Assaulted Sheriffs seek Summary Judgement against Pope Francis in European Courts – New arrest attempts to be made during August
Posted on July 22, 2018 by Kevin

A Special News Update from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
(See previous news reports of June 22 and 24, and July 5 and 12)
Monday, 23 July, 2018 GMT
The four common law Sheriffs who are suing Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, and eleven other defendants are now seeking a Summary Judgement against them, allowing for their immediate conviction. The Sheriffs made the application today in European courts after none of the defendants responded to a lawful Summons or disputed the charges made against them, namely, that they are practicing members of the murderous Ninth Circle child sacrificial cult and bear command responsibility for its crimes.
If the courts grant the Summary Judgement, Bergoglio and the other defendants could face arrest as early as August 11.
In Rome, the College of Cardinals remains deadlocked in its efforts to find a replacement to Bergoglio on the verge of new attempts to enforce the standing arrest warrant against him dating from July, 2014. The ITCCS announced today that its Sheriffs’ Department will be working with police forces in Ireland and other European nations to detain Bergoglio as a convicted war criminal, including at the “papal mass” scheduled for Phoenix Park in Dublin, Ireland on Sunday, August 26.
In related news, new ITCCS field offices are opening in seven countries during August to escalate the campaign to stop Vatican crimes against children. The European field offices will be located in Dublin, London, Paris, Barcelona and Milan. The North American field offices will be in New York City and Ottawa. Trained common law Sheriffs attached to these offices will make arrests against known child trafficking officials and priests of the Church of Rome and will disrupt Ninth Circle gatherings.
The public voice of the ITCCS, the radio program Here We Stand, will be off the air during August but will resume its regular broadcasts on Sunday, September 2 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern and 11 pm GMT on . Reports of the aforementioned actions will be made at that time. Until then, follow updates at and contact your nearest ITCCS field office through .
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“Pope Francis” to be sued in a European court by victims of June 21 assault in Geneva – Prominent Ninth Circle cult members are named in the same lawsuit – Vatican weighs deposing Francis before his controversial appearance in Dublin
Posted on July 5, 2018 by KevinWARNING: The contents of this website are governed by the Common Cause Public Copyright Agreement (2010), under which any and all of the content may be reproduced, copied, quoted or circulated in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes provided that the ITCCS is acknowledged as the source.
A Breaking News Communique from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)Issued 5 July, 2018, 1700 hrs GMT
Brussels and Rome:
Four common law peace officers who were assaulted and beaten by Vatican security forces on June 21 are suing “Pope Francis”, Jorge Bergoglio, in a European court of law. The four men had attempted to enforce a lawful arrest warrant on Bergoglio when they suffered an unprovoked attack by Vatican police who were acting under the direct orders and “command responsibility” of Bergoglio.
The four plaintiffs filed a Statement of Claim today that names Jorge Bergoglio as well as five prominent Europeans as parties to “an aggravated assault with murderous intent designed to obstruct justice and aid and abet a criminal conspiracy involving child torture and sacrifice, known as the Ninth Circle”.
The plaintiffs’ Claim was also filed with the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, which in February 2013 successfully convicted and deposed Pope Benedict and three top Vatican officials for Crimes against Humanity.
“Pope Francis” and the other defendants will be duly served a Summons this week to appear in court and answer these charges, including their knowledge of and involvement in the Ninth Circle coven and the disappearance of eight children from Catholic church facilities in Switzerland and Italy.
In Rome today, a source in the Vatican stated that a special conclave of the Curia, the governing College of Cardinals, has been convened to discuss whether to ask for the immediate resignation of “Pope Francis”, Jorge Bergoglio.
According to the source, the Cardinals are concerned about Bergoglio’s upcoming visit to Ireland where local common law Sheriffs plan to detain him under the same standing arrest warrant that the assaulted peace officers in Geneva tried to enforce. To quote the source,
“If they’re going to get rid of Il Papa (Bergoglio) it will be before August 25, when he is scheduled to lead a public mass in Dublin. There’s a feeling of dread among the Cardinals, that there is too much attention on Il Papa and his associations, like there was on Benedict. The Cardinals are protecting their cult and their money.”
Further reports on this and related issues are forthcoming, including on Here We Stand this Sunday July 8 at 3 pm pacific, 11 pm GMT at .
(The complete background to this Communique can be found at the postings on June 22 and 24, 2018)
Crimes against Humanity, from Canada to Rome: A recent, exclusive interview with Kevin Annett (June 26, 2018)
Posted on July 1, 2018 by Kevin
Kevin delves into the recent attempted arrest of Jorge Bergoglio, the roots of Genocide in Canada and globally, the emerging Republic of Kanata, and his life’s lessons.
And order the latest book on our work, “The Case for the Republic of Kanata” at
Ninth Circle “Catholic Black Mass” halted in Geneva after Pope Francis confronted by Common Law Sheriffs – “Pope’s illness” cover story conceals incident and real purpose of papal visit
Posted on June 22, 2018 by KevinA Breaking News Communique from the Central Office of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Friday June 22, 2018 1500 hours GMT
Geneva and Brussels:
Common Law Sheriffs armed with a standing arrest warrant confronted and temporarily restrained Pope Francis on Thursday as he approached the Ecumenical Center where he was scheduled to address delegates to the World Council of Churches (WCC).
After a brief scuffle between the arresting Sheriffs and Vatican security, the Pope was released and rushed into a waiting vehicle. Two of the Sheriffs were heavily beaten and detained by the Vatican agents and then arrested by Geneva police along with two other people.
