On the Reformation’s anniversary, Covenanters post “spiritual eviction orders” and legal notices on Papist churches around the world
Posted on October 31, 2017 by Kevin
The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Breaking News from the ITCCS and The Covenanters movement
October 31, 2017
Proclamation summons all “lost brethren” to leave the false Church of Rome – Action builds on Easter, 2014 “Emancipation and Nullification Order” that disestablished the papacy
This morning, at “Roman Catholic” cathedrals across America, Canada, England, Scotland and Ireland, members of the Covenanters movement posted public Proclamations that evicted the Church of Rome from their land and called upon all “lost brethren” to leave that false church. The Proclamation places all adherents and clergy of the Church of Rome on legal notice that they are subject to citizens’ arrest for any future association with their murderous, criminally convicted corporation.
Today’s action was marred by some incidents, including physical confrontations between catholic priests and the groups of Covenanters who stood peacefully outside the Roman churches. One Covenanter member, an elderly aboriginal man of the Anishnabe nation, was assaulted by an outraged priest at an eastern Canadian church. The assaulted man refused to press charges against the priest, asking instead for the latter to “search his conscience and stop serving the Thing that murdered so many of my people.” Police appeared at several of the actions but no arrests were made.
Today’s action builds on the Maastricht Proclamation issued on Easter, 2014 by the International Common Law Court of Justice as part of its case against top Vatican officials, including Jorge Bergoglio, aka “pope Francis”. The Proclamation nullified the authority of the Church of Rome and the papacy under the laws of God and mankind, and called upon top Vatican officials to resign. One such official, the so-called “Black Pope”, Jesuit leader Adolfo Pachon, did in fact announce his resignation from his office less than a month after the issuing of the Maastricht Proclamation. (See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zvtuHT7Cl4 , and http://www.seawapa.co/2014/05/breaking-news-jesuit-black-pope-resigns.html and http://itccs.org/2014/05/25/itccs-breaking-news-may-25-2014-gmt-brussels-accused-child-killer-resigns-from-top-vatican-office-jesuit-head-adolfo-pachon-makes-startling-announcement-as-he-stands-trial-in-absentia-for-cri/)
In the words of Scottish Covenanter John Burke,
“Just as Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses opened a floodgate of liberation, so too is our action today just the start of a bigger disestablishing of the oldest tyranny in our history. We will no longer allow child killing priests and Vatican crimes to terrorize our nations. Their time is over, so help us God.”
For more information and to participate in this movement, contact the Covenanters at congregationalcovenant@gmail.com .
Tune in this Sunday November 5 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern for more information, at Here We Stand, www.bbsradio.com/herewestand .
Issued 31 October, 2017 by the ITCCS and The Covenant of Free Congregational Christians (The Covenanters)
Covenanter co-founder Rev. Kevin Annett reading the Maastricht Proclamation at the oldest “Roman Catholic” church outside Italy in Maastricht, Holland on April 20, 2014
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zvtuHT7Cl4Posted in 9th circle, Action: What to Do, Canada, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Church of Rome, common law, common law court of justice, covenanters, Crimen Solicitationas, England, Genocide, Historical Background, Holy See, Italy, ITCCS, Jesuits, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Netherlands, Ninth Circle, Occupy the Vatican, Papal Deception, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, Reality Checks, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Twelve Mile Club, Vatican
The Oldest Lie and the Greatest Crime: Ending the Reign of the False Church
Posted on October 26, 2017 by KevinLISTEN HERE! To a Special Reformation Anniversary Program on Here We Standhttps://bbsradio.com/podcast/oldest-lie-and-greatest-crime-october-29-2017https://bbsradio.com/sites/default/files/audio_dirs/herewestand/Here_We_Stand_2017-10-29.mp3With your hosts Kevin Annett and Andrew Paterson
Christian churches have led the genocidal slaughter of untold millions of people and continue to traffic, rape and murder children with impunity, armed with your tax money. Why and how have they done so? By what means do they and their compliant government and corporate allies conceal their crimes and exonerate themselves? And how have we successfully prosecuted and stopped these false and murderous churches and the evil behind them? Kevin and Andrew describe the ongoing campaign to spiritually and politically disestablish the criminally convicted Churches of Rome, England and Canada. Today’s program commences a two day period of global prayer and fasting designed to call out and separate people from these corporations, and to launch new Covenanted Congregations free of the legacy of colonialism and genocide. It is indeed time for all of us to “Come out from their evil and be separated”. (2 Corinthians 6:17) For background listen to last week’s program “Sovereignty and Re-Formation” at this link: https://bbsradio.com/podcast/sovereignty-and-re-formation-october-22-2017 See also www.murderbydecree.com and www.itccs.org .
