Crimes against Humanity, from Canada to Rome: A recent, exclusive interview with Kevin Annett (June 26, 2018)
Posted on July 1, 2018 by Kevin
Kevin delves into the recent attempted arrest of Jorge Bergoglio, the roots of Genocide in Canada and globally, the emerging Republic of Kanata, and his life’s lessons.
And order the latest book on our work, “The Case for the Republic of Kanata” at
Lest We Forget: The Eviction and the Occupation that changed Canada forever
Posted on April 6, 2018 by Kevin
by Kevin D. Annett / Eagle Strong Voice
Former legal agent of hereditary Siem Kiapilano of the Squamish Nation
Church Eviction, March 16, 2008: Elder Kiapilano (centre) with Kevin Annett (right) and Ricky Lavallee (left), who was later murdered by Vancouver police
On March 4, 2008, a traditional indigenous elder walked into the British Columbia Supreme Court in downtown Vancouver and filed an Eviction Notice against the churches that destroyed his people. Twelve days later, the same survivor led an occupation of one of those churches to enforce that Notice and declare the churches to be illegally trespassing on his land. That same month, the Canadian government reacted, and the cover up of Canada’s home grown Genocide began in earnest.
Here is that story, nearly erased from memory by the guilty:
He was a frail man who looked older than his seventy years. We first met in the studio of Vancouver Co-op Radio in the waning months of 2007, when I was still a broadcaster there. The man’s name was Gerry Kiapilano. He told me he was the hereditary Siem, or elder, of the Squamish Nation, on whose stolen land Vancouver squats.
“The Mounties and the priests threw my grandfather out into the snow one night” Gerry described on the air that first day. “After that, our family was banned from the Squamish reservation. The government puppet chiefs were moved in to replace us. They’re still running the show on the reserve.”
Like every residential school survivor I’ve come to know, Gerry circled around the facts of his own torture like someone on the edge of a viper pit. He did relate that other children had been killed right in front of him by Catholic priests, but he stayed mute about what had been done to him. His eyes, of course, said much more.
Gerry Kiapilano was a man on his purpose. Over tea, soon after our interview, he said bluntly to me,
“Those churches never asked our permission to come here or to kidnap us from our families. They’re trespassing on our land. I heard what you’ve been doing and I’m with you. We’ve got to make those murderers pay.”
Gerry was not a vengeful soul, but he meant what he said. The Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada had to pay, literally. They owed his nation back rent of nearly a century, as well as a moral restitution for their mass murder of children that was incalculable. And until such simple justice could be done, they had no right to stay on his land. He was about to issue all three of the churches a legal eviction notice, and he wanted my help.
“I know about your name Eagle Strong Voice and how the Anishinabe people adopted you. So I’m going to appoint you my fiduciary agent” he declared gently. “I’m empowering you to enforce the Eviction and bring those churches to justice.”
I accepted the appointment with something more than glee and less than trepidation. For in those halcyon days before the government’s big spin and payoff operation had begun, residential school survivors were ready to protest at the drop of a hat. Gerry Kiapilano and I quickly did the rounds of Vancouver’s downtown eastside and its thousands of genocide survivors, recruiting as we went. By the new year we had assembled a small guerilla army, and were ready to act. But first we went to court.
The young woman behind the counter in the Law Court’s Registry section gave Gerry an odd stare as he approached with his documents. She seemed even more perplexed when she read them. I suppose it isn’t every day that an Indian files an Eviction Notice against the system. But as my old radical buddy Joe Hendsbee used to observe, the sheer maze of any state bureaucracy allows you to drive a Mack truck through its loopholes, and the British Columbia Supreme Court was no exception that day. The blithe functionary stamped Gerry’s papers and filed them in the Court Registry as Case Docket Number S036483. It was March 4, 2008, and Gerry Kiapilano had his legal Eviction Notice against the churches. He promptly faxed them all copies.
“I’ve given them ten days to answer this” he muttered as we left the Law Courts, his eyes aglow. “After that, they’re illegal trespassers and we can lay claim to their property. That’s the law.”
The God Talkers never replied, of course. The ten days came and went, and Gerry – who all of us came to call “Kap” for short – gave me, as his legal agent, the green light to enforce the Eviction Notice. Well, say no more!
That next Sunday dawned bright and clear. On cue, our people gathered at appointed rallying points and converged on Holy Rosary Catholic Cathedral from three directions, so as not to attract too much cop-attention. But we need not have worried. Thanks to that hidden hand that so often has guided and guarded our efforts, our target stood wide open and defenseless as we approached. The phalanx of police and Knights of Columbus goons who usually barred the Cathedral’s entrance were absent that morning. The doors stood open.
“That’s a sign, alright” I said to Kap, who strode alongside me as we led our fifty people towards the Cathedral. “Let’s go!”
What followed is the stuff of high drama: the perplexed and helpless clergy backing away from our tide of humanity, flowing into the sanctuary as the organ moaned some absurd refrain; the mostly-curious parishioners, gazing at our banner that called for their victims to receive a proper burial; and our wondrous crowd of former victims who stood unafraid and united in the face of what had ravaged them, handing the pew sitters a notice that they were illegal trespassers on other peoples’ land, and had to leave. We were counting coup against a huge and seemingly unbeatable opponent, and everyone there knew it.
The fallout came quickly. That same afternoon I received a frantic phone call from the Cathedral’s Diocesan lawyer, who begged me to call off any more church occupations. Easter was approaching, after all.
“Well, what better time to resurrect justice in this land?” I answered the paper pusher, who didn’t seem amused.
But the response went further. That same week, the federal government hurriedly announced the launching of that absurd misnomer, the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”: a huge public relations stunt that was about neither. The Big Spin had begun, but only because Kap and our people had belted Goliath one right between the eyes.
“I’m counting on you to keep this up” Kap exhorted me after the news broke. “They’re going to try to bury all this but we can’t let them. You have my authority to occupy these churches and shut them down for good, and bring their leaders to trial.”
Over the subsequent years I did precisely that, even as far away as Rome and London and Brussels. And even though the results aren’t completely obvious yet, our bullet has plowed into the heart of the Beast of Church and State even as it continues to stampede towards oblivion. Time and the Truth will do the rest.