A complete on-the-ground description of the incident follows this Communique.
In the wake of the attempted arrest of Bergoglio, who was duly convicted for Crimes against Humanity in a Brussels common law court in the summer of 2014, the Vatican has released a cover story claiming that Bergoglio “suffered a fall” during the WCC conference and may be experiencing an undisclosed “health problem”. This fake story may be a preparatory move prior to Bergoglio’s removal as Pope.
According to a source in the Vatican and confirmed by others in Geneva, as a result of this confrontation, the clandestine ceremony of the Catholic Ninth Circle coven that was scheduled for that evening was cancelled due to “security concerns”. The same Vatican source confirms that Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, was to be present at the Ninth Circle cult ceremony along with top WCC officials and Swiss political leaders.
The Ninth Circle ceremonies normally involve the ritual rape and murder of at least one young child, according to eyewitnesses. ( ,
Jorge Bergoglio’s unprecedented appearance in Geneva this week was prompted by Switzerland’s so-called “Sovereign Money Initiative” (SMI), a referendum to decide whether the country’s money supply would be controlled by a single national bank, restricting the power of private banks to extend credit and lend money. The Vatican Bank has considerable assets tied into the Swiss banking system and stood to lose if the SMI was approved.
Unconfirmed reports state that prior to his WCC appearance, Bergoglio met privately with Swiss political leaders and financiers to help block the SMI from passing or from being implemented. Some of these leaders were scheduled to be present at the Ninth Circle ceremony on June 21, according to the Vatican source.
Further updates about these events, the fate of the detained Common Law Sheriffs, and footage of the attempted arrest will be forthcoming, once every effort is made to secure the release of the imprisoned men.
Issued by the ITCCS Central Office, 1500 hrs. GMT 22 June, 2018
Report of Combined Action Units (Teams A and B) on the events of 21 June, World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Center, Geneva
Issued to the Special Section Directorate 21/06/2018 1930 hrs GMT
As arranged according to our original tactical plan, both Teams A and B deployed before the WCC event at which the subject BERGOGLIO(aka ‘pope francis’) was to speak. Team A acted in an open diversionary capacity and Team B was placed in concealment, so as to make the formal arrest of the subject.
BERGOGLIO’s location was positively identified by our inside source as being immediately adjacent to the WCC Pavilion some fifty yards from the site. Upon receipt of the source’s signal that the subject BERGOGLIO had begun to move towards the Pavilion, Team A members deployed at the front and rear entrances to the WCC pavilion along the designated approach route of subject BERGOGLIO. In that position they were quickly confronted by Vatican undercover operatives assisted by Geneva regular police. A scuffle broke out and two of the A Team were physically restrained by the Geneva police. The remaining team members then drew the security forces away from BERGOGLIO’s approach route to allow the concealed Team B members to make the arrest of the subject just outside the Pavilion.
As subject BERGOGLIO approached the WCC Pavilion with his retinue and personal bodyguards, two Team B members performed a secondary diversion, drawing away the bodyguards. The four remaining Team B members then moved on the subject. Contact was made and the ICLCJ arrest warrant was read aloud to subject BERGOGLIO, who appeared shocked and immobilized. Two Team B members then quickly placed the subject in restraint and attempted to escort him to the prearranged secure location. None of the remaining Vatican retinue intervened to protect BERGOGLIO, appearing confused and uncertain.
Within thirty seconds, however, additional Vatican security personnel who had not been anticipated or reported by the source appeared on the scene. These personnel immediately assaulted the two Team B members restraining BERGOGLIO. Another scuffle broke out.The other four Team B members then withdrew according to tactical protocol while the two assaulted operatives were held at gunpoint by the Vatican security personnel after receiving a severe beating. BERGOGLIO was released and immediately rushed towards a waiting vehicle.
In total two Team A members and two Team B members were placed under arrest by the Geneva police. These four operatives are still being held incommunicado and we assume are being interrogated. We have learned from our source that Vatican security and an official of the “Holy Alliance” are present at these interrogations, which raises a strong concern about a genuine risk to the team members’ lives. We therefore recommend immediate intervention to secure the Team members’ release, especially considering the injured condition of the two Team B members who were beaten by Vatican security personnel.
Despite the failure of the arrest of BERGOGLIO, we have learned from our source that the planned NINTH CIRCLE sacrificial ritual scheduled for midnight 21 June at Basilica Notre Dame on rue Argand has been cancelled because of “security concerns”. BERGOGLIO’s planned participation at this ritual was also confirmed by the source. Our intervention can therefore be regarded as a success in terms of stopping the ritual. Follow up information to confirm the cancellation is forthcoming.
Issued by Combined Team leader GABRIEL
Historic Order compels International Church leaders to aid in the arrest of “Pope Francis”, Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Posted on May 30, 2018 by Kevin
Public Order
to Assist and Comply with a Standing Common Law Arrest Warrant
Regarding the apprehension of the convicted felon Jorge Bergoglio
(aka “Pope Francis”)
Issued to the Officers and Affiliates of the World Council of Churches
by the International Common Law Court of Justice – May 30, 2018
LET IT BE KNOWN that the flesh and blood man JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO, as the liable head fiduciary officer of the Vatican Incorporated and the Roman Catholic Church, has been duly convicted in a Common Law Court of Justice of Crimes against Humanity and Complicity in a Criminal Conspiracy, including the trafficking and death of children. (ICLCJ Case Docket No. 06182014-001, In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio, Pachon, Welby et al, 18 July, 2014)
ACCORDINGLY, an International Common Law Arrest Warrant has been issued for the immediate apprehension of BERGOGLIO as a convicted felon and a threat to the safety of children. This Warrant has been recognized by INTERPOL and by judicial and police agencies in Spain, America, Russia and Serbia.
