The Birth of a Nation
Posted on June 13, 2015 by admin
First Constitutional Convention of the Republic of Kanata to convene in TorontoOctober 30-November 1, 2015Open Delegate system allows voice and vote to any sworn citizenIssued by the Provisional Council of the RepublicWinnipeg: 13 June, 2015 (Republic News Service) The first Constitutional Convention of the Republic of Kanata will convene in Toronto on Friday, October 30, 2015. The three day gathering will formally adopt a Constitution for the Republic and elect a Congress to serve as the legitimate provisional government. Any sworn citizen of the Republic may register as a Convention delegate and receive full voice and vote at all of its proceedings. “On January 15 we proclaimed the Republic and its common law as a lawful entity. After the Convention, we’ll have a constitutional framework for our nation, and a new government to make Kanata and its vision a reality” said Colin Sullivan, Secretary of the Provisional Council in Winnipeg. A Convention Organizing Committee (COC) is administering the event and is formulating policy papers for debate and adoption on six general areas: 1. Government2. The Law3. Civil & Internal Affairs4. Nation States within the Federated Republic (Indigenous Nations, Anglia and Quebec)5. The Economy & Environment, and6. International & Foreign Affairs All citizens and local Republic Conveners will receive copies of the position papers and Registration material before the Convention. This material will also be posted in a special section at . The Convention and all of its material and correspondence will be conducted bi-lingually, in English and French. International observers from America and Europe will be in attendance. For more information, and to register as a Convention delegate or an observer, contact the COC at Carl Redvers)Issued by the Provisional Council of the Republic13 June, 2015
………………………… En Francais …………………………
Première Convention Constitutionnelle de la République du Kanata convoquée à Toronto
du 30 octobre au 1er novembre 2015
Selon un système de délégation libre accordant le droit de parole et de vote à tout citoyen assermenté
Émis par le Conseil provisoire de la République
Winnipeg, le 13 juin 2015 (Service de presse de la République)
La première Convention Constitutionnelle de la République du Kanata est convoquée à Toronto le vendredi 30 octobre 2015.
Cette rencontre de trois jours verra l’adoption officielle d’une Constitution pour la République et l’élection d’un Congrès agissant à titre de gouvernement provisoire légitime. Tout citoyen assermenté de la République peut s’inscrire en tant que délégué à la Convention et jouir d’un plein droit de parole et de vote durant toutes les délibérations.
« Le 15 janvier 2015, nous avons proclamé la République et sa common law(droit commun/coutumier) en tant qu’entité légitime. À l’issue de la Convention, nous posséderons un cadre constitutionnel pour notre nation, et un nouveau gouvernement pour faire du Kanata et de sa vision une réalité », a affirmé Colin Sullivan, Secrétaire du Conseil provisoire à Winnipeg.
Le Comité organisateur de la Convention (COC) est chargé de l’administration de l’événement et élabore actuellement des documents de politique générale pour débat et adoption dans six grands secteurs :
1. Gouvernement
2. La Loi
3. Affaires civiles et internes
4. États-nations à l’intérieur de la République fédérée (Nations autochtones, Anglia et Québec)
5. L’économie et l’environnement, et
6. Affaires internationales et étrangères
Tous les citoyens et convocateurs républicains locaux recevront copie des déclarations de principe, de même que les documents d’inscription avant la Convention. Ces documents seront affichés sous une section spéciale à l’adresse
La Convention, ainsi que tout le matériel et la correspondance s’y rapportant, seront produits dans les deux langues usuelles, soit l’anglais et le français. Des observateurs américains et européens seront présents.
Pour plus de renseignements, et pour vous inscrire comme délégué à la Convention ou comme simple observateur, contactez le COC à (à l’attention de Carl Redvers)
Émis par le Conseil provisoire de la République
Historic Radio Free Kanata interview with Dean Clifford: March 22
Posted on March 23, 2015 by admin
In the first of a series of exclusive interviews, Canadian prisoner of conscience Dean Clifford describes his fight to be free and bring common law knowledge to the people of Kanata. A follow up interview with Dean and Theresa Harrison of the Republic will take place this Sunday, March 29 at 6 pm eastern time at .