It is the fate of man to forget, wrote Emerson. The dying powers that pretend to be have for now wiped memories clean and buried the fact of their Group Crime and the few of us who exposed and confronted it with our last measure of devotion. Most of the leaders of our action that day were dead within a couple of years from obvious foul play, and Kap himself retired into an unexplained reclusion. But the walls are coming down, nevertheless, because an example was made. We showed the world that the killers who hide behind clerical robes have no place among us anymore and must leave our land. We demonstrated that power lies not with the rich criminals but with We the People, if only we will allow the justice in our own hearts to blossom into right action.
Go and do likewise.
Download this Cease and Desist Order to your local Catholic church starting April 15, 2018: Cease and Desist order to church
Leaving the False Churches: A Call for Reflection, Fasting and Separation in preparation for the launching of Operation Atonement
Posted on March 4, 2018 by Kevin
pdf leaflets: Leaving the Churches – A Call (English version) Quitter les fausses Eglises (French version) Lasciare le false chiese (Italian version) – please watch and post
For what does light have in common with the darkness? Therefore come out from among them and separate yourselves. – 2 Corinthians 6:14, 17
Since February, 2013, the churches of Rome, of England, and of Canada have been convicted of unspeakable crimes against children and humanity, and have been declared criminal bodies. It is time for all people of conscience to leave forever these false and murderous churches that continue to threaten the safety of children.
Commencing at noon on Good Friday, March 30, 2018 and extending to Easter Sunday, April 1, all people are asked to enter into forty eight hours of reflection, fasting and separation from the Roman Catholic, Anglican, United and other churches that have harmed and murdered children.
During this period and afterwards, under the Law of Nations, all people are required to cease and desist from funding, attending or associating with these criminal churches. We ask that people declare their intention to do so by taking the attached Pledge of Non-Cooperation and sharing it publicly.
Other public actions will occur during this period to prepare for the commencing of Operation Atonement on April 15: the political, financial and legal disestablishing of these murderous churches.
Issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State –
Pledge of Non-Cooperation with Criminal Churches
I, ______________________ , acting in good conscience, do hereby pledge to disassociate from the Church known as ___________________________ and to deny it all attendance, funding and adherence.
I do so because of this church’s criminal conviction as a genocidal, child-killing institution that has betrayed God and humanity, and thereby has forfeited all rights and authority.
Please leave copies of this Pledge in the church collection plate and share it publicly. The evidence of the crimes of these churches can be found at and .
Quitter les fausses Eglises : Un appel à la prière, au jeûne et à la séparation en préparation du lancement de l’Opération Expiation
Quelle union entre la lumière et les ténèbres? Sortez donc du milieu de ces gens-là, et tenez-vous à l’écart, dit le Seigneur– 2 Corinthiens 6:14, 17
Depuis février 2013, les églises de Rome, d’Angleterre et du Canada ont été reconnues coupables de crimes indicibles contre les enfants et l’humanité et ont été déclarées organisations criminelles. Il est temps pour toutes les personnes de conscience de quitter pour toujours ces églises fausses et meurtrières qui continuent de menacer la sécurité des enfants.
À partir de midi le Vendredi Saint, 30 mars 2018 et jusqu’au Dimanche de Pâques, 1er avril, on demande à tous les fidèles de participer à quarante-huit heures de prière, de jeûne et de séparation des églises catholique Romaine, Anglicane, Unie et d’autres, qui ont souillé et assassiné des enfants.
Pendant et après cette période, selon les lois de Dieu et de l’Humanité, tout le monde est mis en demeure, de cesser de financer, d’assister ou de s’associer avec ces églises criminelles. Nous demandons que les gens déclarent leur intention de le faire en prêtant le serment de Non-Coopération ci-joint et en le partageant publiquement.D’autres actions publiques auront lieu pendant cette période pour préparer le début de l’Opération Expiation du 15 Avril : le démantèlement politique, financier et juridique de ces églises meurtrières.
Serment de non-coopération avec les églises criminelles
Je soussigné ______________________, agissant en mon âme et conscience, m’engage à me séparer de l’Église connue sous le nom de ___________________________ et à lui refuser toute présence, tout financement et toute adhésion.
Je le fais en raison de la condamnation pénale de cette église en tant qu’institution génocidaire et meurtrière qui a trahi Dieu et l’Humanité, et qui a ainsi perdu tous ses droits et son autorité.
Veuillez laisser des exemplaires de ce serment dans la corbeille de quête de l’église et le partager publiquement. La preuve des crimes de ces églises peut être trouvée sur le site internet : et
Publié par le Tribunal International contre les Crimes de l’Église et de l’État –
ITALIAN TRANSLATIONLasciare le false chiese: Un Appello per la Preghiera, il Digiuno e la Separazione in preparazione del lancio dell’Operazione Espiazione Perché, che cosa ha in comune la luce con l’oscurità? Perciò esci di mezzo a loro e separati. – 2 Corinzi 6:14, 17 – Dal febbraio 2013, le chiese di Roma, dell’Inghilterra e del Canada sono state condannate per crimini inenarrabili contro i bambini e l’umanità, e sono state dichiarate organismi criminali. È tempo che tutte le persone di coscienza lascino per sempre queste false chiese omicide, che continuano a minacciare la sicurezza dei bambini. A partire dal mezzogiorno del Venerdì Santo, 30 Marzo 2018, fino alla domenica di Pasqua, 1° Aprile, a tutte le persone è richiesto di entrare in quarantotto ore di preghiera, digiuno e separazione dalla Chiesa Romana Cattolica, dalla Chiesa Anglicana, dalle Chiese Unite e dalle altre chiese che hanno fatto del male e hanno assassinato bambini. Durante questo periodo e in seguito, secondo le leggi di Dio e dell’Umanità, viene richiesto a tutte le persone di cessare e desistere dal finanziare queste chiese criminali, dal frequentarle o dall’associarsi con esse. Noi chiediamo che le persone dichiarino la loro intenzione di farlo prendendo la qui allegata Promessa di Non-Cooperazione e condividendola pubblicamente. Altre azioni pubbliche si svolgeranno durante questo periodo per preparare l’inizio dell’Operazione Espiazione il 15 Aprile: l’esautorazione politica, finanziaria e legale di queste chiese omicide. Rilasciato dal Tribunale Internazionale dei Crimini di Chiesa e Stato – Impegno di Non-Cooperazione con le Chiese Criminali Io, ______________________, agendo in buona coscienza, mi impegno con ilpresente documento a dissociarmi dalla Chiesa nota come__________________________ e a rifiutarle completamente la frequentazione,i finanziamenti e l’adesione. Io faccio questo a causa della condanna penalericevuta da questa chiesa come un’istituzione genocida, infanticida, che ha tradito Dio e l’umanità, e quindi ha perso tutti i diritti e l’autorità. ___________________________ Firma ___________________________ Data Per favore, lasciate delle copie di questo Impegno nel piatto della raccolta della chiesa e condividetelo pubblicamente. Le prove dei crimini di queste chiese possono essere trovate su
De valse kerken verlaten: Een oproep tot bezinning, vasten en afscheiding ter voorbereiding op de start van Operatie Verzoening.