Under the terms of this Warrant and International Law, you are obligated and required to assist in the detaining of BERGOGLIO and any of his accomplices, and to refrain from aiding and abetting him or any of the agents of the transnational criminal syndicate known as the Vatican. If you fail to do so you can and will be charged under the law with obstructing justice and colluding in Crimes against Humanity.
Common Law Peace Officers and domestic police will be present at the World Council of Churches event on June 21, 2018 in Geneva to enforce the Arrest Warrant against BERGOGLIO when he addresses your Assembly. DO NOT interfere with this action.
This ORDER has the full force and effect of the Law.
Issued by the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of Justice,
Brussels, On the Thirtieth Day of May in the Year 2018
Standing Down from a Criminal Association: A Legal Notice and Emancipation Order issued to the Catholic Bishops of Chile
Posted on May 27, 2018 by Kevin
by The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) with the endorsement of Not in Our Name, an international assembly of concerned clergy
Comunicado Oficial del ITCCS – Español, Mayo 25 de 2018
Una Proclamación de Emancipación Global, Español, 20 de Abril de 2014
May 25, 2018
Dear Bishops,
The recent crisis that has struck your church – including your apparent offer to resign from your offices at the instigation of Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome – is an opportunity for each of you to do what is right and required under the Laws of God and of Man. You must begin by standing down from your association with the criminally convicted Vatican corporation and its policy of Crimen Sollicitationas that requires that you aid and conceal child rape and trafficking within your church.
Jorge Bergoglio is attempting to place the blame and responsibility for these crimes upon you as Bishops, when in fact as “Pope Francis”, the head officer of the Church of Rome, Bergoglio is himself morally responsible and legally liable for all of the violence done to children in your church and its institutionalized concealment. As a “pontifical secret”, to quote the Crimen policy, this violence is expected to be covered up by every church official, including yourselves. How then can the Pope publicly accuse you of “negligence” in protecting children when your vow of obedience to him and to canon law requires that you aid and abet violence against children?
It is not necessary for any of you to be part of this enormous deception. In truth, the Pope has no authority to order you to collude in the global criminal conspiracy embodied in the Crimen policy, and thereby risk your own arrest and imprisonment as accessories to child rape and trafficking. For under a common law court verdict and Order promulgated on Easter of 2014, all officials and clergy of the Church of Rome anywhere in the world were freed from their vows and fiduciary obligations to the Pope and the Vatican. That Order states that as a convicted transnational criminal body, the Vatican is in fact disestablished, and that a higher international and moral law supersedes the church statutes called canon law. This fact frees all of you to act according to your conscience and the law rather than to the criminally convicted regime in the Vatican.
We have included a copy of this court verdict and Order, which is also being disseminated to the clergy of your respective Dioceses.
Please be aware that this notification to you constitutes more than a reminder or a moral appeal. It carries thr weight of international law. If you continue to associate with the policies and actions of the Vatican and the Pope that conceal and camoflouge criminality in your church and violence against children, you can and will face arrest and conviction in common law courts convened under universal jurisdiction. During 2013 and 2014, such a court successfully convicted and forced from their offices Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, as well as the Jesuit leader Adolfo Pachon, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone and Irish Cardinal Sean Brady.
Accordingly, this will place all of you on notice that as the Catholic Bishops of Chile, you have thirty days as of this date, May 25, 2018, to publicly dissassociate yourselves from the Vatican and its policy of Crimen Sollicitationas, including by withholding all obligations and funds owed by you to the Pope and the Vatican. If you fail to do so you can and will be considered accessories to a criminally convicted body and may face arrest and public trial.
We await your reply.
The Directorate of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) with the endorsement of the clergy of Not in Our Name and other concerned church members
See attached version in Spanish
Invoking the Legal and Spiritual Disestablishment of the Church of Rome and its adjunct bodies, the Vatican and the “Holy See”
Issued as a Binding De Jure Annulment and Emancipation Order by The International Common Law Court of Justice and The Covenant of Free Congregational Christians on Easter Sunday the 20th Day of April in the year 2014
Let it Be Known and made effect by all men and women, persons and authorities that under the Supreme Law of God as embodied in the Common Law of Nature and Natural Right, as of this day, the institution and entity of the Church of Rome, its officers, clergy, adjunct and derivative bodies and corporate entirety, is now and forever abolished and disestablished as a corporate and a spiritual body. All people and powers formerly under its authority and influence and owing it allegiance are now and forever emancipated and freed from such obligatory servitude.
Having violated and waged unrelenting war on God and humanity through its history of crime, murder, apostasy, child sacrifice and idolatry, and thereby repudiated its covenanted requirement of duty to uphold the honor of Heaven and Earth, and the life and dignity of mankind, the Church of Rome has nullified its basis for existence and brought upon itself the status of a renegade transnational criminal organization in the eyes of God and man, and under the laws of both heaven and earth.
The ultimate authority of God as expressed in De Jure common law courts of judgment and in congregations of just, truthful men and women does therefore nullify the existence of the Church of Rome, the alleged “Apostolic Succession”, and its so-called “Canon Law”.
