Historic Order compels International Church leaders to aid in the arrest of “Pope Francis”, Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Posted on May 30, 2018 by Kevin
Public Order
to Assist and Comply with a Standing Common Law Arrest Warrant
Regarding the apprehension of the convicted felon Jorge Bergoglio
(aka “Pope Francis”)
Issued to the Officers and Affiliates of the World Council of Churches
by the International Common Law Court of Justice – May 30, 2018
LET IT BE KNOWN that the flesh and blood man JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO, as the liable head fiduciary officer of the Vatican Incorporated and the Roman Catholic Church, has been duly convicted in a Common Law Court of Justice of Crimes against Humanity and Complicity in a Criminal Conspiracy, including the trafficking and death of children. (ICLCJ Case Docket No. 06182014-001, In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio, Pachon, Welby et al, 18 July, 2014)
ACCORDINGLY, an International Common Law Arrest Warrant has been issued for the immediate apprehension of BERGOGLIO as a convicted felon and a threat to the safety of children. This Warrant has been recognized by INTERPOL and by judicial and police agencies in Spain, America, Russia and Serbia.
Under the terms of this Warrant and International Law, you are obligated and required to assist in the detaining of BERGOGLIO and any of his accomplices, and to refrain from aiding and abetting him or any of the agents of the transnational criminal syndicate known as the Vatican. If you fail to do so you can and will be charged under the law with obstructing justice and colluding in Crimes against Humanity.
Common Law Peace Officers and domestic police will be present at the World Council of Churches event on June 21, 2018 in Geneva to enforce the Arrest Warrant against BERGOGLIO when he addresses your Assembly. DO NOT interfere with this action.
This ORDER has the full force and effect of the Law.
Issued by the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of Justice,
Brussels, On the Thirtieth Day of May in the Year 2018
C. Redvers, LL.B., Clerk of the Court – itccsoffice@gmail.com , www.itccs.org
Standing Down from a Criminal Association: A Legal Notice and Emancipation Order issued to the Catholic Bishops of Chile
Posted on May 27, 2018 by Kevin
by The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) with the endorsement of Not in Our Name, an international assembly of concerned clergy
Comunicado Oficial del ITCCS – Español, Mayo 25 de 2018
Una Proclamación de Emancipación Global, Español, 20 de Abril de 2014
May 25, 2018
Dear Bishops,
The recent crisis that has struck your church – including your apparent offer to resign from your offices at the instigation of Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome – is an opportunity for each of you to do what is right and required under the Laws of God and of Man. You must begin by standing down from your association with the criminally convicted Vatican corporation and its policy of Crimen Sollicitationas that requires that you aid and conceal child rape and trafficking within your church.
Jorge Bergoglio is attempting to place the blame and responsibility for these crimes upon you as Bishops, when in fact as “Pope Francis”, the head officer of the Church of Rome, Bergoglio is himself morally responsible and legally liable for all of the violence done to children in your church and its institutionalized concealment. As a “pontifical secret”, to quote the Crimen policy, this violence is expected to be covered up by every church official, including yourselves. How then can the Pope publicly accuse you of “negligence” in protecting children when your vow of obedience to him and to canon law requires that you aid and abet violence against children?
It is not necessary for any of you to be part of this enormous deception. In truth, the Pope has no authority to order you to collude in the global criminal conspiracy embodied in the Crimen policy, and thereby risk your own arrest and imprisonment as accessories to child rape and trafficking. For under a common law court verdict and Order promulgated on Easter of 2014, all officials and clergy of the Church of Rome anywhere in the world were freed from their vows and fiduciary obligations to the Pope and the Vatican. That Order states that as a convicted transnational criminal body, the Vatican is in fact disestablished, and that a higher international and moral law supersedes the church statutes called canon law. This fact frees all of you to act according to your conscience and the law rather than to the criminally convicted regime in the Vatican.
We have included a copy of this court verdict and Order, which is also being disseminated to the clergy of your respective Dioceses.