Want wat heeft licht gemeen met de duisternis? Kom daarom uit hun midden en scheid jezelf. – 2 Korinthiërs 6:14, 17
Sinds februari 2013 zijn de kerken van Rome, Engeland en Canada veroordeeld voor onuitsprekelijke misdaden tegen kinderen en de mensheid en zijn uitgeroepen tot criminele organisaties. Het is tijd voor alle mensen van geweten, om deze valse en moorddadige kerken voorgoed te verlaten die de veiligheid van kinderen tot op heden nog steeds bedreigen.
Met ingang van 12:00 uur op Goede Vrijdag 30 maart tot aan Paaszondag 1 april 2018, wordt aan alle gelovigen gevraagd deel te nemen aan achtenveertig uur van reflectie, vasten en afscheiding van de Rooms-Katholieke, Anglicaanse en de andere kerken die kinderen hebben beschadigd en vermoord.
Gedurende deze periode en daarna, krachtens het Volkenrecht*, wordt mensen gevraagd zich terug te trekken en te stoppen met het financieren, bijwonen en associëren met deze criminele kerken. We vragen aan mensen hun intentie hiertoe kenbaar te maken door de Belofte van Niet-Samenwerking te aanvaarden en deze publiekelijk te delen. (*voor Volkenrecht zie Internationaal recht)
Tijdens deze periode zullen er andere openbare acties plaatsvinden ter voorbereiding op de aanvang van Operatie Verzoening op 15 april: de politieke, financiële en juridische ontmanteling van deze moorddadige kerken.
Belofte van Niet-Samenwerking met Criminele Kerken
Ik, ______________________, handelend in goed geweten, verklaar hierbij om afstand te doen van de kerk die bekend staat als ___________________________ en haar alle opkomst, financiering en verbinding te ontzeggen.
Ik doe dit vanwege de strafrechtelijke veroordeling van deze kerk als een genocidale, kindermoordinstelling die God en de mensheid heeft verraden en daardoor alle rechten en autoriteit heeft verspeeld.
Laat kopieën van deze eed achter in de mand van de kerkcollecte en deel deze openbaar. Het bewijs van de misdaden van deze kerken is te vinden op de website: en
Following the Money behind Genocide: Read this Book!
Posted on February 18, 2018 by Kevin
At the Mouth of a Cannon is Kevin Annett’s latest book, and his personal account of the forces behind the theft of land by corporations, government and churches in Canada. This book describes the genocide of the Ahousaht indigenous people by the United Church and its business and government partners. Based on Kevin’s firsthand experiences and his alliance with Ahousaht elder Earl Maquinna George, At the Mouth of a Cannon is a must-read for anyone concerned about the ongoing assault on our planet, our children and our liberties. Obtainable at and at . See also and .
Five Years On: Reflections on the Fall of the Big Rat, and the Rising Reclamation
Posted on February 12, 2018 by Kevin
by Kevin (“Pope Killer”) Annett

Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, has scheduled a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano for Saturday, February 23 to discuss securing immunity from prosecution from the Italian government, according to Italian media sources. Ratzinger’s meeting follows upon the delivery to the Vatican Secretary of State’s office on February 6 of a diplomatic note from an undisclosed European government. The note apparently stated the intention of this government to cooperate with a high court in issuing an arrest warrant against Ratzinger, who resigned from his pontificate less than a week later. – from an ITCCS Communique, 14 February, 2013
Many people are unable to accept the fact that the single stone loosed by us was able to fell the Goliath in Rome. As accomodated slaves, they cannot believe that right alone makes might. But their masters fear what has happened, since they know that now, any ruler can be brought low – and with him, his entire kingdom and a world based on kingdoms. – from Fallen, by the author
The old man still doesn’t dare to set foot outside the one hundred acres called Vatican City lest he face immediate arrest for his war crimes. But what put him in his gilded prison and what keeps him there is all but forgotten now. This is a reminder.
It had never happened before. On the eve of their conviction in a public tribunal for crimes against children, not only a serving pope but three other indicted Vatican officials resigned their offices, including the so-called “black pope”: respectively, Joseph Ratzinger, Tarcisio Bertone, Sean Brady and the Jesuit leader, Adolfo Pachon.
“When a smaller opponent has bested you, make your defeat appear like a victory, or a tactical maneuver rather than a retreat”. Thus did Nicolo Machiavelli advise popes and other monarchs in 16th century Italy, in his handbook for the powerful known as The Prince: counsel that the Vatican has taken seriously in the wake of the unprecedented resignations of its top church leaders. For ever since February of 2013, Rome has tried fervently to erase the memory and reason for its retreat before a common law verdict that declared that its top officials are convicted felons and the roman catholic church is a criminal organization.
Five years ago today, when the news broke that Pope Benedict, aka “Joe the Rat” Ratzinger, was no longer the Bishop of Rome, I received an early morning phone call from the National Post newspaper in Toronto. A remarkably obtuse young reporter asked me if it was true that a pending arrest warrant against Benedict that I had helped engineer had prompted his departure.
“Absolutely” I replied, grinning ear to ear. Anticipating his next query, I continued, “But go ask the Spanish government if you don’t believe me.”