Therefore, as of this day, all such law, statutes, and all church offices and officials are declared to be forever abolished and possessing no effect or binding authority in heaven or on earth.
All Church of Rome officials and agents, commencing with Jorge Bergoglio, so-called Pontiff of the Church of Rome, every Cardinal of the Roman Curia, the heads of the Vatican Bank and Adolfo Pachon, chief “Superior” of the Jesuit Order, are hereby ordered to immediately stand down from and relinquish their offices.
The wealth, property and movable assets of the Church of Rome are hereby forfeited and declared to be under the common ownership of the People of the world, and may be peacefully seized and occupied by them.
Every member, employee and adherent of the Roman Catholic Church is hereby released from all of their vows, allegiance and obligations to the Church of Rome, and are freed to gather and worship in whatever congregational form that God and their conscience compels, separate from the disestablished Roman church.
The sheriffs and peace officers of lawful common law courts, assisted by the free people of the world, are henceforth authorized and encouraged to enact and enforce this Annulment and Emancipation Proclamation wherever possible, under the supreme and sovereign authority of God and the Law of Nations.
The people of God who have been lost and held in bondage within the spiritual captivity of the false church of Rome are now free to assemble in covenanted congregations which stand solely under the law of God and recognizing no other legitimate authority, for the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
The long night of spiritual tyranny and Vatican crime is over. Let the free people of the Earth and all true servants of God and Christ cleanse their lands of the Lie and the Murder formerly enthroned in Rome.
Proclaimed and enacted as on this Resurrection Sunday by The International Common Law Court of Justice with the collaboration of the The Covenant of Free Congregational Christians (The Covenanters)
This Proclamation is accompanied by a third and final exorcism and spiritual reclamation ceremony in Rome and throughout the world, on this Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014
In Coram Deo: Invoked in God’s presence – As God wills it, it is accomplished
A Lawful and Binding Act made under the Divine and Common Law. The power to bind and free now resides in God alone and through God’s free, covenanted people.
A Global Criminal Collusion: Protestant church officials and Pope to unify at summer solstice ceremony – “Pact will be sealed in blood”
Posted on April 15, 2018 by Kevin
Breaking News Release – Sunday, April 15, 2018
An Urgent Communique issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Covenant of Free Congregational Christians – The Covenanters
Brussels and Geneva:
The World Council of Churches (WCC) – the global federation of non-Catholic churches – will welcome convicted war criminal Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) at its global conference on summer solstice, June 21 in Geneva. According to sources, the WCC leaders plan to negotiate the terms for the absorption of the main Protestant denominations into the Church of Rome, a convicted criminal syndicate.
According to a source within the WCC, these terms will include the formal adoption by Protestant churches of the Vatican’s criminal policy known as Crimen Sollicitationas, that requires the systemic cover up and abetting of child trafficking, rape and murder, including the actions of the murderous Catholic Ninth Circle ritual child-killing network.
The same WCC source stated yesterday,
“At midnight on the solstice a heavily guarded ceremony will be held in the Catholic Basilica Notre-Dame on Rue Argand in Geneva. Only the top WCC leaders and the Pope will be there. We have all been warned to keep quiet about it, it’s unofficial and very secret. But it’s the same Basilica where children went missing in 2014 and ritual killing was indicated. I suspect their June 21 pact will be sealed in blood.”
In response, an attempt to enforce the standing arrest warrant against Jorge Bergoglio will be made on June 21 in Geneva by ITCCS sheriffs aided by local police officers. Also, a protest and counter-conference is being held in Geneva on the same day as a witness against the criminal collusion of the World Council of Churches with the Vatican. The WCC officers have opened themselves to citizen arrests and legal sanctions for their colluding with a convicted criminal organization like the Church of Rome.
This latest obscenity is all the more reason for all citizens to confront the killers in clerical robes, and for all true Christians to leave these false churches.
For more information about how to be involved with the June 21 actions, contact or listen every Sunday at 11 pm GMT, 6 pm eastern, to Here We Stand, at .
Issued by the Directorate of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Covenant of Free Congregational Christians – The Covenanters ( .SPANISH VERSION:
Último Comunicado de Prensa del ITCCS, Domingo 15 de abril de 2018.
Una confabulación criminal global:
Los funcionarios de la iglesia protestante y el Papa se unirán en la ceremonia del solsticio de verano: “El pacto será sellado en sangre”
Un comunicado urgente emitido por el Tribunal Internacional de Crímenes de Iglesia y Estado (ITCCS) y el Pacto de Cristianos Congregacionales Libres – The Covenanters.
Bruselas y Ginebra:
El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) – La federación mundial de iglesias no católicas – recibirá al criminal de guerra convicto Jorge Bergoglio (también conocido como “Papa Francisco”) en su conferencia global en el solsticio de verano del 21 de junio en Ginebra. Según las fuentes, los líderes del CMI planean negociar los términos para la absorción de las principales denominaciones protestantes en la Iglesia de Roma, un sindicato delictivo condenado.
Según una fuente del CMI, estos términos incluirán la adopción formal por las iglesias protestantes de la política criminal del Vaticano conocida como Crimen Sollicitationas, que requiere el encubrimiento sistémico y las incitaciones al tráfico de niños, la violación y el asesinato, incluidas las acciones de la red Católica asesina ritual del Noveno Circulo que mata-niños.