The Weekly Voice of the Republic is Officially Launched
Posted on March 2, 2015 by adminFirst Broadcast of Radio Free Kanata a “thrilling new start”
March 2, 2015
A Manitoba farmer, an Algonquin native woman, and host Kevin Annett took to the airwaves yesterday to inaugurate the official Voice of the Republic of Kanata: Radio Free Kanata.
“I was captivated. Thank you! What a thrilling new start to the taking back of our country!” wrote one listener from the west coast.
The first program featured Theresa Harrison and Katie Stoqua describing their efforts to establish the Republic under common law, and expose deadly crimes and fraud by the “Canadian” government and its churches.
Both women are signatories to the Proclamation of January 15, 2015, that lawfully established the Republic. (
“We need a new deal, an end to all this corruption” said Theresa, who farms near Brandon, Manitoba, and who has led a campaign to free the falsely imprisoned common law educator Dean Clifford, who has been held without charges for over a year in Brandon Penitentiary.
“I’ve learned that many Canadians are waiting for something like the Republic, they’re sick of the system. We have to make contact with them face to face and show them there’s an alternative.”
Katie Stoqua described her life as a native woman and the refusal of “white” canadians to face the crimes of their own churches. A former Anglican church member, she quit last year after learning of the Indian residential schools genocide, and the “Holyrood Agreement” that places Anglicans under the Church of Rome and its policy of protecting child rapists.
“I tried leafletting members of my church about everything and I got such incredible hostility and hatred. People there seemed more upset that I was disturbing their day than they were about tens of thousands of children being killed in their residential schools.”
The next Radio Free Kanata program, on March 8, will elaborate on the vision of Kanata as a nation freed of its genocidal legacy. Indigenous activists who are working with the Republic will describe their efforts to re-establish their traditional laws and nationhood in the face of Canada’s ongoing genocide against them.
Kevin Annett comments,
“On March 8, we’ll be reminding our listeners of Canada’s ‘Dirty Thirty’: the convicted war criminals of church and state who face citizens’ arrest for committing and concealing genocide in our country – people like Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Queen Elizabeth, and church leaders like Anglican primate Fred Hiltz”
The program will also feature regular reports by local Republic organizers and details of the campaigns to establish local common law courts and directly reclaim the nation.
“Kanata won’t be built in a day, but we have begun. Now it’s up to each of you, to go from being a listener to a participant” said Kevin Annett.
Please tune in and spread the word of the newest voice for change and recovery in the land known as Kanata.
Radio Free Kanata airs every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time . Contact to participate, and see .
Direct Action and the Republic
Posted on February 13, 2015 by admin
Republic of Kanata Sheriff Training Manual
Supplement: The Direct Action Groups
The Direct Action Groups (DAG‘s) were mandated by the High Court of Justice of the Republic of Kanata on January 15, 2015. That mandate read in part,
“The Direct Action Groups are citizen-based militias whose purpose is:
- To establish and maintain the Republic of Kanata, its Constitution and its laws under the supervision and authority of sworn Republican sheriffs, and to actively disestablish Crown and corporate authority within the Republic,
- To enforce the verdicts and warrants of the common law courts of the Republic, and to provide security to those courts and their officials,
- To organize, protect and maintain land reclamations and other direct actions by sovereign men and women in the Republic, and to occupy and seize the property and assets of criminal bodies and felons convicted by common law courts,
- To protect the children of their communities by identifying, arresting and prosecuting child rapists, murderers and those who aid them, and by permanently banishing such criminals from their communities;
- To educate, train and mobilize the people to defendthemselves against threats to their liberty and well being, including by establishing a grassroots intelligence network;
- To initiate any other direct actions needed to protect thepeople and their liberties.”The Direct Action Groups are established by the formation of three or more men or women in a community into a Group. Each Group operates under the direction of the local Republican Sheriff. Unlike these Sheriffs, DAG members require no special training or accreditation, since they are in effect a peoples’ militia whose purpose is to identify and stop threats to the people, their children, and the Republic as a whole.