I never heard from the reporter again, nor did the Post or any other corporate media ever run a story on the threatened arrest of Rat Boy that had sent him scurrying from his sinking papal perch. Instead, with marching-orders precision, the world press scooped up and parroted the Vatican’s make-believe account of a “sudden illness” behind Benedict’s resignation, and focused with iconic fervor on to the waiting-in-the-wings Jesuit spin doctor who was soon to be crowned “Pope Francis”.
The truth is that on February 1, our common law court that was adjudicating the case against Pope Benedict and others was notified by a Spanish official that, based on its examination of our evidence against Benedict, a high court in Madrid would issue an arrest warrant against him as early as February 15 if the pope set foot on Spanish soil. Even better, the court was also considering placing a lien on catholic church property to compensate Spain for any reparations issued to the thousands of its citizens tortured and trafficked as children by priests and nuns during the Vatican-friendly Franco dictatorship.
Well Jesus, Mary and Joseph! After Rome received a Spanish diplomatic note with that news on February 6, the shit did more than hit the fan. In a hilarious, Grade B gangster movie scenario, a gaggle of corpulent Cardinals, church bankers and assorted Cosa Nostra goombahs undoubtedly sat down with Rat Boy and told him with Italian ardor to remove his Bella Figura, and pronto, from the premises. In short, Take the fall, Joe, before we all lose our shirts and go under. And as a former Hitler Youth soldaten, Benedict knew the importance of following orders. The sorry old bastard stepped down five days later. And his fellow partners in crime who were also indicted by our court – Bertone, Brady and Pachon – all followed suit in the weeks that followed.
You know, it’s unfortunate that in the wake of David’s slaying of Goliath, the fleeing Philistine army and its chastened king didn’t have Vatican spin doctors working for them. For then their toppling regime could have been stabilized and the triumphant underdogs put back in their place with the official announcement that, far from being slayed by the wee shepherd’s single stone, Goliath had actually succumbed to an unfortunate illness. And besides, would continue the announcement, now is not the time for further conflict but rather, healing and reconciliation, as embodied by our new leader, our kinder and gentler Goliath! For such is the line of tyrants with their backs against the wall, whether millennia ago, or today.
Since that glorious moment five years ago when we witnessed a child killer fall from his throne, the impact of that collapse has spread tsunami-like over our world, despite all the “kinder and gentler” pretenses of a besieged Vatican. And as with all turning points in history, the greatest victory has been a subtle psychological one, a shift in how slaves and slave-masters see themselves. The illusion of unchallengeable power is gone now. By showing that the world’s mightiest autocrat can be deposed, and by demonstrating the way to do it, our common law court was like a single stone landed squarely in the giant’s face.
The victory of February 11, 2013 was a literal shot heard ’round the world that commenced a new phase in human history: the reclamation of the law and sovereign power by We the People, through our own courts and direct actions. But that recovering is still only potential. The point now is not simply to bury Caesar but to replace him: something easy to talk about but harder than imaginable to accomplish. And yet that journey has begun.
An aboriginal friend of mine summed up the situation shortly after Ratzinger’s fall:
“Jesus, Kev, that exorcism of yours really worked! I mean, you counted coup against the biggest asshole of them all. Now all them rich fuckers are shitting themselves! Trouble is, nobody’s gonna believe it.”
His final comment tempted me to reply with the words of another friend of mine, who upon being told by his mother that she couldn’t believe that their mutual friend had died of a drug overdose, replied, “You don’t have to believe it. But the corpse is still there.”
It’s time to bury the dead once and for all. Operation Atonement commences April 15 (see below). Let’s finish the job.
Commencing on April 15, 2018
Child Holocaust Remembrance Day
The routine trafficking, torture and murder of children has become a lucrative global industry in which major church corporations are deeply implicated. The Vatican, the Church of England and other churches stand convicted in common law courts of these and other genocidal acts. Your funding of and adherence to these criminal churches is allowing their wrongs to continue.
On April 15, 2018, people in many countries will take direct action to stop these crimes by striking at their source. Operation Atonement will perform citizens’ arrests against known child rapists and the church officials who aid them; will peacefully occupy church facilities and disrupt their operations; and will halt the funding and legal protection that enable these criminal institutions. These churches have betrayed their trust and lost their right to operate under the laws of God and Humanity. We the People will no longer allow such wolves in sheeps’ clothing to exploit and brutalize our children.
You can help save the lives of the innocent by joining this global effort. Here’s how:
1. BOYCOTT the Roman Catholic, Anglican/Episcopalian and United churches by denying them attendance and funding.
2. DEMAND that your government revoke the tax-exempt status of these churches.
3. EDUCATE yourself and others about this crime and the hidden history and nature of these criminal churches. See and .
4. JOIN the nearest OPERATION ATONEMENT Action Group and directly halt these false and murderous churches. Contact to join up.
Share this leaflet with a friend. Take action now to stop the war against our children!
Sponsored by The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) , ,

A Memo and Open Letter to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from Kevin D. Annett
Posted on February 2, 2018 by Kevin
Let the Spin Begin, Again: Medical Genocide in Canada finally sees the official light of day – well, sort of
News item, February 1, 2018: CBC reports “abuses” at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital
February 2, 2018
Dear CBC,
It’s been awhile since I wrote to you jokers but yesterday’s news makes it impossible for me to resist dropping you a note.
Ever since the spring of 2008, when your Corporation’s bosses agreed to cooperate with the Canadian government and its partner-churches in censoring my name and the evidence of their genocidal crimes out of your reporting, I haven’t seen much point in relying on the CBC as a credible platform for the voluminous evidence of those crimes. And sure enough, once again your chronic, adulterous union with Big Brother has produced yet another bastard child: namely, your after-the-fact, paltry depiction of the medical genocide at church-run Indian hospitals as just another litigation-bound case of “abuse” against Our Poor Indians.