La misma fuente del CMI declaró ayer,
“A la medianoche del solsticio habrá una ceremonia fuertemente custodiada en la basílica católica de Notre-Dame, en Rue Argand, en Ginebra. Solo estarán presentes los principales líderes del CMI y el Papa. Todos hemos sido advertidos de que no hablemos de ello, es no oficial y muy secreto. Pero es la misma Basílica donde los niños desaparecieron en 2014 y se demostró la muerte ritual. Sospecho que su pacto del 21 de junio se sellará en sangre”.
En respuesta, un intento de hacer cumplir la orden de arresto permanente contra Jorge Bergoglio se realizará el 21 de junio en Ginebra por las autoridades del ITCCS con la ayuda de oficiales de la policía local. Además, se está celebrando una protesta y una contra conferencia en Ginebra el mismo día como testigo contra la confabulación criminal del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias con el Vaticano. Los oficiales del CMI se han abierto a detenciones de ciudadanos y sanciones legales por su confabulación con una organización criminal condenada como la Iglesia de Roma.
Esta última obscenidad es una razón más para que todos los ciudadanos se enfrenten a los asesinos con túnicas clericales y para que todos los verdaderos cristianos abandonen estas falsas iglesias.
Para obtener más información acerca de cómo participar en las acciones del 21 de junio, contáctese con o escuche cada domingo a las 11 pm GMT, 6 pm oriental, a Here We Stand, en
Publicado por la Dirección del Tribunal Internacional de Crímenes de la Iglesia y el Estado (ITCCS) y el Pacto de Cristianos Congregacionales Libres, The Covenanters (
Lest We Forget: The Eviction and the Occupation that changed Canada forever
Posted on April 6, 2018 by Kevin
by Kevin D. Annett / Eagle Strong Voice
Former legal agent of hereditary Siem Kiapilano of the Squamish Nation
Church Eviction, March 16, 2008: Elder Kiapilano (centre) with Kevin Annett (right) and Ricky Lavallee (left), who was later murdered by Vancouver police
On March 4, 2008, a traditional indigenous elder walked into the British Columbia Supreme Court in downtown Vancouver and filed an Eviction Notice against the churches that destroyed his people. Twelve days later, the same survivor led an occupation of one of those churches to enforce that Notice and declare the churches to be illegally trespassing on his land. That same month, the Canadian government reacted, and the cover up of Canada’s home grown Genocide began in earnest.
Here is that story, nearly erased from memory by the guilty:
He was a frail man who looked older than his seventy years. We first met in the studio of Vancouver Co-op Radio in the waning months of 2007, when I was still a broadcaster there. The man’s name was Gerry Kiapilano. He told me he was the hereditary Siem, or elder, of the Squamish Nation, on whose stolen land Vancouver squats.
“The Mounties and the priests threw my grandfather out into the snow one night” Gerry described on the air that first day. “After that, our family was banned from the Squamish reservation. The government puppet chiefs were moved in to replace us. They’re still running the show on the reserve.”
Like every residential school survivor I’ve come to know, Gerry circled around the facts of his own torture like someone on the edge of a viper pit. He did relate that other children had been killed right in front of him by Catholic priests, but he stayed mute about what had been done to him. His eyes, of course, said much more.
Gerry Kiapilano was a man on his purpose. Over tea, soon after our interview, he said bluntly to me,
“Those churches never asked our permission to come here or to kidnap us from our families. They’re trespassing on our land. I heard what you’ve been doing and I’m with you. We’ve got to make those murderers pay.”
Gerry was not a vengeful soul, but he meant what he said. The Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada had to pay, literally. They owed his nation back rent of nearly a century, as well as a moral restitution for their mass murder of children that was incalculable. And until such simple justice could be done, they had no right to stay on his land. He was about to issue all three of the churches a legal eviction notice, and he wanted my help.
“I know about your name Eagle Strong Voice and how the Anishinabe people adopted you. So I’m going to appoint you my fiduciary agent” he declared gently. “I’m empowering you to enforce the Eviction and bring those churches to justice.”
I accepted the appointment with something more than glee and less than trepidation. For in those halcyon days before the government’s big spin and payoff operation had begun, residential school survivors were ready to protest at the drop of a hat. Gerry Kiapilano and I quickly did the rounds of Vancouver’s downtown eastside and its thousands of genocide survivors, recruiting as we went. By the new year we had assembled a small guerilla army, and were ready to act. But first we went to court.
The young woman behind the counter in the Law Court’s Registry section gave Gerry an odd stare as he approached with his documents. She seemed even more perplexed when she read them. I suppose it isn’t every day that an Indian files an Eviction Notice against the system. But as my old radical buddy Joe Hendsbee used to observe, the sheer maze of any state bureaucracy allows you to drive a Mack truck through its loopholes, and the British Columbia Supreme Court was no exception that day. The blithe functionary stamped Gerry’s papers and filed them in the Court Registry as Case Docket Number S036483. It was March 4, 2008, and Gerry Kiapilano had his legal Eviction Notice against the churches. He promptly faxed them all copies.
“I’ve given them ten days to answer this” he muttered as we left the Law Courts, his eyes aglow. “After that, they’re illegal trespassers and we can lay claim to their property. That’s the law.”
The God Talkers never replied, of course. The ten days came and went, and Gerry – who all of us came to call “Kap” for short – gave me, as his legal agent, the green light to enforce the Eviction Notice. Well, say no more!