The DAG‘s are in effect the eyes and arms of the people, watching over and guarding them. As guardians, they monitor crimes, investigate those responsible, and take direct measures to stop them, but always according to the laws and Constitution of the Republic and its accredited officers, with whom they act in unison.
The Republic of Kanata and its Common Law: The Facts
Posted on December 30, 2014 by admin
Ten Basic Questions and Answers

- What is the Republic of Kanata?
A sovereign nation of many nations that have broken free from the British monarchy and its tyrannical system of “crown law”.
Kanata is convened under a public Proclamation of January 15, 2015 that establishes it as a constitutional republic under the common law. The Republic has over 1,000 founding signatories but reflects the wishes of nearly 60% of Canadians, who when polled in 2013 favored an end to all ties with the British monarchy.
The Republic of Kanata is also the fulfillment of the aspirations of the first patriots who attempted unsuccessfully to create such a Canadian Republic in 1837. “Kanata” is an Iroquois word meaning “our communal village”.
- Is the Republic of Kanata an actual lawful government?
Yes. Its founding Constitution disestablished the political authority of the British crown in Canada and replaced it with a sovereign nation consisting of free, self governing people. The legal legitimacy and jurisdiction of the Republic was created by an Act of Supremacy in its first General Congress, which established a High Court of Justice to administer the common law everywhere in the new nation. The authority of all former agents and officials of the crown was formally revoked by this Act.
3. How does the new Republic affect my life?
Freedom from Debt Slavery:You are now freed from all of your former debts, mortgages and taxes, which were declared legally null and void by the Constitution of the Republic. Any attempt by agents of the old regime of “Canada” to collect such debts or coerce you are now illegal acts, and the perpetrators can be arrested by Republican sheriffs and tried for treason by the common law courts of the new Republic. All banks, credit and money supply are now under the control of the people.
No income tax: Abolished under the new Constitution.
Prosperity: You are eligible to receive up to two hundred hectares of land formerly held by the so called “crown”, as well as a guaranteed annual income from the wealth formerly hoarded by the crown agencies and their super-rich corporate partners.
Justice: You now have direct control over the law and the courts of the land by electing their judges, juries and sheriffs.
Direct Democracy: If you are sixteen years or older, you can now vote in elections every two years to the General Congress and every year to local governing bodies. You can also now recall any elected or non elected public official, judge or sheriff who has violated their oath of office or lost the confidence of the people.
- What is the common law?
The basis of all legitimate government and authority. It is inherent in all men and women and establishes them as unconditionally free, self governing and sovereign people whose life and liberty cannot be subverted by any power.
The common law is superior to and outweighs all government statutes and other legal systems such as church “canon law” and so-called “admiralty law” employed by governments to rule arbitrarily. “The common law is common sense written by God in the hearts of the people” (Justice Edward Coke, 1628)
- Are common law courts legal and valid?
Yes. Their authority and legitimacy as upholders of the rights of the people is recognized by the United States Supreme Court as well as Canadian “crown” courts, which are descended from the English common law tradition. That tradition recognizes that the people themselves are the best guarantors of their own freedom; and that therefore, the law is upheld and defined by citizen juries and enforced by local county sheriffs beholden to the people and not a central government.
- Who is Kevin Annett and what is his role in the Republic?
Kevin is a leader of the common law and Republic movement, and of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). He serves as a special adviser in common law to the Republican government and works actively with many victims of crimes against humanity, in Kanata and around the world. He is also the Convener of District One (West Coast) in the Republic.
Kevin is also a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and award winning author and human rights figure. Born and bred on the prairies and west coast, Kevin is the former United Church minister who first exposed and documented genocide by church and crown in the Indian schools. ( . A biography of Kevin and more information is found at .
