were involved in proceedings thus far are relieved of their duties and thanked for their efforts.
7. This concludes the case of The People v. Bergoglio et al.
Issued by the Judicial Council of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels
19 July, 2014
Common Law Militias to shut down child sacrificial rituals: Instructions for all Direct Action Units
Posted on June 25, 2014 by admin
Instructions for Direct Action Units (DAU’s) of the International Common Law Court of Justice
The urgent need to stop the ritual slaughter, rape and trafficking of children, and the refusal of regular police to do so, has compelled the Court to issue a call for a citizens’ militia to halt these crimes. Rituals of the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult scheduled for August 15 at Catholic cathedrals in Montreal and Dublin will be stopped by special Direct Action Units (DAU’s).
The Direct Action Units were mandated by an order of the Court dated June 1, 2014. That mandate reads in part,
“The DAU’s are citizen-based militias whose purpose is:
1. To protect the children of their communities by identifying, arresting and prosecuting child rapists and murderers, and those who aid them, and by permanently banishing such criminals from their communities;
2. To train and mobilize the community to defend itself against threats to their liberty and well being, including by establishing a grass roots intelligence network;
3. To occupy and seize the property and assets of criminal organizations and felons convicted by the Common Law courts;
4. To provide security and protection to the Common Law courts and their officers, and
5. To initiate any other direct actions needed to protect the innocent and the liberties of the people.”
The DAU’s are established by the formation of three or more men or women in a community into a Unit. Each Unit has an elected Commander who overseas the DAU and liaisons with the Central Office. Unlike Court Sheriffs, DAU members require no special training or accreditation, since they are in effect a posse or militia whose purpose is to identify and stop threats to children and the community at large. But the DAU’s will be guided and overseen by trained and professional security personnel.
The DAU’s are in effect the eyes and the arms of the people, watching over and guarding them. As guardians, they monitor crimes, investigate those responsible, and take direct measures to stop them.
The DAU’s are accountable only to the people and to their common law courts, and not to the existing police, de facto courts or governments. They act in unison with the common law courts and sheriffs as their auxiliary arm and militia.
DAU’s now exist in over forty communities in Canada, the USA, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Italy and Australia. For more information and to join or form a DAU, contact itccscentral@gmail.com .
ITCCS Special Announcement, June 2, 2014: Amnesty Offered to those who protect Church and State criminals
Posted on June 2, 2014 by admin
The International Common Law Court of Justice today offered a general amnesty and rewards to any employee of the Vatican or Crown/Church of England who offers evidence of crimes by the heads of these bodies, including Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio.
“This is an appeal to insiders in these murderous organizations to come forward and do what is just and right” explained Kevin Annett, special assistant to the Court, in a televised broadcast today.
“We say to these men and women, if you name the names and provide solid evidence of crimes against children and against humanity committed by popes, royalty and others, you will be granted a general amnesty and will not be prosecuted for your involvement in these crimes. And this Amnesty also extends to any citizen with such inside and verifiable knowledge.”
In addition, the Court’s Prosecutor announced today that rewards up to 10,000 Euros will be provided for information leading to the prosecution of top Vatican and government officials for crimes against humanity.
The rewards are especially offered to anyone with evidence of the involvement in the torture and killing of children by Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), Adolfo Pachon (Jesuit Superior General) and Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury).
Anyone wishing to take advantage of either offer of Amnesty or reward may contact the Prosecutor’s office through itccscentral@gmail.com , or by leaving a confidential message with Field Secretary Kevin Annett at 386-323-5774 in the USA or 250-591-4573 in Canada.
The complete text of these offers and the Court’s broadcast can be found below.
Issued by the Public Information Agency of the Office of Citizen Prosecutor,
The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels
2 June, 2014
Text of the Amnesty Offer:
Hello. My name is Kevin Annett and I have been authorized by the International Common Law Court of Justice to make the following announcement and offer to every employee and agent of the Vatican and the Crown of England, anywhere in the world:
As I speak, the top officers of the bodies you are serving are being tried for the torture, trafficking and murder of children. Pope Francis, Jesuit leader Adolfo Pachon, the Archbishop of Canterbury and other top Crown and church officers have already been indicted for these crimes. And every employee of the Vatican or the Crown and Church of England will be considered legally complicit in these crimes once they have been proven in our common law court of law.