That next Sunday dawned bright and clear. On cue, our people gathered at appointed rallying points and converged on Holy Rosary Catholic Cathedral from three directions, so as not to attract too much cop-attention. But we need not have worried. Thanks to that hidden hand that so often has guided and guarded our efforts, our target stood wide open and defenseless as we approached. The phalanx of police and Knights of Columbus goons who usually barred the Cathedral’s entrance were absent that morning. The doors stood open.
“That’s a sign, alright” I said to Kap, who strode alongside me as we led our fifty people towards the Cathedral. “Let’s go!”
What followed is the stuff of high drama: the perplexed and helpless clergy backing away from our tide of humanity, flowing into the sanctuary as the organ moaned some absurd refrain; the mostly-curious parishioners, gazing at our banner that called for their victims to receive a proper burial; and our wondrous crowd of former victims who stood unafraid and united in the face of what had ravaged them, handing the pew sitters a notice that they were illegal trespassers on other peoples’ land, and had to leave. We were counting coup against a huge and seemingly unbeatable opponent, and everyone there knew it.
The fallout came quickly. That same afternoon I received a frantic phone call from the Cathedral’s Diocesan lawyer, who begged me to call off any more church occupations. Easter was approaching, after all.
“Well, what better time to resurrect justice in this land?” I answered the paper pusher, who didn’t seem amused.
But the response went further. That same week, the federal government hurriedly announced the launching of that absurd misnomer, the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”: a huge public relations stunt that was about neither. The Big Spin had begun, but only because Kap and our people had belted Goliath one right between the eyes.
“I’m counting on you to keep this up” Kap exhorted me after the news broke. “They’re going to try to bury all this but we can’t let them. You have my authority to occupy these churches and shut them down for good, and bring their leaders to trial.”
Over the subsequent years I did precisely that, even as far away as Rome and London and Brussels. And even though the results aren’t completely obvious yet, our bullet has plowed into the heart of the Beast of Church and State even as it continues to stampede towards oblivion. Time and the Truth will do the rest.
It is the fate of man to forget, wrote Emerson. The dying powers that pretend to be have for now wiped memories clean and buried the fact of their Group Crime and the few of us who exposed and confronted it with our last measure of devotion. Most of the leaders of our action that day were dead within a couple of years from obvious foul play, and Kap himself retired into an unexplained reclusion. But the walls are coming down, nevertheless, because an example was made. We showed the world that the killers who hide behind clerical robes have no place among us anymore and must leave our land. We demonstrated that power lies not with the rich criminals but with We the People, if only we will allow the justice in our own hearts to blossom into right action.
Go and do likewise.
Download this Cease and Desist Order to your local Catholic church starting April 15, 2018: Cease and Desist order to church
Not In Our Name: A Declaration of Concerned Protestant and Catholic Clergy and Laity, with a Ten Point Program to Bring the Church to Justice and Protect the Innocent
Posted on April 1, 2018 by Kevin
We are a group of clergy and former clergy of both Protestant and Catholic faiths who are united in our fundamental rejection of the genocidal legacy of Christendom, which is an empire of conquest and violence arising from the fusion of church and state under the later Roman emperors.
Christendom operates today through wealthy, state-protected church organizations which are legal corporations answerable neither to God nor to their own congregations of believers.
Christendom is a heresy and a denial of the supremacy of Christ and his sacrifice. For we owe our allegiance to God, not to church bodies deriving their power and legitimacy from state and temporal powers, and worldly wealth.
As Christ is manifest in every man and woman, since the kingdom of heaven is within us, and his kingdom is not of this world, then any church claiming to represent him is fraudulently denying Christ as Lord, and the ultimate sanctity of the human person.
We are compelled to make this declaration now because of the reign of lies and violence that predominates in the church, and of the history of brutality, genocide and destruction enacted over millennia by both Catholic and Protestant churches on non-Christians and the innocent.
This slaughter began over fifteen centuries ago, at the beginning of Christendom, and continues today.
The killing of millions of women and dissident Christians under Inquisitions, the Crusading ethic of Indulgence – which promised spiritual cleansing to anyone who killed Jews, Muslims and other “enemies of the faith” – and the eventual genocide of untold millions of indigenous nations around the world: all of this arose from the Church’s belief that it has the power to kill and conquer in the name of the non-violent Jesus.
The Vatican is responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in history because of two papal bulls (Romanus Pontifex, 1455, and Inter Catera, 1493) – proclaimed and still operative under so-called Canon Law – that sanctioned and encouraged the destruction and enslavement of all non-Christian peoples: the majority of humanity. The wealth of the Vatican today rests upon the stolen and unreturned lands of many of those nations.
Is it surprising, then, that for just as long, the Church has sanctioned the torture, abuse and even murder of innocent children in its orphanages, sweatshops, and “residential schools” around the world? Are we surprised that such a violent organization places its own material survival ahead of justice for the innocents it has wronged? Or, that under the canon law known as Crimen Solicitationas, every priest is expected to hide the evidence of the rape of children and allow this abomination to go unpunished, or face expulsion from the church?
We are aware that Protestant churches as well are guilty of these crimes, and regularly shelter rapists and other criminals in their ranks. The example may be set by Rome, but it is actively copied by others.
These facts are irrefutable, and yet Christians continue to give their attendance, money and allegiance to the church corporations with such blood on their hands and lies on their lips.
All of these crimes against God and humanity have been done in our name. We have, by commission and omission, given our support to the anti-Christ in our midst and allowed ourselves to be used to commit the worst of all sins: violence against the sacred holy spirit of God and the innocent.