- How do I go about joining the Republic and getting involved?
The Republic of Kanata is a fact: as of January 15, 2015, you live within its common law jurisdiction anywhere on the territory of the former “Dominion of Canada”. However, you can declare your formal citizenship within the Republic by taking a Pledge to the Republican constitution and receiving official identification as a member of the Republic, including a passport and citizenship papers. You can also take an oath of office as a sheriff or other public official, and become involved in your local branch and District, by contacting .
- Do indigenous nations have to be a part of the new Republic?
No. If any genuine indigenous nation decides unanimously not to be affiliated with the Republic, they may legally secede and establish their own separate nation within the general Federation of the Republic. However, the indigenous nation may not create laws or practices that violate the Constitution and common law of the Republic. If the indigenous nation remains within the Republic, they will have guaranteed representation in a separate Chamber of Indigenous Nations within the General Congress.
- Am I at risk under the new Republic?
There are risks involved in any freedom movement. But the law and the people are with us, and more police are coming over to our jurisdiction every day alongside our growing network of sworn common law sheriffs.
Your liberty and security will be guaranteed the more you make the Republic a reality by your own refusal to participate in the old system called “crown law” and “Canada”. Turn away from the old and reclaim the land, the law and the future, for all of us.
- What do I do next?
- Take the pledge to the Republic
- Join your nearest Republican branch and help educate and mobilize your family and neighbors for the Republic
- Stop paying taxes and mortgage payments, and issue our Revocation Order to all government and corporate agencies and agents
- Receive training as a common law sheriff or peace officer
- Defend your fellow members of the Republic
Issued January, 2015
by the General Congress of the Federated Republic of Kanata
Convened in Winnipeg under Common Law Jurisdiction
Historic Common Law Grand Jury to convene January 15, 2015
Posted on December 17, 2014 by admin
Breaking Historic Joint Communique from the Office of the Central ITCCS Directorate and the Republic of Kanata
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Avenue des Nerviens , Belgium 1040 Bruxelles
(see attached Notice to Alfred L. Webre)
December 17, 2014

Vancouver targeted for new criminal investigation:
Historic Common Law Grand Jury will investigate murders, child trafficking and “black ops” by Ndrangheta-Vatican, under Republic’s jurisdiction
Directorate reaffirms its support for Kevin Annett
Decades of unsolved murders, disappearances and systemic child trafficking will be the subject of the first Common Law Grand Jury ever convened in Canada, commencing January 15, 2015.
Established by the Republic of Kanata’s new constitutional jurisdiction which will be invoked on January 1, a High Court of Justice will launch the Grand Jury inquiry that will “definitely lead to indictments and convictions of some of the top child killers in Canada and the world”, according to a spokeswoman for the ITCCS Central Directorate.
Among the issues to be investigated by the Common Law Grand Jury are:
- the Pacific Rim child trafficking and “snuff film” industry, and its ties to the Canadian, Thai and Chinese governments
- Catholic and Ndrangheta Ninth Circle sacrificial practices among west coast indigenous people, and the unsolved disappearance of over two hundred aboriginal women in British Columbia
- the regime of “institutionalized pedophilia” and child killing operating among church, police, business and judicial leaders in the so-called “Twelve Mile Club” and the Vancouver Club
- the unsolved murder of six aboriginal ITCCS activists in Vancouver between 2009 and 2014
- ongoing “black ops” attacks against ITCCS leaders including Kevin Annett by Ndrangheta-paid operatives in Vancouver
ITCCS Central Directorate officers, and observers from police agencies in the United States and Europe, will assist the Grand Jury, which will operate under the protection of sworn common law sheriffs authorized by the Republic of Kanata.
In conjunction with its inquiry, the ITCCS Central Diretorate will sponsor a media event and documentary film known as “Unrelenting: Twenty Years in Pursuit of the Assassins”, to commence on January 23, 2015: the 20thanniversary of the firing without cause of Rev. Kevin Annett by the United Church of Canada.