This is an appeal to insiders in these murderous organizations to come forward and do what is just and right – and to spare yourselves prosecution and exposure for your own involvement in these crimes.
The Court is therefore making each of you this one time only offer:
If you name the names and provide evidence of those responsible for these crimes, and can verify the involvement of Pope Francis and the others in the murderous actions of the Ninth Circle cult and other crimes, you will be granted a general amnesty and will not be prosecuted for your involvement in or knowledge of these crimes.
This general Amnesty also extends to any citizen with such inside and verifiable knowledge.
In addition, the Court will reward any of you with such insider knowledge up to 10,000 Euros for your evidence and statements.
You may contact the Court Prosecutor’s Office at the emails and phone numbers listed at the end of this broadcast. Your statements will be kept in complete confidentiality.
Know this: Those whom you have sworn to serve and obey are monstrous criminals who have the blood of innocent children on their hands. The truth of their crime is being revealed. If you do not stand with justice and the innocent, you will fall with the convicted heads of church and state.
You have been released from your oaths of allegiance, and ordered to stand down from your service of these criminals, by lawful proclamations of the Court. You are free to do what is right.
Act on that freedom, today. We await your answer.
Pope’s reference to “satanic mass” in relation to catholic child rape constitutes “his tacit knowledge” of such a crime: Common Law Court … Outraged Survivors demand Pope’s immediate resignation for “sadistic insensitivity”
Posted on May 27, 2014 by admin
An ITCCS Special Breaking Communique – Tuesday, May 27, 2014
News Item: The BBC World News reported today that Jorge Bergoglio (“aka “Pope Francis”) compared the rape of children by catholic priests to the performing of a “satanic mass”
After being publicly accused and indicted for participating in child trafficking and murder involving apparent satanic rituals, Jorge Bergoglio today indicated that he has a “tacit knowledge” of such satanic practices in his church by associating them with the rape of children by catholic priests, according to the Court now prosecuting him.
The Citizen Prosecutor of the International Common Law Court of Justice said today from Brussels,
“Our position is that Jorge Bergoglio’s bizarre remarks are not coincidental, but reveal that he understands that the rape of children within his church are linked to satanic rituals in which he himself participates. We consider the Pope’s remarks a tacit admission of guilt and more evidence of his involvement in this monstrous crime.”
Ruth Leopold, a 51 year old American survivor of Catholic ritual torture and rape who heads a survivors’ delegation to the Court, said today in a statement to other members of her network Against Church Terror,
“Any idiot knows that even mentioning trigger words like ‘satanic mass’ will re-traumatize victims of satanic torture. So we consider the Pope’s remarks the lowest kind of sadistic insensitivity. Maybe his words were deliberately designed to make more of us kill ourselves, now that we are accusing him of taking part in Ninth Circle ritual killings. It’s time he stepped down.”
The Common Law Court of Justice is in the midst of its third closed session in which numerous eyewitnesses and archival documentation clearly link Pope Francis, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Jesuit head Adolfo Pachon to the ritual rape and killing of children as recently as 2010. Pachon announced his resignation this past week, and the Pope has also mentioned that he is considering “early retirement”.
Bergoglio’s remarks about satanic practices have been included in the Prosecutor’s case against him, along with new evidence from Vatican sources detailing the Pope’s recent efforts to cover up Ninth Circle activities and disrupt the Court through covert means. This evidence will be described in upcoming Public Information Bulletins from the Prosecutor’s Office.
Common Law Training Update: Establishing Legitimate Courts by Restoring or Creating Sovereign Republics
Posted on May 21, 2014 by admin
Common Law Training Update from The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) –
Establishing Legitimate Courts by Restoring or Creating Sovereign Republics
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Brussels and New York City:
As of today, over two hundred volunteers in nine countries are undergoing training as common law peace officers and as members of Direct Action Units. Over three quarters of these trainees are based in the United States of America, England, and Canada.