For this reason, and to cleanse ourselves of this enormous apostasy and wrong, we are issuing the following Ten Point Program. We believe that these measures are required for the church to be brought under public control so that it no longer operates as a secret, criminal body preying on the innocent.
1. The Church must issue full reparations to all of its victims according to their wishes and needs. The Church must pay for all of the costs incurred by their damage to these victims, including all medical, counseling and retraining costs, and all loss of income caused by their disability or grief and suffering.
2. The Church must return all land and property taken from its victims, and restore and return all of the wealth generated by their exploitation of their victims to them, including the wealth gained through forced, unpaid or low paid labor.
3. The Church must surrender for a proper burial, unconditionally and at its own expense, the remains of all those who died in their institutions or under their care.
4. The Church must surrender to secular authorities without conditions all the evidence, and all the perpetrators and their accessories, connected to such deaths and to any other crimes against children and others under church care. The Church must participate unconditionally in any legal or human rights inquiries into their crimes and freely disclose their records to such investigations.
5. Those responsible for crimes against children and others in church facilities, including the Pope, must be arrested and tried in civil or international courts of law, and cannot be shielded from prosecution by any form of immunity or by so-called “canon law”.
6. All clergy and church employees must be licensed and monitored as public servants, and be legally compelled to swear a public, binding oath to protect the rights and sanctity of children, and disclose any harm done to them, if need be against the orders of the Church itself.
7. All tax exemptions, immunities, legal safeguards and special privileges enjoyed by the Church must be abolished.
8. Diplomatic recognition of the Vatican and its status as a so-called “state” must be annulled.
9. All special concordats and financial agreements with the Vatican must be annulled, and all public funds and taxes given to the Vatican must be returned to their respective governments.
10. The wealth and property of all church bodies larger than a single congregation must be nationalized and placed under public ownership, so that the Church may function as a servant of the community.
We, the founding clergy of the Protestant and Roman Catholic faiths united in our group Not in Our Name, do solemnly pledge ourselves to this program and allegiance, and call upon all Christians and clergy to do the same.
Henceforth, and until this Program is enacted and the Church is disestablished as a corporate, self-governing, criminal body, we will conduct ourselves and our pastoral duties separate from and in opposition to corporate Christendom and its existing churches.
Duly signed and ratified this Tenth Day of March, 2012 and Reissued on Easter Sunday, 2018
Leaving the False Churches: A Call for Reflection, Fasting and Separation in preparation for the launching of Operation Atonement
Posted on March 4, 2018 by Kevin
pdf leaflets: Leaving the Churches – A Call (English version) Quitter les fausses Eglises (French version) Lasciare le false chiese (Italian version) – please watch and post
For what does light have in common with the darkness? Therefore come out from among them and separate yourselves. – 2 Corinthians 6:14, 17
Since February, 2013, the churches of Rome, of England, and of Canada have been convicted of unspeakable crimes against children and humanity, and have been declared criminal bodies. It is time for all people of conscience to leave forever these false and murderous churches that continue to threaten the safety of children.
Commencing at noon on Good Friday, March 30, 2018 and extending to Easter Sunday, April 1, all people are asked to enter into forty eight hours of reflection, fasting and separation from the Roman Catholic, Anglican, United and other churches that have harmed and murdered children.
During this period and afterwards, under the Law of Nations, all people are required to cease and desist from funding, attending or associating with these criminal churches. We ask that people declare their intention to do so by taking the attached Pledge of Non-Cooperation and sharing it publicly.
Other public actions will occur during this period to prepare for the commencing of Operation Atonement on April 15: the political, financial and legal disestablishing of these murderous churches.
Issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State –

Pledge of Non-Cooperation with Criminal Churches
I, ______________________ , acting in good conscience, do hereby pledge to disassociate from the Church known as ___________________________ and to deny it all attendance, funding and adherence.
I do so because of this church’s criminal conviction as a genocidal, child-killing institution that has betrayed God and humanity, and thereby has forfeited all rights and authority.
Please leave copies of this Pledge in the church collection plate and share it publicly. The evidence of the crimes of these churches can be found at and .
Quitter les fausses Eglises : Un appel à la prière, au jeûne et à la séparation en préparation du lancement de l’Opération Expiation
Quelle union entre la lumière et les ténèbres? Sortez donc du milieu de ces gens-là, et tenez-vous à l’écart, dit le Seigneur– 2 Corinthiens 6:14, 17
Depuis février 2013, les églises de Rome, d’Angleterre et du Canada ont été reconnues coupables de crimes indicibles contre les enfants et l’humanité et ont été déclarées organisations criminelles. Il est temps pour toutes les personnes de conscience de quitter pour toujours ces églises fausses et meurtrières qui continuent de menacer la sécurité des enfants.
À partir de midi le Vendredi Saint, 30 mars 2018 et jusqu’au Dimanche de Pâques, 1er avril, on demande à tous les fidèles de participer à quarante-huit heures de prière, de jeûne et de séparation des églises catholique Romaine, Anglicane, Unie et d’autres, qui ont souillé et assassiné des enfants.
Pendant et après cette période, selon les lois de Dieu et de l’Humanité, tout le monde est mis en demeure, de cesser de financer, d’assister ou de s’associer avec ces églises criminelles. Nous demandons que les gens déclarent leur intention de le faire en prêtant le serment de Non-Coopération ci-joint et en le partageant publiquement.D’autres actions publiques auront lieu pendant cette période pour préparer le début de l’Opération Expiation du 15 Avril : le démantèlement politique, financier et juridique de ces églises meurtrières.