“This whole massive inquiry into genocide and child murder really began on that day, as it led to everything that we’ve achieved so far” commented Kevin Annett today from an undisclosed location.
“The world needs to be constantly reminded of what we’ve achieved and how the reign of terror against our children by church, state and the Mob has never stopped”.
In related news, the ITCCS Central Directorate in Brussels released the following addendum statement today,
“In light of recent assaults on the work and character of our North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett, the Directorate wishes to publicly reaffirm its unqualified support for and confidence in Rev. Annett. Such attacks on him by paid operatives and their dupes are a sign of the effectiveness of Kevin’s work and the sterling quality of his own integrity and courage.
“Our Directorate has made it a priority to investigate more deeply these attacks when its officers are in Vancouver in the new year, based on startling new evidence given to our office regarding the source of these attacks.”
Further information will be released shortly.
Issued 17 December, 2014
The ITCCSCentral Directorate
Belgium-1040 Bruxelles, Avenue des Nerviens
17 December, 2014
To: Alfred L. Webre
2938 West King Edward Avenue
Dear Mr. Webre,
Recent actions by you and your associates, as well as disturbing evidence brought to our attention, have caused the ITCCS Central Directorate to lose confidence in your motives and objectivity in relation to both the work of our Tribunal and its courts, and our North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett.
Accordingly, the Directorate advises you to have legal representation present when two of our officers will meet with you in Vancouver in mid January, as part of the Grand Jury being convened by us, which is described herein.
The new and upcoming public disclosures of our work that will be issued by our Directorate will occur at the public media conference on January 23, 2015 described herein. We decline any private media interviews with you or your associates.
Marie Bouchard on behalf of the Central Directorate
A Special Communique and Call to Action from the Republic of Kanata
Posted on December 6, 2014 by admin
Issued to all volunteers and organizers in Kanata’s Six Districts
by Kevin Annett
Special Adviser to the Republic’s Provisional Council in Winnipeg
December 6, 2014
“I didn’t know we and the common law had power until that Mountie backed right off …”
This remark from a protestor at the Kinder-Morgan dispute last week in Vancouver could sum up the transformation shaking our nation and the world these days. The protestor had just handed an RCMP officer a copy of our Republic’s Stand Down Order to “crown” officials, and the officer had complied.
The protestor – a young woman in her twenties – signed up with the Republic the next day.
Hundreds of others like her, and you the reader, have taken the same step in the past few months, and are poised to help inaugurate the Republic of Kanata in the new year of 2015. And we will do so not simply through a Proclamation of Independence but by direct actions to take back our land and liberties, and restore the Common Law as our governing authority.
As sovereign men and women, you have the God given power and the right and obligation to do so. And here is how we will accomplish it:
- The Proclamation. After four drafts were debated and amended, our Proclamation of Independence received final assent by our Provisional Council last Monday. This Proclamation declaring our sovereignty will be read publicly and enacted at a foundational ceremony on the morning of January 1, 2015, at five locations across Kanata. On that day, the Republic of Kanata will come into lawful existence. The first Congress of the new Republic will be convened during 2015.
- The Constitution and High Court of the Republic. The Proclamation will authorize a new Constitution for the Republic, which will provide for common law courts of justice, including a High Court of the Republic under whose authority local courts will operate. This step will lawfully disestablish the laws and governance of “Canada” and the crown, and legitimate our laws and actions as a Republic.
- Reclaiming the Nation. On January 15, a fortnight after Independence Day, our Republic will commence direct and ongoing actions to actively reclaim the land and the law by land seizures, nullification of debts and taxes, and take over of public facilities. Not only the RCMP and police, but all “crown” officials across Kanata, will have their power revoked, and all bills, taxes, statutes and laws of the former corporate entity called Canada will be made null and void. In their place, we will actively establish new laws and institutions designed to return wealth and power to all the people.