Please be aware that this notification to you constitutes more than a reminder or a moral appeal. It carries thr weight of international law. If you continue to associate with the policies and actions of the Vatican and the Pope that conceal and camoflouge criminality in your church and violence against children, you can and will face arrest and conviction in common law courts convened under universal jurisdiction. During 2013 and 2014, such a court successfully convicted and forced from their offices Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, as well as the Jesuit leader Adolfo Pachon, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone and Irish Cardinal Sean Brady.
Accordingly, this will place all of you on notice that as the Catholic Bishops of Chile, you have thirty days as of this date, May 25, 2018, to publicly dissassociate yourselves from the Vatican and its policy of Crimen Sollicitationas, including by withholding all obligations and funds owed by you to the Pope and the Vatican. If you fail to do so you can and will be considered accessories to a criminally convicted body and may face arrest and public trial.
We await your reply.
The Directorate of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) with the endorsement of the clergy of Not in Our Name and other concerned church members
See attached version in Spanish
Invoking the Legal and Spiritual Disestablishment of the Church of Rome and its adjunct bodies, the Vatican and the “Holy See”
Issued as a Binding De Jure Annulment and Emancipation Order by The International Common Law Court of Justice and The Covenant of Free Congregational Christians on Easter Sunday the 20th Day of April in the year 2014
Let it Be Known and made effect by all men and women, persons and authorities that under the Supreme Law of God as embodied in the Common Law of Nature and Natural Right, as of this day, the institution and entity of the Church of Rome, its officers, clergy, adjunct and derivative bodies and corporate entirety, is now and forever abolished and disestablished as a corporate and a spiritual body. All people and powers formerly under its authority and influence and owing it allegiance are now and forever emancipated and freed from such obligatory servitude.
Having violated and waged unrelenting war on God and humanity through its history of crime, murder, apostasy, child sacrifice and idolatry, and thereby repudiated its covenanted requirement of duty to uphold the honor of Heaven and Earth, and the life and dignity of mankind, the Church of Rome has nullified its basis for existence and brought upon itself the status of a renegade transnational criminal organization in the eyes of God and man, and under the laws of both heaven and earth.
The ultimate authority of God as expressed in De Jure common law courts of judgment and in congregations of just, truthful men and women does therefore nullify the existence of the Church of Rome, the alleged “Apostolic Succession”, and its so-called “Canon Law”.
Therefore, as of this day, all such law, statutes, and all church offices and officials are declared to be forever abolished and possessing no effect or binding authority in heaven or on earth.
All Church of Rome officials and agents, commencing with Jorge Bergoglio, so-called Pontiff of the Church of Rome, every Cardinal of the Roman Curia, the heads of the Vatican Bank and Adolfo Pachon, chief “Superior” of the Jesuit Order, are hereby ordered to immediately stand down from and relinquish their offices.
The wealth, property and movable assets of the Church of Rome are hereby forfeited and declared to be under the common ownership of the People of the world, and may be peacefully seized and occupied by them.
Every member, employee and adherent of the Roman Catholic Church is hereby released from all of their vows, allegiance and obligations to the Church of Rome, and are freed to gather and worship in whatever congregational form that God and their conscience compels, separate from the disestablished Roman church.
The sheriffs and peace officers of lawful common law courts, assisted by the free people of the world, are henceforth authorized and encouraged to enact and enforce this Annulment and Emancipation Proclamation wherever possible, under the supreme and sovereign authority of God and the Law of Nations.
The people of God who have been lost and held in bondage within the spiritual captivity of the false church of Rome are now free to assemble in covenanted congregations which stand solely under the law of God and recognizing no other legitimate authority, for the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
The long night of spiritual tyranny and Vatican crime is over. Let the free people of the Earth and all true servants of God and Christ cleanse their lands of the Lie and the Murder formerly enthroned in Rome.