Breaking News! Now Available: Kevin Annett’s latest book “Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion” – through Amazon
Posted on February 14, 2016 by Kevin
List Price: $15.006″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
326 pagesISBN-13: 978-1523905775
ISBN-10: 1523905778
BISAC: Biography & Autobiography / Political
A narrative of extraordinary power and importance, Unrelenting is the long-awaited account of how one man’s courage toppled a Pope and changed the face of the world.
The twenty year saga of Reverend Kevin Annett to expose Genocide and child torture by his own Canadian culture has been recounted in part in other testimonies, but not until now has the entire story been told with such depth and humanity.
In his own words, and drawing on a rich body of evidence and experience, Kevin recounts a Herculean struggle to force a buried truth into the light of day, and to prosecute Church and State for their unspeakable crimes against the innocent.
Written as both historical record and spiritual reflection, Unrelenting moves past the bare facts of a global crime to the deeper question of how moral people are to respond to official malfeasance in their own back yard. Its passion and devotion reveal a man who has found his real vocation as “a doer of the word, and not merely a speaker”.
In the manner of the author’s own cited 18th century ancestor, the persecuted English free thinker Peter Annett, this work is written not as mere commentary, but to arouse the readers and summon them to change.
Reverend Kevin D. Annett has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is an award winning author, broadcaster, film maker and human rights figure. He lectures widely in North America and Europe and serves as a community minister and spiritual adviser to many communities including the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State. (www.itccs.org) He may be contacted at hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com or through 386-323-5774 in the USA. Please see www.KevinAnnett.com .To order copies contact the author or see
We are on the Brink: A Time for Understanding and Reclamation
Posted on September 14, 2015 by admin
A Commentary and Call by Kevin D. Annett
September 14, 2015https://youtu.be/YnFvTD7RCSU
On September 22, the world’s oldest lie and its greatest crime is coming to the heartland of America. The aim of this power is to enlist Americans in its plan to establish a single tyranny over humanity: not a one world government, but a global corporatocracy of one master and many slaves. The mask worn by this power is the Church of Rome and its ruler, Jorge Bergoglio. For many years I have helped to document and expose the murderous nature of this power called the Vatican, and to prosecute it for its crimes against children and so many others. In so doing, we have pulled back its deceptive mask and shown it for what it is, in all of its corruption, ritual sacrifice and murder. And as we have done so, we have revealed how cowardly this entity is: how it in fact has no true power, but flees from our exposure of it, and hides behind its lies so as to continue to confuse humanity, now that we can see it for what it is. And so, despite our exposure of this oldest enemy of mankind, its hold over the minds and hearts of many people continues. Because of our success in exposing and confronting it, this power in Rome has donned a new, deceptive mask in the form of a smiling old man in a white robe, who speaks of compassion while he honors and names as a “saint” a mass murderer of Indians; who calls for “saving the planet” while funding and profiting off GMO companies, Big Pharma and the arms industry; and who presents himself as a new hope for mankind while hiding his own trafficking and murder of innocent children. And very soon, this smiling lie calling itself Pope Francis will be meeting with the United States government and the United Nations to enlist their help in imposing a new global tyranny over mankind. To those with understanding, we have no need to explain the demonic nature of the Vatican and its imprisoned followers. But whether or not we share this understanding, we are united with many men and women around the world in our determination to stop the crimes of the Vatican and abolish its power in the world. And we have learned from hard won experience that we can in fact halt and undermine this thing called the Church of Rome, despite all of its apparent power: but only if we use the weapons of God and our own humanity to nullify the authority of Rome and its puppet governments and laws. This past week, we have demonstrated once again how even a few of us standing in the power of truth can force the Vatican to back away from its plans. For when Jorge Bergoglio learned that some of our people plan to confront and stop the child trafficking event known as the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, he changed his itinerary to avoid the most public aspect of that event. Bergoglio knows his own guilt and the crimes of his church, and that guilt makes him weak and defensive; for he knows too how our same efforts have forced the removal of his predecessor, Joseph Ratzinger, and that Jorge Bergoglio himself faces a standing citizen arrest warrant because of his own violation of children. The truth itself is God’s own revealed power, but it needs men and women to wield it. We cannot act alone. It is now time for everyone of conscience to stop this global criminal power in Rome: everyone, starting with the police and the judges and the soldiers who are the peace keepers of America, who can and must defend our children and our liberties against the openly murderous church of Rome – especially now that the United States government is aiding and abetting its crimes, and thereby is committing crime itself, in your name and with your tax money. As a convicted criminal, and as the head of a body whose policies of protecting child rapists is a clear threat to the children, the laws and the sovereignty of the United States of America, Jorge Bergoglio needs to be prevented from entering America, and deported if he does arrive. That is simply the law. Bergoglio must be confronted, and exposed, for we know that children will die at the hands of him and his followers when he is in America. If we do not act, and confront these child killers in church robes, at least four innocent children will die brutally in Ninth Circle sacrificial rituals that will be conducted in catholic churches in Washington DC on September 23, and in Philadelphia on September 26.Two of these children are Indians, a boy and a girl, who were taken from the Gila reservation in Arizona.