In America, the largest concentration of trainees is in the mid western states. This fact has compelled us to work with local organizers to establish a Regional North Plains Common Law Court embracing North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan. Similar regional councils are being encouraged wherever there are clusters of trainees, especially in Texas, Montana, Idaho and Missouri, in Florida, New York and Pennsylvania, and all over New England and California.
Having a strong tradition of common law as well as locally elected sheriffs, Americans in our movement have a definite head start and advantage not enjoyed in most other countries. The American common law jury courts are guaranteed constitutionally, which is why they are already lawful and legitimate: a fact that has allowed us to already recruit five serving county sheriffs into our network.
In Canada and England, the job is in many ways more difficult. While Americans are simply reclaiming their own Republican system of law and government, our British and Canadian members have never had such an enduring system, and must establish it in order to create the lawful and constitutional basis for common law courts and peace officers. This step is in fact a necessity now that the Crown of England and its convicted head of state have been lawfully disestablished as de jure authorities.
There is no lawful government or system of law in England and Canada anymore because of the criminal and arbitrary nature of the Crown of England and its parent body in Rome. Citizens of those countries must therefore create a new Constitution and Republican government to replace the Crown, and lawfully establish common law courts of record and their officers.
In Canada, this step has already begun. Last year, a Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata was established in Winnipeg, Manitoba to organize a Constitutional Convention to form a sovereign Republic. That body will convene the first Republican Assembly this autumn that will constitutionally guarantee the rule of common law and its court system in Canada.
This past year, agents of the Provisional Council worked with the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels to issue lawful Stand Down Orders to the judges, police, soldiers, civil servants and politicians of Canada, and to all other agents of the defunct “crown of england”. Those Orders and the new Republic and its common law courts will be ratified at the first Constitutional Convention for the Republic of Kanata, no later than September 15, 2014.
What does this mean for common law activists and trainees in Canada, as well as England? Quite simply, training in these countries must proceed hand in hand with the establishment of a Republican government and Constitution in your respective countries. Doing so will give you not only lawful power but the legal and moral credibility to answer the question, “From where do you get your authority?”.
In the American Republic and under Natural Law, the people are Sovereigns with no rulers over them. God is the law, the people are under God, and all government is under the People, who exercise all ultimate authority. Despite the present illegal rule of de facto, corporate bodies in the “United States”, Inc., the Republican model is still the only lawful one in America. The very notion of the people being sovereigns is a startling idea to most of the world, and to the people of “crown” countries, who have been brainwashed from a young age to see themselves as “subjects” of a de facto ruler and not as self governing sovereigns.
Massive public education is therefore a key aspect of our common law work, and one of the main jobs of trained sheriffs and Direct Action Unit members. But that work must proceed first from a lawfully Chartered common law group that is connected to and is a part of the Republican movement in Canada, and England.
Accordingly, in Canada, every chartered common law group must elect at least one delegate to the Constitutional Convention for the Republic, educate its members about the Republican movement, and actively liase with the Provisional Council in Winnipeg, through republicofkanata@gmail.com .
In England, Australia and all other “crown” countries, a similar Republican framework for the common law courts must be established. This will be the subject of upcoming bulletins. For now, when issuing Stand Down Orders to crown officers, make it clear and state to them that the Orders are lawful instruments issued under the authority of God and the Sovereign People.
One important weapon our English activists have in doing so is the High Court Proclamation of January 22, 1649 that dissolved the British monarchy and vested all authority in the People gathered in Covenant, meaning at the time, Parliament. Copies of this binding Proclamation will be sent to our English activists for use in their dealings with former “crown” agents.
Finally, because these constitutional efforts may slow the immediate establishing of bona fide common law courts and peace officers outside America, remember that our Direct Action Units (DAU’s) have been created to fill that gap. DAU’s can involve any sworn citizen and will be taking immediate action to enforce standing arrest warrants, detain child rapists and seize property of convicted criminal bodies like the Vatican, as described in the www.itccs.org posting of May 16, 2014.
Contact itccscentral@gmail.com to join or form a DAU in your area, and to take longer term sheriff training.
Issued by the Central Directorate of The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ), Brussels
21 May, 2014