I hope I’m not being too impudently un-Canadian when I point out that any media agency that habitually obfuscates official crimes in our Great White North to the extent that the CBC has done does not get to claim the mantle of credible journalism. But be that as it may, and it usually is, I’d like to point out a number of glaring errors, omissions and misrepresentations in your story on crimes at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital and similar facilities across Canada. I’m doing so on the basis of more than twenty years of on the ground research, documentation and countless interviews with the actual survivors of these hospitals and their associated “Indian residential schools”: research that your agency has studiously ignored since the summer of 1998, when it was first offered to the CBC.
First of all, the Indian hospitals weren’t government facilities. They were established and run by medical missionaries of the United and Anglican churches in conjunction with the military, specifically the Defense Research Board in Ottawa. Your article doesn’t mention the churches or the army at all. Well gee now, I wonder why? Did somebody say Project Paperclip?
Second, you uncritically present the official line, that these hospitals were “tuberculosis treatment” facilities. Wrong. That was their cover. Every witness I’ve interviewed says that they didn’t suffer from TB at all and were incarcerated there as children in healthy condition. They were then either deliberately infected with TB or used in drug testing, mind control, sensory deprivation or sterilization experiments by Army and Church doctors. Dr. James Goodbrand, who worked at the Nanaimo hospital, was quoted as saying to patient Sarah Modeste just before he made her infertile, “I get paid $300 by the government for every Indian woman I sterilize.” Lots of women and children died from these horrors and were buried in secret on the hospital grounds. Again, there’s no mention of this in your article, despite it being common knowledge among Vancouver island survivors.
Next, rather than describe what went on in these death camps as undeniable genocide, your account spins the whole nightmare as if it’s just another case of unfortunate “abuse” that the right words and monetary compensation can make all better. Your article even quotes the salivating, waiting-in-the-wings personal injury lawyers and their planned billion-dollar class action lawsuit against Ottawa. But surely even you guys know from experience that lawsuits are just the perpetrators’ convenient way of getting legally indemnified and absolved for any consequences for their crimes, as the entire “Truth and Reconciliation” fiasco has proved ad nauseum over the past decade.
For you to even present this medical genocide as a legally-actionable issue is to deliberately mislead Canadians. For in case you haven’t bothered to pick up a phone to check, the Canadian government officially sealed all of the records of the Indian hospitals in the spring of 1999, soon after our first independent tribunal into these horrors released its report. In fact, as early as 1965, special church and government “document destruction teams” have systematically wiped clean the evidence of experiments, deaths and punishments at residential schools and Indian hospitals. This crucial history is not mentioned by your journalists.
Clearly, there was and is a lot of dirt to hide in the Indian hospitals. And the CBC is lending its usual hand in helping conceal these crimes by not mentioning them for years, and then functioning as a public censor of the real story.
Here’s a case in point: the “expert” source you quote in your article is Laurie Meijer Drees, a “Native Studies” academic from the college immediately adjacent to the grounds of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital: Vancouver Island University (VIU). Well guess what, boys and girls? In recent weeks, the very same woman, in league with her fellow ab-original functionary Louise Mandell, the VIU Chancellor, suppressed an article in the campus newspaper The Navigator entitled “Who and What is Buried next to VIU: Genocide in our own Backyard”. The article quoted eyewitness Joan Morris, who was imprisoned in the hospital for nearly a decade, as saying, “Lots of people were dying in there. Every morning they were taking little bodies out of the wards on those metal gurneys. My cousin Nancy Joe saw them bury those kids in the field behind us, up near the highway.” The VIU apparatchiks, Ms. Drees and Ms. Mandell, had these words and the entire issue of The Navigator scooped up by campus security to prevent students from reading such evidence of the real crime.
Now here’s the thing: This rapid, on the ground censorship of the real Nanaimo Indian Hospital story on the verge of the official national spin-doctoring of the issue by the CBC couldn’t just be a big, frigging coincidence, could it?
An equally glaring problem about the CBC’s pretense at reporting this issue is that your account is so completely dated. Ever since June of 1998, all of the stories and evidence about the Indian hospitals quoted in your article have been known and made public by our own independent inquiry into genocide in Canada.
For instance, Ainjil Hunt, whom you cite in your article, told me exactly the same account of her mother’s torture over ten years ago in my home in Nanaimo. Her words, and those of many other survivors, have been published by me for many years, along with everything else you’ll need to expose the real story of genocide in Canada. And considering the slothful nature of your average Canadian journalist, I’ve even made it easy for you to do so. It’s all posted at and described in my dozen or more books and our documentary film on genocide in Canada.
Of course, you know all this already and yet have refused to report any of our evidence or the testimony of our hundreds of eyewitnesses. In that sense, you’ve been a willing accessory to the crime. But now that lawyers and spin-doctors have their hands on the issue, and the culprits of church, state and corporation can once again get away with their crime with a bit of litigation, the whole bloody mess has apparently become “newsworthy” in the mind of the CBC. For as long as is politically expedient, at least.
The method and game plan in this latest spin doctoring is identical to the residential schools fiasco, in which mass murder was absolved with an apology and some pay cheques, and not a single killer or church-state official ever went to trial, let alone jail. But this time the stakes are even higher, since the medical murder in these hospitals involved the Americans, the CIA’s Paperclip scientists and their big pharmaceutical corporate partners that ran and profited off the drug testing, sterilizations and other experiments done on children like Joan Morris.
And so once again, thanks to the CBC, the full story of the Canadian genocide is continuing to stay hidden, and the killers are winning the day, at least within our own borders. The witnesses are almost gone, the mass graves are mostly dug up or forgotten, and the erasing of history is itself being erased. But fortunately, a higher accountability and power is at work. It’s called international law.
On April 15 of this year, governments around the world will be asked to begin an embargo and sanctions campaign against Canada and its churches for their crimes against the innocent. Already found guilty of genocide in an international court in 2013, Canada and its sponsors in London and Rome could soon begin to face political and economic heat for their felonies. As will the CBC.
And so, since the writing is on the wall, people, what do you have to lose by reporting the whole truth and nothing but the truth for a change? When the crows do finally come home to roost, you have to at least appear to have done the right thing. And being Canadians, you’re good at creating appearances, at least.
Oh, Canada.

Important Announcement on Operation Atonement … AND Now Available! Kevin’s latest book:
Posted on January 19, 2018 by Kevin
On April 15, 2018, a global campaign will commence to directly halt child trafficking and other genocidal actions by the Vatican, other churches, governments and corporations. ITCCS Field Secretary for North America, Kevin Annett, describes some of the campaign and how to be involved.