Proclaimed and enacted as on this Resurrection Sunday by The International Common Law Court of Justice with the collaboration of the The Covenant of Free Congregational Christians (The Covenanters)
This Proclamation is accompanied by a third and final exorcism and spiritual reclamation ceremony in Rome and throughout the world, on this Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014
In Coram Deo: Invoked in God’s presence – As God wills it, it is accomplished
A Lawful and Binding Act made under the Divine and Common Law. The power to bind and free now resides in God alone and through God’s free, covenanted people.
Not In Our Name: A Declaration of Concerned Protestant and Catholic Clergy and Laity, with a Ten Point Program to Bring the Church to Justice and Protect the Innocent
Posted on April 1, 2018 by Kevin
We are a group of clergy and former clergy of both Protestant and Catholic faiths who are united in our fundamental rejection of the genocidal legacy of Christendom, which is an empire of conquest and violence arising from the fusion of church and state under the later Roman emperors.
Christendom operates today through wealthy, state-protected church organizations which are legal corporations answerable neither to God nor to their own congregations of believers.
Christendom is a heresy and a denial of the supremacy of Christ and his sacrifice. For we owe our allegiance to God, not to church bodies deriving their power and legitimacy from state and temporal powers, and worldly wealth.
As Christ is manifest in every man and woman, since the kingdom of heaven is within us, and his kingdom is not of this world, then any church claiming to represent him is fraudulently denying Christ as Lord, and the ultimate sanctity of the human person.
We are compelled to make this declaration now because of the reign of lies and violence that predominates in the church, and of the history of brutality, genocide and destruction enacted over millennia by both Catholic and Protestant churches on non-Christians and the innocent.
This slaughter began over fifteen centuries ago, at the beginning of Christendom, and continues today.
The killing of millions of women and dissident Christians under Inquisitions, the Crusading ethic of Indulgence – which promised spiritual cleansing to anyone who killed Jews, Muslims and other “enemies of the faith” – and the eventual genocide of untold millions of indigenous nations around the world: all of this arose from the Church’s belief that it has the power to kill and conquer in the name of the non-violent Jesus.
The Vatican is responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in history because of two papal bulls (Romanus Pontifex, 1455, and Inter Catera, 1493) – proclaimed and still operative under so-called Canon Law – that sanctioned and encouraged the destruction and enslavement of all non-Christian peoples: the majority of humanity. The wealth of the Vatican today rests upon the stolen and unreturned lands of many of those nations.
Is it surprising, then, that for just as long, the Church has sanctioned the torture, abuse and even murder of innocent children in its orphanages, sweatshops, and “residential schools” around the world? Are we surprised that such a violent organization places its own material survival ahead of justice for the innocents it has wronged? Or, that under the canon law known as Crimen Solicitationas, every priest is expected to hide the evidence of the rape of children and allow this abomination to go unpunished, or face expulsion from the church?
We are aware that Protestant churches as well are guilty of these crimes, and regularly shelter rapists and other criminals in their ranks. The example may be set by Rome, but it is actively copied by others.
These facts are irrefutable, and yet Christians continue to give their attendance, money and allegiance to the church corporations with such blood on their hands and lies on their lips.
All of these crimes against God and humanity have been done in our name. We have, by commission and omission, given our support to the anti-Christ in our midst and allowed ourselves to be used to commit the worst of all sins: violence against the sacred holy spirit of God and the innocent.
For this reason, and to cleanse ourselves of this enormous apostasy and wrong, we are issuing the following Ten Point Program. We believe that these measures are required for the church to be brought under public control so that it no longer operates as a secret, criminal body preying on the innocent.
1. The Church must issue full reparations to all of its victims according to their wishes and needs. The Church must pay for all of the costs incurred by their damage to these victims, including all medical, counseling and retraining costs, and all loss of income caused by their disability or grief and suffering.
2. The Church must return all land and property taken from its victims, and restore and return all of the wealth generated by their exploitation of their victims to them, including the wealth gained through forced, unpaid or low paid labor.
3. The Church must surrender for a proper burial, unconditionally and at its own expense, the remains of all those who died in their institutions or under their care.
4. The Church must surrender to secular authorities without conditions all the evidence, and all the perpetrators and their accessories, connected to such deaths and to any other crimes against children and others under church care. The Church must participate unconditionally in any legal or human rights inquiries into their crimes and freely disclose their records to such investigations.