But even as we fight for the lives of these children, and as in any exorcism we name and banish the evil in our midst, our real power over this entity lies not in attacking it but in our active nullifying of its authority and legitimacy; and in our replacing of that power with a new authority: the law of God alone. And so even as some of us chosen for the task will take on and confront this Beast, the majority of Americans and people everywhere must publicly demonstrate their denial of it by boycotting Jorge Bergoglio and his visit. Turn off your TV and internet, and ignore the news coverage of his trip. Surround catholic churches and call on its people to stay out of them and to stop funding the murderous church of Rome. Refuse to do anything during the five days of his visit to America, and fast and pray for the evil to depart. For by such a public lamentation and shunning of Bergoglio and his lies, we are weakening that Lie and nullifying its power to deceive and violate and murder. But even more importantly, by our turning our collective back on the entity of Rome in this way we are embodying a divine reality, which is the source of our power and our hope: the reality that in the face of the abomination in Rome and its centuries of crimes against God and humanity, God has nullified the false church of Rome and all of the worldly authority that serves it. For we are on the brink of a new world: not the tyranny being concocted by global elites, but the reign of God’s law as a new covenant with humanity. And so now we each must make a simple choice, concerning what power we will serve: lies or truth; life or mass murder; the global corporatocracy, or the new, common law covenant of free people that stands over and above our allegiance to all governments, all laws, and all religions. We will be demonstrating our allegiance to this new covenant in the days and the years ahead. We invite you to join us – for the children, and our future as people under only one authority: that of God, and our Godly conscience, as a Republic of Equal and Sovereign people.https://youtu.be/YnFvTD7RCSUPosted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, 9th circle, Action: What to Do, Canada, Canon Law, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Church of Rome, common law, Crimen Solicitationas, Crown of England, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Holy See, Jesuits, Jorge Bergoglio, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ninth Circle, Occupy the Vatican, Papal Deception, pedophilia, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Press TV, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, radio free kanata, Reality Checks, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Toos Nijenhuis, Torture, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, United States of America, Vatican
Stopping the war criminal called Pope Francis: A Call to Action to all Americans
Posted on August 27, 2015 by admin
A Special Communique concerning the papal visit to the USAIssued by the Central Office of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
27 August, 2015
Brussels and New York
The ITCCS and its American affiliates will be conducting public protests and spiritual convergences in Washington DC, New York City and Philadelphia between September 23 – 27, 2015 during the visit of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, to the USA.
These actions will be designed to continually confront the Pope throughout his state visit, and to share with the public and media the evidence of his proven crimes against humanity, including his complicity in the trafficking and disappearance of children.
An itinerary of these actions follows.
“By canonizing a mass murderer of California Indians the very first day he’s in America, Francis is showing the world that he stands in the genocidal tradition of his church, despite all his talk of reform” said one of the New York City organizers of the protests.
“The Pope can’t deny that he’s personally implicated in the selling of Argentine children during the dictatorship there. We have the witnesses. And we’ll be outside the United Nations, and the United States Congress, and wherever this child trafficker shows his hypocritical face”.
The ITCCS is also working with spiritual elders from many communities to hold exorcism rituals and prayer vigils during the papal visit, outside the catholic services he will be conducting. More details of these ceremonies will be forthcoming.
ITCCS officers will also attempt to serve a standing international Common Law Citizen Arrest warrant on Jorge Bergoglio while he is in America, and will request police assistance in their action.Contact itccsoffice@gmail.com for more information or to volunteer for this campaign.