At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada’s West Coast – A Personal Account
Authored by Rev. Kevin Daniel AnnettAvailable now at

AT THE MOUTH OF A CANNON puts a human face on Genocide in Canada. It depicts the last-stand resistance by one west coast indigenous nation to a three-headed assault by the British Crown, its churches, and land-hungry companies. Leading that opposition are the succeeding generations of the Maquinna clan, the hereditary Ahousaht war-chiefs who must battle not only smallpox-bearing missionaries, gunships and loggers but their own fellow chiefs who seek to accommodate to and accept the white invaders. And that battle is far from over.
AT THE MOUTH OF A CANNON is one man’s discovery and personal account of the untold story of the Ahousahts and how their nation and land was seized by foreigners. A renegade clergyman from his own United Church that led the assault on the Ahousahts, author Kevin Annett befriended and fought alongside Chief Earl Maquinna George during the 1990′s as he struggled alone to stop the sale and logging of the last of the Ahousaht ancestral land on Flores Island. This is a moving story of Group Crime and resistance, of who owns British Columbia and how natives and whites alike are expected to dance to the tune of multinational corporations. But the unconquerable spirit of a few souls on either side of the racial divide struggles to prevail against overwhelming odds and big money.
List Price: $15.006″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm)Black & White on White paper232 pagesISBN-13: 978-1983790843 (CreateSpace-Assigned)ISBN-10: 1983790842
Posted on January 12, 2018 by Kevin
dc Campus Administrators Seize Student Newspaper after it publishes article by Kevin Annett on medical atrocities against Indians performed next door

Nanaimo, British Columbia
January 12, 2018
Kevin Annett reports:
I can’t say I was that surprised when this latest boot of censorship descended. After all, Canadian universities don’t like their students thinking too much about “forbidden” subjects, like homegrown genocide. For once again, college administrators in this country have displayed their moral and intellectual turpitude by censoring a story that exposed dirty laundry too close to home: specifically, concerning the half-century of medical atrocities that went on right next door to their campus, at the hands of the Canadian military and the United Church of Canada.
The scene of this latest fiasco, and crime, is Vancouver Island University (VIU) in Nanaimo, B.C. The banned article in question, written by yours truly, concerns the infamous Nanaimo Indian Hospital, where generations of Indian children were sterilized, tortured, starved, drugged, and used as involuntary test subjects by army and church doctors, according to eyewitnesses and hard evidence quoted in the article.
Early in December of 2017, my submission about the hospital was published by the VIU student newspaper The Navigator with the full blessings of its editors. But barely a day later, all of the copies of the “offending” issue of that paper were seized by VIU campus security acting for the administration. No reason was ever given for the seizure. But the standard Canadian fog of intimidation and secrecy has kept mouths closed and the censorship of the article hidden until just this past week, when people began to talk. (The banned article is reprinted below)
Some of my Nanaimo associates are sweating outrage in the wake of this news. In truth, I love it when we can provoke the system like this, and watch as its veneer of civility and pseudo-academic freedom gets blown away by the hysterical, knee-jerk repression from the powers that pretend to be. For the VIU administrators have by their extreme reaction proven the truth of what’s in the censored report. If the article’s claims were not true, the offended parties would have countered with the real facts and I’d have received a legal writ demanding a public recanting and apology. But as usual, nothing like that has happened. Instead, there’s been no denial of the crimes and no counter-evidence presented – just a quick silencing of the whole issue.
In short, we’re witnessing once again the same familiar scenario of institutionalized cover up and censorship of crimes against humanity in Canada. The game plan never changes, for the parties that did the crime are still threatened by it, and must erase the evidence and those who speak of it. But fortunately, what also doesn’t change is the fallout created by such stupid repression. Some formerly-obtuse VIU folks have received a wake up call and can be expected to be radicalized by this latest boot. For as the veteran hell raiser Saul Alinsky observed,
“An oppressive system, properly goaded, can be your best ally. Its tyrannical over reaction, not your efforts alone, is what will politicize a new generation.”
Sure enough, a group of VIU students are already protesting this attack on freedom of speech to the campus bosses, including by staging rallies and distributing copies of the banned article to their fellow students. Ah, youth. Carry it on!
To follow the progress of this battle listen to these upcoming radio programs featuring yours truly and others:
Here We Stand, Sunday January 21 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern at , and
CHLY 101.7 FM (VIU campus radio) on Saturday January 27 at 11 am , live streamed at
And follow the fun at and upcoming youtube postings there. Now for the dangerous truth they don’t want you to read!
Who and What is buried next door to VIU? Genocide in our own Backyard
November 15, 2017
I was used like a guinea pig in the Nanaimo Indian Hospital for over seven years. Lots of children died in there and they’re still lying out in that field somewhere. – Joan Morris, speaking at Malaspina College (VIU) in March of 2004
Look to the south of the VIU campus across Fifth street and you’ll see a tangle of foliage behind stern barbed wire fencing. For over half a century it was the site of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital (NIH), a prison-like experimental center run by the United Church and the Canadian military. Survivors claim and records confirm that hundreds of children died there from grisly medical experiments and other barbarities.
“They were all aboriginal kids, scooped off reserves or out of the residential schools” describes Joan Morris, a Songhees native woman from Victoria who was incarcerated at the NIH when she was barely five years old.
“The Indian Affairs doctor lied to my mother and said I had TB when I didn’t. They had me in that hospital until I was a teenager. They were always giving me shots and things to drink that made me sick. They’d do surgeries on me. They broke all the bones in my feet so I couldn’t run away. Later, I found out I couldn’t have children. They were sterilizing a lot of the girls in there.”
Joan first surfaced her story more than a dozen years ago at a series of public forums at VIU, known then as Malaspina College. At these forums Joan named the men who experimented on her, like the local Doctors Weinrib and Schmidt who were employed by the Canadian military during the 1960′s and ’70′s. Shortly after Joan gave her talks to handful-sized audiences at the college, the remaining buildings on the NIH grounds were bulldozed down by the City of Nanaimo and the area was padlocked.