You, the nearly one thousand members of the Republic, are the seed from which this new nation will emerge. Each of you must recruit, educate and mobilize other men and women over the next few months as part of this campaign and Proclamation of Liberty.
As part of this notification, you have received the names and contact information of the other Republic volunteers in your community. You are to gather together immediately and do the following:
- Establish a local branch of our Republic and elect three officers: A Branch Convener, an Education and Membership Coordinator, and a Direct Action Coordinator. Hold one public action and one branch meeting every week.
- Distribute our Proclamation and literature to the public and involve them in our direct actions, including the establishment of local Republican Common Law Courts.
- Take the Pledge of Allegiance to the Republic, sign up others to do the same, and pay dues to the local branch of no less than five percent of your monthly income. (All of your funds will remain in your local branch to supply your actions).
More advice and resources will be provided to you through our official publications and website ( . The head Convener for your District will be in touch with all of you directly.
If you are reading this, you are the Republic. From you and you alone will issue the future: a reclaimed land, wiped clean of the corruption and crimes of the present, and governed by the Natural Law of equality, peace and liberty. From you alone will come the ideas and actions that will ensure that our children are raised as healthy and free people, as true sovereigns in their own land of Kanata: a federation of free and equal nations.
“Though we may fail today, our principles will triumph tomorrow, taking seed and arising anew in the lives of new generations of free people … I have hope in our future.”
May these words of Canada’s first Republican leader, William Lyon McKenzie, come true and guide us in the days ahead, and give us the courage to triumph through the grace of God.
In the service of the Republic and the People,
Kevin Annett
Common Law Revocation Order overturns RCMP, Kinder-Morgan
Posted on November 29, 2014 by admin
Special ITCCS-Common Law Announcement, November 29, 2014:
A special announcement from the Republic of Kanata and Common Law courts in Canada, describing how the RCMP and B.C. Supreme Court have bowed to the common law Revocation Order nullifying “crown” authority in the Kinder-Morgan environmental dispute in Vancouver.
The common law works: join our movement and reclaim our nation.
Issued 29 November, 2014 on liberated territory of the Republic of Kanata. ,
Posted on November 15, 2014 by admin
Global Communique from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS): November 15, 2014
Documentation of Genocide and Child Murder in Canada – Issued from the court record of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels (Case Docket No. 02252013, The People v. Joseph Ratzinger, Elizabeth Windsor et al)
The ITCCS has just released the complete set of testimonies and documents that convicted the government and churches of Canada, the Vatican and the Crown of England, and their officers, of planning, committing and concealing crimes against humanity.
These 150 exhibits formed the basis of the verdict of February 25, 2013 that sentenced Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and others to twenty five years in prison without parole, and stripped them of their office and authority.
This historic verdict lawfully disestablishes the Crown of England and the Vatican as legitimate bodies, and authorizes the seizure of all church and crown property, lands and assets under the authority of the common law and new constitutional Republics.
Please post and share these historic records, and help our common law sheriffs enforce these verdicts against these criminal individuals and institutions.
Issued 15 November, 2014 by ITCCS Central Office, Brussels –
The first excavation at a mass grave residential school site: Mohawk school, 2011 Common Law Court Proceedings – Genocide in Canada (Part One) – 1 hr. 46 min s. Common Law Court Proceedings – Genocide in Canada (Part Two) – 1 hr. 47 mins. Final Court Verdict and Sentencing – 8 mins. 30 secs. Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada
An End to the Crown: Republic of Kanata convenes
Posted on November 1, 2014 by admin
The Republic of Kanata – Live Free or Die

Special Pre-Convention Bulletin: November 1, 2014
In this Issue:
1. Secretary’s Pre-Convention Report and Regional Updates
2. The Draft Proclamation of Independence and Constitution
3. Local Work: Campaigns, Issues and the Training of Local Leaders
Pre-Convention Report
by Colin Sullivan
Secretary to the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata, Winnipeg
Fellow patriots,
Hundreds of new volunteers have flocked to our ranks in the past several months, and inspired by our vision of a liberated and sovereign nation, are being organized and trained within the six Districts of the Republic of Kanata. And many of these men and women have already taken the Oath of Allegiance to the Republic, and are actively breaking free from the criminal “authority” of the crown.