5. Those responsible for crimes against children and others in church facilities, including the Pope, must be arrested and tried in civil or international courts of law, and cannot be shielded from prosecution by any form of immunity or by so-called “canon law”.
6. All clergy and church employees must be licensed and monitored as public servants, and be legally compelled to swear a public, binding oath to protect the rights and sanctity of children, and disclose any harm done to them, if need be against the orders of the Church itself.
7. All tax exemptions, immunities, legal safeguards and special privileges enjoyed by the Church must be abolished.
8. Diplomatic recognition of the Vatican and its status as a so-called “state” must be annulled.
9. All special concordats and financial agreements with the Vatican must be annulled, and all public funds and taxes given to the Vatican must be returned to their respective governments.
10. The wealth and property of all church bodies larger than a single congregation must be nationalized and placed under public ownership, so that the Church may function as a servant of the community.
We, the founding clergy of the Protestant and Roman Catholic faiths united in our group Not in Our Name, do solemnly pledge ourselves to this program and allegiance, and call upon all Christians and clergy to do the same.
Henceforth, and until this Program is enacted and the Church is disestablished as a corporate, self-governing, criminal body, we will conduct ourselves and our pastoral duties separate from and in opposition to corporate Christendom and its existing churches.
Duly signed and ratified this Tenth Day of March, 2012 and Reissued on Easter Sunday, 2018
Please share this with clergy and laity and sign it. You can reach us at congregationalcovenant@gmail.com .
Breaking News! Now Available: Kevin Annett’s latest book “Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion” – through Amazon
Posted on February 14, 2016 by Kevin
List Price: $15.006″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
326 pagesISBN-13: 978-1523905775
ISBN-10: 1523905778
BISAC: Biography & Autobiography / Political
A narrative of extraordinary power and importance, Unrelenting is the long-awaited account of how one man’s courage toppled a Pope and changed the face of the world.
The twenty year saga of Reverend Kevin Annett to expose Genocide and child torture by his own Canadian culture has been recounted in part in other testimonies, but not until now has the entire story been told with such depth and humanity.
In his own words, and drawing on a rich body of evidence and experience, Kevin recounts a Herculean struggle to force a buried truth into the light of day, and to prosecute Church and State for their unspeakable crimes against the innocent.
Written as both historical record and spiritual reflection, Unrelenting moves past the bare facts of a global crime to the deeper question of how moral people are to respond to official malfeasance in their own back yard. Its passion and devotion reveal a man who has found his real vocation as “a doer of the word, and not merely a speaker”.
In the manner of the author’s own cited 18th century ancestor, the persecuted English free thinker Peter Annett, this work is written not as mere commentary, but to arouse the readers and summon them to change.
Reverend Kevin D. Annett has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is an award winning author, broadcaster, film maker and human rights figure. He lectures widely in North America and Europe and serves as a community minister and spiritual adviser to many communities including the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State. (www.itccs.org) He may be contacted at hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com or through 386-323-5774 in the USA. Please see www.KevinAnnett.com .To order copies contact the author or see
CreateSpace eStore: https://www.createspace.com/6052421 Take Action this Week against convicted felon Jorge Bergoglio (aka “pope Francis”)
Posted on September 22, 2015 by admin

Remember who will Die if we do not Act
People are beginning to converge to witness against wanted felon Jorge Bergoglio (“pope Francis”) now that he is arriving tonight at Andrew’s Air Force Base in Washington DC. The first action is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday the 23rd outside the White House.Please see the compete schedule of actions at www.itccs.org, posting of August 27.
If you live in D.C., New York City or Philadelphia, plan to join others at these actions. If you live elsewhere, hold occupations and actions at your local roman catholic church.