Serment de non-coopération avec les églises criminelles
Je soussigné ______________________, agissant en mon âme et conscience, m’engage à me séparer de l’Église connue sous le nom de ___________________________ et à lui refuser toute présence, tout financement et toute adhésion.
Je le fais en raison de la condamnation pénale de cette église en tant qu’institution génocidaire et meurtrière qui a trahi Dieu et l’Humanité, et qui a ainsi perdu tous ses droits et son autorité.
Veuillez laisser des exemplaires de ce serment dans la corbeille de quête de l’église et le partager publiquement. La preuve des crimes de ces églises peut être trouvée sur le site internet :
Publié par le Tribunal International contre les Crimes de l’Église et de l’État –
ITALIAN TRANSLATIONLasciare le false chiese: Un Appello per la Preghiera, il Digiuno e la Separazione in preparazione del lancio dell’Operazione Espiazione Perché, che cosa ha in comune la luce con l’oscurità? Perciò esci di mezzo a loro e separati. – 2 Corinzi 6:14, 17 – Dal febbraio 2013, le chiese di Roma, dell’Inghilterra e del Canada sono state condannate per crimini inenarrabili contro i bambini e l’umanità, e sono state dichiarate organismi criminali. È tempo che tutte le persone di coscienza lascino per sempre queste false chiese omicide, che continuano a minacciare la sicurezza dei bambini. A partire dal mezzogiorno del Venerdì Santo, 30 Marzo 2018, fino alla domenica di Pasqua, 1° Aprile, a tutte le persone è richiesto di entrare in quarantotto ore di preghiera, digiuno e separazione dalla Chiesa Romana Cattolica, dalla Chiesa Anglicana, dalle Chiese Unite e dalle altre chiese che hanno fatto del male e hanno assassinato bambini. Durante questo periodo e in seguito, secondo le leggi di Dio e dell’Umanità, viene richiesto a tutte le persone di cessare e desistere dal finanziare queste chiese criminali, dal frequentarle o dall’associarsi con esse. Noi chiediamo che le persone dichiarino la loro intenzione di farlo prendendo la qui allegata Promessa di Non-Cooperazione e condividendola pubblicamente. Altre azioni pubbliche si svolgeranno durante questo periodo per preparare l’inizio dell’Operazione Espiazione il 15 Aprile: l’esautorazione politica, finanziaria e legale di queste chiese omicide. Rilasciato dal Tribunale Internazionale dei Crimini di Chiesa e Stato – Impegno di Non-Cooperazione con le Chiese Criminali Io, ______________________, agendo in buona coscienza, miimpegno con ilpresente documento a dissociarmi dalla Chiesa nota come__________________________ e a rifiutarle completamente la frequentazione,i finanziamenti e l’adesione. Io faccio questo a causa della condanna penalericevuta da questa chiesa come un’istituzione genocida, infanticida, che ha tradito Dio e l’umanità, e quindi ha perso tutti i diritti e l’autorità. ___________________________ Firma ___________________________ Data Per favore, lasciate delle copie di questo Impegno nel piatto della raccolta della chiesa e condividetelo pubblicamente. Le prove dei crimini di queste chiese possono essere trovate su
De valse kerken verlaten: Een oproep tot bezinning, vasten en afscheiding ter voorbereiding op de start van Operatie Verzoening.
Want wat heeft licht gemeen met de duisternis? Kom daarom uit hun midden en scheid jezelf. – 2 Korinthiërs 6:14, 17
Sinds februari 2013 zijn de kerken van Rome, Engeland en Canada veroordeeld voor onuitsprekelijke misdaden tegen kinderen en de mensheid en zijn uitgeroepen tot criminele organisaties. Het is tijd voor alle mensen van geweten, om deze valse en moorddadige kerken voorgoed te verlaten die de veiligheid van kinderen tot op heden nog steeds bedreigen.
Met ingang van 12:00 uur op Goede Vrijdag 30 maart tot aan Paaszondag 1 april 2018, wordt aan alle gelovigen gevraagd deel te nemen aan achtenveertig uur van reflectie, vasten en afscheiding van de Rooms-Katholieke, Anglicaanse en de andere kerken die kinderen hebben beschadigd en vermoord.
Gedurende deze periode en daarna, krachtens het Volkenrecht*, wordt mensen gevraagd zich terug te trekken en te stoppen met het financieren, bijwonen en associëren met deze criminele kerken. We vragen aan mensen hun intentie hiertoe kenbaar te maken door de Belofte van Niet-Samenwerking te aanvaarden en deze publiekelijk te delen. (*voor Volkenrecht zie Internationaal recht)
Tijdens deze periode zullen er andere openbare acties plaatsvinden ter voorbereiding op de aanvang van Operatie Verzoening op 15 april: de politieke, financiële en juridische ontmanteling van deze moorddadige kerken.
Belofte van Niet-Samenwerking met Criminele Kerken
Ik, ______________________, handelend in goed geweten, verklaar hierbij om afstand te doen van de kerk die bekend staat als ___________________________ en haar alle opkomst, financiering en verbinding te ontzeggen.
Ik doe dit vanwege de strafrechtelijke veroordeling van deze kerk als een genocidale, kindermoordinstelling die God en de mensheid heeft verraden en daardoor alle rechten en autoriteit heeft verspeeld.
Laat kopieën van deze eed achter in de mand van de kerkcollecte en deel deze openbaar. Het bewijs van de misdaden van deze kerken is te vinden op de website: en