We expect to see many of you as delegates and observers at our first Constitutional Convention in Winnipeg, between January 1-4, 2015. Not only will that event see a Proclamation of Independence declared and a Constitution for Kanata adopted, but the work of our regional groups will be shared and built upon, to unite more of our people under our banner.
The motto of our movement is “Live Free or Die”, for as freeborn and sovereign men and women we know that there can be no life without liberty: and liberty demands that we reclaim our birthright freedoms by nullifying all that suppresses them. Our movement is all about reclaiming what is naturally ours, starting with our lives, our laws, and our land.
We have already begun such active reclamation, by establishing local common law courts, revoking the authority of so-called “crown” agents like the RCMP, and engaging in land seizures and citizen arrests against those who are a threat to our children and our communities. Our aim is to unite and broaden these actions in the years to come: not as random individuals but under the lawful political authority of our new nation: the Republic of Kanata.
In preparation for our Convention that will create that Republic, we have organized five Policy Commissions to advise those who are drafting the Constitution. These Commissions are:
1. The Law and Government, including common law courts
2. Environment, Agriculture and Land Reclamation
3. Indigenous Nations
4. The Economy and Social Welfare
5. Foreign Relations and National Security
The documents and policy papers of these Commissions will be presented at the Convention and revised and adopted as part of our Constitution. If you wish to assist or contribute to any of these discussions, please contact the appropriate Commission c/o .
Any member of our movement can attend the Convention. Every local branch of three or more members may elect one delegate, or two or more delegates for every multiple of ten members. Please elect your delegates no later than December 1, 2014, and send their names and contact information to our central office.
We recognize that Kanata’s vast distances and the cost of travel may prevent many of you from attending the Convention. We are therefore linking all the regional groups by video feed and skype during the Convention; and our organizers will also be holding regional gatherings to coincide with the Convention in order to maximize everyone’s involvement.
Also, please note that our work is now organized into six Districts, each under the supervision of a Regional Convenor:
District One: West Coast
District Two: The Prairies
District Three: Ontario
District Four: Quebec
District Five: East Coast
District Six: The North (Yukon-Nunavut)
Roughly half of our members are based in the west, in Districts One and Two, with most of the rest residing in District Three. The six Regional Convenors are all voting members of our Provisional Council, which serves as the interim national body prior to the election of our first Congress.
Please feel free to contact our national office ( to receive the name of the Regional Convenor in your District, although be assured that the Convenor will be in touch with you to notify you of upcoming local meetings and actions.
Finally, because educating the public about the vision and goals of our movement is so vital right now, general leaflets, videos and other educational material will be provided to you all soon, for public dissemination.
Build the Republic now! Take the Oath and reclaim the Nation!
The Draft Proclamation of Independence, Oath of Allegiance, and the Constitution of the Republic of Kanata
These crucial documents embody the vision and soul of our new nation, and so the documents have been discussed and amended many times by dozens of our members since their initial issuing six months ago. The final drafts that will be debated and adopted in Convention are attached to this email, and are posted now at , our main website.
There has been general unanimity about the wording of the Proclamation and the Oath. But one of the biggest points of contention has been with the original Constitution and its proposal to nationalize the land and restrict the size of land ownership. That point in the Constitution has now been modified. And after much debate, our proposals to establish a citizens’ militia, lower the voting age to sixteen and abolish all income tax have been reaffirmed.
Please read over the new drafts of all these documents and discuss them at your next local branch meeting. Be sure to bring your views to the Convention or local gatherings on January 1-4, 2015.