Also, please create your own signs and placards to display at these actions. Some of the slogans at these actions will include:Behind Jorge’s Smile Lurks a KillerThe Vatican: A Transnational Criminal Organization –www.itccs.orgThe 9th Circle will kill again this week: Stop their sacrificial ritual in Washington DC!Why is Pope Francis “inspired” by genocidal missionary Junipero Serra?The U.N. and the Vatican: Partners in CrimeShame on Obama and the Congress for their collusion with war criminal Bergoglio!
Junipero Serra was a Murderer, not a Saint
Come Clean Jorge! Where are the Children buried?No Tax Exemptions for catholic child killers!Who would Jesus Rape?Stop Funding Rome and its crimes with American tax money!Jorge’s Dirty War has never stoppedPope Francis: A Threat to all ChildrenStop Protecting Child Rapists in Robes! Repeal Crimen Sollicitationas!End diplomatic status for the Vatican
Please take action wherever you are. Children will die this week if we do not act: starting at midnight on September 23 in the basement of the Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC. Be there and stop the 9th Circle killings.ITCCS Central Office
22 September, 2015
We are on the Brink: A Time for Understanding and Reclamation
Posted on September 14, 2015 by admin
A Commentary and Call by Kevin D. Annett
September 14, 2015https://youtu.be/YnFvTD7RCSU
On September 22, the world’s oldest lie and its greatest crime is coming to the heartland of America. The aim of this power is to enlist Americans in its plan to establish a single tyranny over humanity: not a one world government, but a global corporatocracy of one master and many slaves. The mask worn by this power is the Church of Rome and its ruler, Jorge Bergoglio. For many years I have helped to document and expose the murderous nature of this power called the Vatican, and to prosecute it for its crimes against children and so many others. In so doing, we have pulled back its deceptive mask and shown it for what it is, in all of its corruption, ritual sacrifice and murder. And as we have done so, we have revealed how cowardly this entity is: how it in fact has no true power, but flees from our exposure of it, and hides behind its lies so as to continue to confuse humanity, now that we can see it for what it is. And so, despite our exposure of this oldest enemy of mankind, its hold over the minds and hearts of many people continues. Because of our success in exposing and confronting it, this power in Rome has donned a new, deceptive mask in the form of a smiling old man in a white robe, who speaks of compassion while he honors and names as a “saint” a mass murderer of Indians; who calls for “saving the planet” while funding and profiting off GMO companies, Big Pharma and the arms industry; and who presents himself as a new hope for mankind while hiding his own trafficking and murder of innocent children. And very soon, this smiling lie calling itself Pope Francis will be meeting with the United States government and the United Nations to enlist their help in imposing a new global tyranny over mankind. To those with understanding, we have no need to explain the demonic nature of the Vatican and its imprisoned followers. But whether or not we share this understanding, we are united with many men and women around the world in our determination to stop the crimes of the Vatican and abolish its power in the world. And we have learned from hard won experience that we can in fact halt and undermine this thing called the Church of Rome, despite all of its apparent power: but only if we use the weapons of God and our own humanity to nullify the authority of Rome and its puppet governments and laws. This past week, we have demonstrated once again how even a few of us standing in the power of truth can force the Vatican to back away from its plans. For when Jorge Bergoglio learned that some of our people plan to confront and stop the child trafficking event known as the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, he changed his itinerary to avoid the most public aspect of that event. Bergoglio knows his own guilt and the crimes of his church, and that guilt makes him weak and defensive; for he knows too how our same efforts have forced the removal of his predecessor, Joseph Ratzinger, and that Jorge Bergoglio himself faces a standing citizen arrest warrant because of his own violation of children. The truth itself is God’s own revealed power, but it needs men and women to wield it. We cannot act alone. It is now time for everyone of conscience to stop this global criminal power in Rome: everyone, starting with the police and the judges and the soldiers who are the peace keepers of America, who can and must defend our children and our liberties against the openly murderous church of Rome – especially now that the United States government is aiding and abetting its crimes, and thereby is committing crime itself, in your name and with your tax money. As a convicted criminal, and as the head of a body whose policies of protecting child rapists is a clear threat to the children, the laws and the sovereignty of the United States of America, Jorge Bergoglio needs to be prevented from entering America, and deported if he does arrive. That is simply the law. Bergoglio must be confronted, and exposed, for we know that children will die at the hands of him and his followers when he is in America. If we do not act, and confront these child killers in church robes, at least four innocent children will die brutally in Ninth Circle sacrificial rituals that will be conducted in catholic churches in Washington DC on September 23, and in Philadelphia on September 26.Two of these children are Indians, a boy and a girl, who were taken from the Gila reservation in Arizona.