Summary of the Stop Papal Crimes actions in America
September 23-27, 2015
In Washington DC:
Action No. 1: Wednesday, September 23 at 9:00 am sharp OUTSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE (Bergoglio meets President Obama)
Action No. 2: Same Day at 4:00 pm at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20017 (Bergoglio “canonizes” mass murderer Junipero Serra) – This action will be accompanied by a spiritual ceremony and exorcism
Action No. 3: Thursday, September 24 at 9:00 am outside the Congressional House of Representatives (Bergoglio speaks to both houses)
In New York City:
Action No. 4: Thursday, September 24 at 6:45 pm at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 5th avenue and east 50th street (Bergoglio gives a mass) – This action will be accompanied by a spiritual ceremony and exorcism
Action No. 5: Friday, September 25 at 8:30 am at the United Nations building, 1st Avenue and east 42nd street (Bergoglio addresses the U.N. General Assembly)
Action No. 6: Same day at 4:00 pm at Our Lady Queen of Angels school, 229 East 112th street in East Harlem (Bergoglio speaks to children – warning!!)
Action No. 7: Same day at 6:00 pm at Madison Square Gardens, West 33rd street and 7th Avenue (Bergoglio conducts a large mass) – This action will be accompanied by a spiritual ceremony and exorcism
In Philadelphia:
Action No. 8: Saturday, September 26th at 10:30 am at the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul, 1723 Race St (Bergoglio conducts a large mass) – This action will be accompanied by a spiritual ceremony and exorcism
Action No. 9: Same day at 4:45 pm at Independence Hall where US Constitution was signed, between S 5th and S 6th streets
Action No. 10: Sunday, September 27 at 9:00 am at the St. Martin’s Chapel, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 100 Wynnewood Rd, Wynnewood, PA – Conference with local Bishops – This action will be accompanied by a spiritual ceremony and exorcismAdditional action: Protestors will infiltrate and disrupt the sessions of the World Meeting of Families, being held during September 26 and 27th throughout Philadelphia. This event is a notorious meeting ground of child traffickers in the catholic church. More details to come.
ITCCS Central27 August, 2015
Posted in 9th circle, Action: What to Do, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Church of Rome, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Holy See, ITCCS, Jesuits, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ninth Circle, Occupy the Vatican, Papal Deception, police state, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Press TV, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, radio free kanata, Ricky Lavallee, Ritual Murder of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Toos Nijenhuis, Torture, Vatican
Some Questions to a War Criminal
Posted on August 8, 2015 by admin
(aka “Pope Francis”, “Jorge Bergoglio”)
1. Are you a member or participant in the sacrificial cult known as the Ninth Circle? Where were you at midnight on February 23-24, 2014?
2. Did you participate in the ceremonial rape, torture and murder of a five year old Belgian girl whose name was Anna, at a private chateau outside Gulpen, Holland on August 15, 2011?
3. In your capacity as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, and at any other time, did you organize the trafficking and sale of children of political prisoners in Argentina at the behest of its military junta, during that country’s genocidal Dirty Wars?
4. What was your professional and personal relationship with Argentine dictator General Jorge Videla?
5. Have you ever accepted a payment from the present Queen of the Netherlands, Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti, for helping her expunge her own criminal record in Argentina?
6. As the chief fiduciary officer of the Roman Catholic Church, why have you not revoked its criminal policy known as Crimen Sollicitationas, by which every Catholic is obligated to protect child rapists in your church, and thereby subvert the laws and sovereignty of their own nation?
7. Why have you claimed publicly that your church will cooperate with outside authorities to stop child abuse in its ranks, while telling your Bishops that they are not to inform the police when children are abused in your church?
8. Why are you allowing the Vatican Bank to continue its massive laundering of the money of organized crime and drug cartels, including the Drangheta criminal syndicate? Is it because in exchange, Drangheta has provided to your church’s Ninth Circle sacrificial cult the children and adolescents to be tortured and killed at its rituals?
9. Did you or your representatives ever meet personally with leaders of Drangheta in February of 2014, or at any other time, to arrange these exchanges and other criminal acts?
10. What is the Vatican’s relationship with the governments of Russia and China, and its “BRICS” affiliated Eastern Investment Bank? Is your upcoming visit to the United States occurring at the behest of these governments?
11. What knowledge do you have of the murder of Pope John Paul 1 in September 1978 by a faction of Catholic Cardinals associated with former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger?
12. Did you collude with Pope Benedict to conceal his own crimes in helping to traffic and kill children as part of his membership in the Ninth Circle cult and the Nazi S.S. “Knights of Darkness”, when he was a member of that sect?