“They were always warning us never to talk about what happened to us” describes Joan. “When the hospital closed some army officers came to our home and said we’d go to jail if we talked about it because it was all national security.”
The official censorship went further. In the spring of 1999, shortly after the media first reported the NIH allegations, the federal government “officially sealed” its archives on the NIH and other Indian hospitals across Canada. But separate records held at the UBC Koerner Library confirm that the NIH received major funding from both the Defense Research Board and the United Church of Canada to conduct “classified experimental research” on generations of aboriginal women and children.
“After they grabbed me my mother made a fuss so they put her in there with me too” Joan describes. “They did that to lots of Indian families all over the island. Lots of people were dying in there. Every morning they were taking little dead bodies out of the wards on those metal gurneys. My cousin Nancy Joe saw them bury those kids in the field behind us, up near the highway.”
Esther Morris, a distant relative of Joan, was also incarcerated at the NIH during the 1960′s. In 2007 she too went public.
“They kept me strapped into this weird device so I could never lie down or stand up, just held like that for months on end” says Esther. “I lost the use of my legs. An orderly said it was for space research. It was funny because some of the doctors couldn’t speak English and they needed a translator.”
The NIH was just the tip of a huge iceberg of state and church-sponsored crimes against humanity in Canada that span over a century and have never been prosecuted. Many of these atrocities are documented in the book Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada, Past and Present (2016), a compilation of over twenty years of independent research. Murder by Decree documents how the NIH experiments, including involuntary sterilizations, were performed routinely among west coast Indians by missionary and local doctors. (See it at and )
Sarah Modeste of the Cowichan Nation was sterilized at the King’s Daughters clinic in Duncan, BC in the early 1950′s by Dr. James Goodbrand. As Sarah describes in Murder by Decree,
“Dr. Goodbrand said to me, ‘If you marry Freddy, I’ll have to do an operation on you because he’s not a Christian’. So later when Goodbrand delivered my first baby after that I was all bruised and hurting. Then I learned I’d been sterilized … Goodbrand told me he was being paid $300 by the government for every Indian woman he sterilized”.
Involuntary sterilizations and medical experiments have been illegal under international law since 1948, and are defined as crimes against humanity. Yet Canada and its churches not only did those crimes but have whitewashed them and absolved themselves of any liability. And not one person has ever been brought to trial in Canada for these wrongs, or for the death of children in these hospitals and residential schools, from where half of the little prisoners never returned.
While Joan Morris and the children who died at the NIH have never had their day in a Canadian court, they have it at an historic trial in Brussels during 2012 and 2013. Based in part on Joan’s testimony and those of dozens of others of survivors of the Canadian genocide, the International Common Law Court of Justice found Canada, its churches and the Crown of England and the Vatican guilty of crimes against humanity.
As a result of this verdict and under international law, Canadians are obligated not to pay their taxes to a convicted criminal regime like their own government – or to fund similarly sentenced bodies like the United Church – lest they be found guilty of colluding in their crimes.
Whatever happens, the atrocity remains. The lost children of the NIH are waiting to be found and brought home for a proper burial. And the VIU community has to ask itself how it can dwell alongside and remain oblivious to genocide in its own backyard: a crime that if not confronted can only continue.
Ten Questions to the Government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada
Posted on September 29, 2017 by Kevin
Issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State – North American Field Office
September 29, 2017 , ,
1. By what process was the monthly death quota for Indian residential schools established?
2. By what process was the burial of dead children from these schools decided, conducted and concealed?
3. What agency had ultimate responsibility for the burial or disposal of these dead children? What records did these agencies keep and where are these records?
4. What agency authorized and performed the destruction of Indian residential school and Indian hospital records and the disinterring of the remains of residential school children?
5. What foreign and domestic agencies were responsible for the experimentation and disposal of children at Indian hospitals across Canada? What was the relationship between Project Paperclip personnel and these hospitals?
6. How many former SS and Nazi scientists and medical personnel were employed at Indian hospitals and residential schools across Canada, and during what period? What agency was responsible for their oversight and authorization? Where are the records of these experiments?
7. What black operations have been launched against Indian residential school survivors and their advocates, during what period and by what agencies?
8. What was the secret, undisclosed protocol governing the actions of the government and church-established “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” into residential schools?
9. Describe the history and operation of the secret, so-called Financial Concordat Agreement between the Canadian government and the Vatican.
10. Describe the Jurisdictional and Legal Immunity Protocol governing the presence of European Royal Family members and top Vatican and Church of England officials while they were present at Indian residential schools and hospitals.Posted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, 9th circle, Action: What to Do, Canada, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, common law, common law court of justice, Crown of England, England, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Holy See, Italy, ITCCS, Jesuits, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ninth Circle, Ottawa, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, queen Elizabeth, radio free kanata, RCMP, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Torture, United Church of Canada, vancouver club, Vatican
Scathing report exposes century-old, ongoing genocide by Canada, Great Britain and the Vatican; Calls for sanctions, arrests and war crimes trials
Posted on September 5, 2017 by Kevin
Breaking News – For Immediate Release
Issued by the Central Office of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
New York and Brussels –
A comprehensive report that details an historic and ongoing plan to exterminate indigenous people across Canada was released this morning to the United Nations and the European Union. A copy of the entire report follows.
The report is entitled “A Report on the Continuity of Genocidal Crimes in Canada: An Appeal to the People and Governments of the World”. Itwas issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), a human rights coalition that has spearheaded the campaign for judicial action against the Vatican, the British Crown and their churches for genocide and child trafficking.
The ITCCS presented copies of its report today to UN and EU officials as well as to diplomatic representatives of twelve nations, including Russia, China and the United States. A special personal appeal is made in the report to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Among its recommendations, the ITCCS report calls on the global community to enact economic and political sanctions against Canada, Great Britain and the Vatican, dispatch international peace keepers and forensic investigation teams to Canada, and aid in the prosecution of these regimes for crimes against humanity.
In addition, the report calls for citizens in Canada and all nations to commence their own “community sanctions” against these governments and their churches “in accordance with the Nuremberg Principle that compels citizens to neither aid or nor cooperate with proven murderous regimes”.