But even as we fight for the lives of these children, and as in any exorcism we name and banish the evil in our midst, our real power over this entity lies not in attacking it but in our active nullifying of its authority and legitimacy; and in our replacing of that power with a new authority: the law of God alone. And so even as some of us chosen for the task will take on and confront this Beast, the majority of Americans and people everywhere must publicly demonstrate their denial of it by boycotting Jorge Bergoglio and his visit. Turn off your TV and internet, and ignore the news coverage of his trip. Surround catholic churches and call on its people to stay out of them and to stop funding the murderous church of Rome. Refuse to do anything during the five days of his visit to America, and fast and pray for the evil to depart. For by such a public lamentation and shunning of Bergoglio and his lies, we are weakening that Lie and nullifying its power to deceive and violate and murder. But even more importantly, by our turning our collective back on the entity of Rome in this way we are embodying a divine reality, which is the source of our power and our hope: the reality that in the face of the abomination in Rome and its centuries of crimes against God and humanity, God has nullified the false church of Rome and all of the worldly authority that serves it. For we are on the brink of a new world: not the tyranny being concocted by global elites, but the reign of God’s law as a new covenant with humanity. And so now we each must make a simple choice, concerning what power we will serve: lies or truth; life or mass murder; the global corporatocracy, or the new, common law covenant of free people that stands over and above our allegiance to all governments, all laws, and all religions. We will be demonstrating our allegiance to this new covenant in the days and the years ahead. We invite you to join us – for the children, and our future as people under only one authority: that of God, and our Godly conscience, as a Republic of Equal and Sovereign people.https://youtu.be/YnFvTD7RCSU
This Sunday , June 14, on Radio Free Kanata:
Posted on June 12, 2015 by admin3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern on www.bbsradio.com/radiofreekanata
Reclaiming Magna Carta and our Natural Liberties“To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice”Article 40 of Magna Carta, June 15, 1215On the eve of the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta, the “Great Charter” of common law, we will be discussing why this Charter affirms our natural liberties and is still a weapon of the people against tyranny. We will show how Magna Carta is being used to entrench the rule of law and justice in our new Republic, and discuss how common law courts can be convened using the Charter.We will also relate this discussion to our ongoing exposure of crimes against humanity by church and state in “Canada”, and how we can use common law to stop these ongoing crimes in our midst.Featuring our regular hosts Kevin Annett and Ryan Gable, and Republic of Kanata organizers.Tune in this Sunday and help make history!AND A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT …The number of our archived and active listeners on Radio Free Kanata has jumped from 89 on our first show, three months ago, to nearly 800 today! So keep spreading the word and tuning in!PLUSSee Kevin Annett’s latest commentary, “Some Advice to a Desperate ‘Pope’ “, on this link: http://youtu.be/yuMKxy1mlAE
Arrest the Convicted War Criminals on our Land!
Posted on April 7, 2015 by admin
Official Communique from The Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata
April 6, 2015 Winnipeg

An Urgent Directive to all Sheriffs and Peace Officers of the Republic, and their Direct Action Groups (DAG’s):Thirty men and women – all of them officials of church and state, plus one corporate CEO – were lawfully convicted in February, 2013 of committing or concealing unspeakable Crimes against Humanity across Kanata, including the torture, trafficking and killing of children. These guilty individuals were all sentenced to twenty five years in prison or permanent banishment from Kanata. It is now the job of all Republican Sheriffs and citizens to immediately arrest and detain or banish these guilty criminals, who are wanted felons and Public Enemies under the law. You will be acting under the authority and warrants of the High Court of Justice of the Republic.