- Local Work: Campaigns, Issues and the Training of Local Leaders
by Kevin D. Annett
Special Adviser to the Provisional Council
Our organizational focus until now has been to train cadres of local leaders through workshops and practical actions in their own communities. These leaders are slowly emerging now that the principles of the Republic are being clarified in the course of us taking real action to nullify “Canada” and bring Kanata into being.
Clearly, there are two big issues of most concern to our members: the sheer corruption and violence in the present judicial and political system of “Canada”, and the burden of financial debt and economic slavery afflicting more of us every day. Mortgage fraud, involving corrupt judges in the pay of banks and mortgage companies, is causing honest men and women to lose their homes and their farms. And the particular role of the “Canada Revenue Agency” (CRA) – Canada’s tax department – in defrauding and robbing Canadians is foremost in this regard.
Our western Manitoba branches near Brandon are actively taking up both of these evils by exposing the criminal methods of the CRA as well as the political persecution of common law activist Dean Clifford, who has been incarcerated without due process in a Brandon jail for almost a year.
In addition, our Calgary branch and members in Kitchener, Ontario are confronting the criminality in “crown” family courts and their active trafficking of children.
To systematically conduct these campaigns and draw more Canadians into our movement, active and functioning local branches of our movement must be established. Most of our members are still not part of such working branches.
You will soon be contacted by your Regional Convenor, who will help you establish this system of operating:
1. Local Republic branches of three or more people will be established and will meet every week, preferably on a weekend, to discuss perspectives and plan local actions.
2. Every branch member is required to do the following: a) Take an Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of Kanata, b) pay monthly membership dues, and c) work actively under the direction of at least one local committee.
3. The local branch will consist of an executive of three people: a Branch Convenor, an Education-Membership coordinator, and a Direct Action coordinator.
4. The Branch Convenor is the personal liaison with the Regional Convenor, and retains copies of all of the records, documents and resources of the branch.
5. The Education and Membership coordinator recruits new members, trains and integrates them into the movement, collects membership dues and conducts regular internal and public education programs;
6. The Direct Action coordinator initiates all the public actions of the branch, by providing enforcement, security and intelligence, and organizing protests, occupations, land reclamations and media events. The DA coordinator also establishes and maintains Common Law Courts under the jurisdiction of the new Republic.
7. Public actions involving all local members, such as protests, leafletting and recruitment rallies, should occur at least once a week, preferably on a weekend.
Our movement is presently organized into six districts with members or functioning branches in the following areas:
District One: West Coast
1. Nanaimo-Vancouver Island
2. Vancouver- Lower Mainland
3. Abbotsford-Hope
4. Kamloops-Central Interior
District Two: Prairies
1. Calgary-southern Alberta
2. Edmonton-northern Alberta
3. Brandon-western Manitoba
4. Winnipeg
District Three: Ontario
1. Thunder Bay
2. Sault St. Marie-Sudbury
3. North Bay
4. Toronto
5. Kitchener
6. Hamilton
7. London
8. Picton-Kingston
9. Ottawa
10. Cornwall
District Four: Quebec
1. Montreal
2. Quebec city and eastern townships
District Five: Maritimes
1. Halifax
2. New Brunswick
3. PEI
4. Newfoundland
District Six: The North (Yukon and Nunavut)
1. Yellowknife
Finally, a special Indigenous Advisory Council consisting of elders from the Mohawk-Six Nations, Miq Maq, Algonquin, Anishinabe, Cree, Metis, Nuu-chah-nulth and Squamish Nations is now working with the Provisional Council to draft our Constitution and lay the basis for a truly federated Republic of equal nations. These elders are recruiting indigenous members for the Republic, especially in Districts One and Three.
We look forward to a Convention that will issue a shot heard around the world!
Editor’s Note: Another Bulletin will be issued in December, prior to the January 1-4 Convention.
Please see the attached documents, also posted at
For information, contact the Provisional Council or your Regional Convener c/o .
Issued 1 November, 2014