13. Why are you “beatifying” the murderous California missionary Junipero Serra, who led the Spanish conquest of aboriginal nations there, enslaving and killing thousands of men, women and children on Franciscan-run slave plantations?
14. Why are you posing as a humanitarian reformer when you are the head of a global criminal syndicate known as the Vatican, Incorporated, which traffics and kills children and funds transnational organized crime?
15. Having been lawfully convicted of these and other crimes by a Citizen’s Tribunal and its common law court in September of 2013, and since an international arrest warrant has been issued against you, will you continue to evade and obstruct justice? When will you surrender yourself to justice, and the verdict of this court and humanity?
Sources: www.itccs.org ; INTERPOL ; the sworn affidavits of Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, Toos Neijenhuis and three protected witnesses ; media and legal accounts.
Stop the Convicted Criminal Jorge Bergoglio!
Posted on March 29, 2015 by admin

For Crimes against Humanity, Child Trafficking, complicity in torture and murder in Argentina, and presiding over a convicted criminal syndicate
This Convicted criminal, JORGE BERGOGLIO, is being given aid and comfort by the United Nations and the United States government, both of whom have invited BERGOGLIO to speak under their auspices during his visits to New York City and Washington DC, during the week of September 24, 2015.
An International Common Law Arrest Warrant was issued against BERGOGLIO on July 18, 2014, after he was lawfully convicted of these crimes.
Police and citizens are instructed to immediately detain BERGOGLIO and deny him all aid and comfort. Please report his whereabouts to the sworn common law Sheriffs and their deputies in your community.
Issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (www.itccs.org)
Breaking Interview and Inspiring News from Kevin Annett
Posted on February 12, 2015 by admin
Target of Grand Jury Inquiry into Child Trafficking: the Vancouver Club
This is a brief update from Kevin Annett on what he has been up to and what are in his future plans regarding the Republic of Kanata. We discussed why he has taken a break from posting his own recordings and some general updates on the plight of the dark.
Common Law Sheriffs will arrest convicted criminal, “Pope Francis”, during September 2015 USA visit
Posted on December 8, 2014 by admin
An ITCCS / NewsInsideOut Breaking News Interview with Kevin Annett
December 8, 2014, New York City and Vancouver: Common law Sheriffs and Oath Keepers will arrest convicted child trafficking Pope Bergoglio during his planned September 2015 USA visit, according to ITCCS North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett.
His breaking interview, conducted with Alfred Webre and the NewsInsideOut network, also describes breakthroughs in establishing the supremacy of common law warrants in Canada, the establishment of the Republic of Kanata, and new revelations of ties between the Ndrangheta criminal syndicate, Interpol, and catholic child killing cults.
Pope meets secretly with Russians; “Rampaging” RCMP ordered to stand down by International Court Order – Common Law Peace Officers to Replace Mounties as Kinder-Morgan environmental protest escalates
Posted on November 27, 2014 by admin
A Breaking News Release and Kevin Annett interview from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Wednesday, 28 November, 2014
A Public Order revoking the authority of Canada’s RCMP and replacing them with common law peace Officers was proclaimed today at the site of Canada’s most heated environmental protest in years.
The Order was issued by the Vancouver-based West Coast Common Law Court of Justice in the wake of illegal arrests and violent “gestapo tactics” by RCMP officers against peaceful protestors opposing the desecration of forests on Burnaby mountain by the Kinder-Morgan corporation.
The Order is addressed to RCMP officers and the Superintendent of the RCMP, and reads in part,
“Let it be known that as of today, the 28th Day of November, 2014, and under the authority of a Court decision of March 1, 2013 that convicted the Crown of England, the government of Canada and its officers of Crimes against Humanity, your authority and policing powers are hereby revoked and you are ordered to immediately stand down from further intervention in lawful protest actions against Kinder-Morgan corporation on Burnaby Mountain.
“Let it be further known that if you disregard this Order of Revocation you will be considered to be engaged in acts of unlawful violence and criminality against the People and their laws, and you will face immediate arrest and detainment by Common Law Peace Officers deputized by the Court.”
Copies of the Stand Down Order were given to RCMP officers yesterday and today and delivered to the RCMP Superintendent in Ottawa by Court appointed Peace Officers.
Further details of this action and other updates from the Court and Tribunal are contained in this recent interview with Field Secretary Kevin Annett:
Issued by ITCCS Central Office, Brussels
28 November, 2014