A complete dossier of these convictions and court order will be provided to you as part of your training for this mission. The names and locations of the guilty are listed below. The Arrest Warrant issued against each party by the Republic’s High Court of Justice will be provided to you upon completion of your training.
The guilty parties include heads of state like Elizabeth Windsor, Stephen Harper and Joseph Ratzinger, officials of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, RCMP officers, and lower level functionaries.
Arrest Procedure:
Upon receiving the High Court of Justice Arrest Warrant, Republic Sheriffs and their citizen-based Direct Action groups will apprehend the convicted party named in the Warrant and declare them to be under arrest. The following statement will then be read to them in front of at least three witnesses, and filmed and broadcast for posterity:
“(Name of Apprehended party), you have been lawfully convicted of committing or concealing crimes against humanity on the soil of Kanata, and accordingly have been sentenced to twenty five years in prison or permanent banishment from Kanata. You are hereby declared to be a public enemy. As an officer of the Republic of Kanata, and acting under the authority of the court’s verdict, and of this Warrant of the High Court of Justice of the Republic of Kanata, I hereby order you to immediately comply with this Warrant and either surrender yourself to me for incarceration, or leave our country immediately, and never return. If you fail to comply with this Warrant, harsher measures will be taken against you. Do you understand what I have said to you and will you comply?”
If the party complies, he or she will be led away by you and taken to the border for deportation. More likely, they will ignore or deny the Warrant and their guilt, in which case you will respond,
“You have twenty four hours to comply with this Warrant.”
After 24 hours, you will return with others in your DAG and enforce the Warrant.
You may approach local police, deputize them as common law peace officers, and seek their assistance in the arrests.
The DAG that accompanies you must consist of at least five people, including a videographer to record the event, and someone to act as a liaison with the press, or with the police or other security if they try to intervene.
We will be holding specific training workshops in the weeks ahead to prepare you and your DAG for this mission. Contact us directly for more information.
with our thanks,
Colin Sullivan, Secretary, on behalf of the Provisional Council
A List of the “Dirty Thirty”: The Convicted War Criminals of KanataName, Position, Last Known Location: 1. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Ottawa 2. Joseph Ratzinger, former “pope”, Rome 3. Elizabeth Windsor, “queen of england”, London, England 4. Pedro Lopez Quintana, Vatican Nuncio to Canada, Ottawa 5. Fred Hiltz, Primate, Anglican Church in Canada Toronto 6. Bob Bennett, Anglican Bishop, Huron Diocese, London, Ontario 7. Nora Sanders, General Secretary, United Church of Canada, Etobicoke, Ontario 8. Murray Sinclair, Chairman, “truth and reconciliation commission” Winnipeg 9. John Milloy, Officer, “truth and reconciliation commission” , Peterborough, Ontario 10. Gary Paterson, Moderator, United Church of Canada (UCC), Etobicoke 11. Jon Jessiman, Lawyer, United Church of Canada, Delta, B.C. 12. Marion Best, Former Moderator, UCC, Toronto 13. Brian Thorpe, Official, UCC, Etobicoke 14. Bill Howie, Official, UCC , Victoria 15. Art Anderson, Official, UCC , Vancouver 16. Foster Freed, UCC clergy, Parksville, BC 17. Phil Spencer, UCC clergy, Qualicum Beach, BC 18. John Cashore, Former B.C. government minister, Coquitlam, BC 19. Peter Montague, RCMP Inspector, Vancouver 20. Robert Paulson, Former RCMP Superintendent, Ottawa 21. Terry Whyte, Former UCC clergy, Port Alberni 22. Ron Huinink, Lawyer, Vancouver 23. Daniel Fulton, Former CEO, Weyerhauser Ltd., Seattle 24. Sean Atleo, Former Chief, Assembly of First Nations, Ottawa 25. Bill Montour, CEO, Six Nations Confederacy, Brantford, Ontario 26. Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, Superior General, Jesuit Order, Rome 27. Tarcisio Bertone, Cardinal, Rome 28. Angelo Sodano, Cardinal, Rome 29. Angela Bognasco, Cardinal, Genoa 30. Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury, London, England
ref: www.itccs.org , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ormOIlOi4Vc
Stop the Convicted Criminal Jorge Bergoglio!
Posted on March 29, 2015 by admin

For Crimes against Humanity, Child Trafficking, complicity in torture and murder in Argentina, and presiding over a convicted criminal syndicate
This Convicted criminal, JORGE BERGOGLIO, is being given aid and comfort by the United Nations and the United States government, both of whom have invited BERGOGLIO to speak under their auspices during his visits to New York City and Washington DC, during the week of September 24, 2015.
An International Common Law Arrest Warrant was issued against BERGOGLIO on July 18, 2014, after he was lawfully convicted of these crimes.
Police and citizens are instructed to immediately detain BERGOGLIO and deny him all aid and comfort. Please report his whereabouts to the sworn common law Sheriffs and their deputies in your community.
Issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (www.itccs.org)
Posted in Action: What to Do, Canada, Canon Law, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Church of Rome, common law, Crimen Solicitationas, Crown of England, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Italy, ITCCS, Jesuits, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ndrangheta, Ninth Circle, Occupy the Vatican, Papal Deception, pedophilia, police state, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Torture, Twelve Mile Club, Vatican
The Weekly Voice of the Republic is Officially Launched
Posted on March 2, 2015 by adminFirst Broadcast of Radio Free Kanata a “thrilling new start”
March 2, 2015
A Manitoba farmer, an Algonquin native woman, and host Kevin Annett took to the airwaves yesterday to inaugurate the official Voice of the Republic of Kanata: Radio Free Kanata.
“I was captivated. Thank you! What a thrilling new start to the taking back of our country!” wrote one listener from the west coast.
The first program featured Theresa Harrison and Katie Stoqua describing their efforts to establish the Republic under common law, and expose deadly crimes and fraud by the “Canadian” government and its churches.
Both women are signatories to the Proclamation of January 15, 2015, that lawfully established the Republic. (www.kanatarepublic.ca)
“We need a new deal, an end to all this corruption” said Theresa, who farms near Brandon, Manitoba, and who has led a campaign to free the falsely imprisoned common law educator Dean Clifford, who has been held without charges for over a year in Brandon Penitentiary.
“I’ve learned that many Canadians are waiting for something like the Republic, they’re sick of the system. We have to make contact with them face to face and show them there’s an alternative.”
Katie Stoqua described her life as a native woman and the refusal of “white” canadians to face the crimes of their own churches. A former Anglican church member, she quit last year after learning of the Indian residential schools genocide, and the “Holyrood Agreement” that places Anglicans under the Church of Rome and its policy of protecting child rapists.
“I tried leafletting members of my church about everything and I got such incredible hostility and hatred. People there seemed more upset that I was disturbing their day than they were about tens of thousands of children being killed in their residential schools.”
The next Radio Free Kanata program, on March 8, will elaborate on the vision of Kanata as a nation freed of its genocidal legacy. Indigenous activists who are working with the Republic will describe their efforts to re-establish their traditional laws and nationhood in the face of Canada’s ongoing genocide against them.
Kevin Annett comments,
“On March 8, we’ll be reminding our listeners of Canada’s ‘Dirty Thirty’: the convicted war criminals of church and state who face citizens’ arrest for committing and concealing genocide in our country – people like Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Queen Elizabeth, and church leaders like Anglican primate Fred Hiltz”
The program will also feature regular reports by local Republic organizers and details of the campaigns to establish local common law courts and directly reclaim the nation.
“Kanata won’t be built in a day, but we have begun. Now it’s up to each of you, to go from being a listener to a participant” said Kevin Annett.
Please tune in and spread the word of the newest voice for change and recovery in the land known as Kanata.
Radio Free Kanata airs every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time atwww.bbsradio.com/radiofreekanata . Contact republicofkanata@gmail.com to participate, and see www.kanatarepublic.ca .