The ITCCS report documents meticulously the November, 1910 plan by Canadian church and state to exterminate non-Christian indigenous nations through special internment camps deceptively named “Indian residential schools”. It shows that at least 65,000 children died in these camps in less than a century because of deliberate policies of germ warfare, starvation and systemic violence.
The report also reveals that a “continuity of crime” continues to exist against Canadian aboriginal women and families through state-sponsored child trafficking and terror designed to secure indigenous lands for resource-hungry American and Chinese corporations.
Based on an exhaustive, twenty year investigation contained in a 400 page study known as “Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada” (, the ITCCS report is the culmination of a grueling citizen-led truth campaign waged in the face of unending violence, intimidation, coverup and misinformation by the government and churches of Canada.
In the closing words of the report,
Those of us who have revealed and confronted these crimes within Canada have been assaulted, harassed, imprisoned and censored by every level of government, the police and the courts, and have been prevented from operating freely within our own country. Seven of our comrades have died from foul play at the hands of the police and others. We are therefore bringing this truth beyond Canada’s borders for the sake of the army of innocents who have died and who will continue to die if justice is not done.
The ITCCS report will be followed by public forums and direct actions across North America and Europe throughout the fall, as well as the convening of a new common law court by jurists and ITCCS affiliates in Canada, Serbia, America and other nations.
The Report can be viewed online at . A copy is appended to this news release. It is based on evidence contained in part at .
For more information contact the ITCCS Central Office at or by leaving a message at 386-323-5774 (USA).
Issued 5 September, 2017 by the ITCCS Central Office
A Report on the Continuity of Genocidal Crimes in Canada: An Appeal to the People and Governments of the World
Issued by the Central Directorate of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) on September 5, 2017
With the endorsement of traditional Elders of the Anishinabe, Mohawk, Cree, Metis, Cowichan and Squamish indigenous nations across Canada
And by ITCCS affiliates in Canada, the United States, Ireland, England and Serbia
Issued to the United Nations and the European Union
and released globally on September 5, 2017
Published under the Common Cause Copyright Agreement
whereby this Report may be reproduced, copied, quoted or presented in whole or in part for any non-commercial purpose if its source and authors are cited
Based on evidence published at
The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
This report is written with the blood of countless aboriginal children, and of those who have died to bring the truth of their fate to light. It is the culmination of a twenty year, citizen-led campaign to document, confront and prosecute the deliberate genocide of non-Christian aboriginal people in Canada by the Vatican, the British Crown, the government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church. The evidence in this report is based on the sworn testimony of 358 survivors of the murderous “Indian residential schools” where over 65,000 children died between 1889 and 1996; by exhaustive documentation found at ; and by the testimonies of eyewitnesses to ongoing crimes against humanity in Canada.
It is something more than a miracle that this report has survived the many years of official lies, misinformation, violence and intimidation waged by these churches and governments against their surviving victims and a handful of truth-seeking Canadians. Despite the enormous and unrelenting campaign of state terror waged against him since 1995, the former United Church clergyman Kevin Annett has been the mainstay and inspiration of this movement, at the cost of his family, his livelihood and his safety. If not for Kevin’s unflagging devotion and courage, and his heroic persistence against every imaginable odd, this report, as well as the limited “compensation” and acknowledgment offered by the Canadian government to Indian residential school survivors, would never have come about.
We must also acknowledge the seven aboriginal members of the ITCCS who have died at the hands of the police and others in the course of publicly surfacing this enormous crime and confronting the churches responsible: Chief Louis Daniels, Edna Philips, Harriett Nahanee, Harry Wilson, Johnny “Bingo” Dawson, William Combes and Ricky Lavallee. Their memory and witness, along with the lives of 65,000 children and those who continue to disappear and fall, will always be honored.
Lest We Forget
Six Martyrs of the campaign to expose and prosecute
Genocide in Canada:
Harriett Nahanee
William Combes
Johnny “Bingo” Dawson
Ricky Lavallee
Harry Wilson
Chief Louis Daniels
Posted by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) ,
These six aboriginal activists were all survivors of the murderous, church-run “Indian residential schools” and active members of the campaign to expose and prosecute these crimes by the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.
They were all organizers with the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), a forerunner to the ITCCS, and led or participated in protests and non-violent occupations of these churches.
They were all eyewitnesses to killings or burials of children at Indian residential schools.
All of them died of foul play at the hands of the Vancouver police, hospital staff, church agents or other unknown parties.
Harriett Nahanee, died of induced pneumonia in Surrey Remand prison, February 24, 2007; Genocide survivor. First eyewitness to a residential school murder to go public; Co-founder with Kevin Annett of the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), Vancouver; led occupations of the Catholic, Anglican and United churches shortly before her death.
William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Paul’s Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. Eyewitness of killings and of the abduction of ten aboriginal children by Elizabeth Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the Kamloops Catholic residential school; public leader of the FRD and church occupations; died shortly before giving public testimony about the 1964 abductions.
Johnny “Bingo” Dawson, died of police beating, Vancouver, December 9, 2009. Genocide survivor. Eyewitness to killings and rapes at Anglican Alert Bay residential school. Prominent leader of FRD and Vancouver church occupations. Threatened with death by United Church minister Gary Paterson and a Vancouver police sergeant less than two weeks before he was killed.
Ricky Lavallee,eyewitness to killings at Catholic residential schools in Manitoba. Eyewitness to the fatal beating of Johnny Bingo Dawson. Died of blows to the head and chest, February 2, 2012. Genocide survivor and FRD member, participant in Vancouver church occupations.
Harry Wilson, died of unknown causes, April 6, 2012. Genocide survivor. Eyewitness to mass burials and murder of children at United Church Alberni residential school. FRD member.
Chief Louis Daniels, died suddenly of unknown causes in Victoria General Hospital, May 16, 2010 . Genocide survivor. Public opponent of state-funded, drug dealing native politicians in Manitoba. Eyewitness to mass killings at United Church and Catholic residential schools. Co-founder of FRD.
The Report
1. A master plan by the Vatican and the Crown of England, acting through the government and churches of Canada, to exterminate domestic indigenous nations has been in operation since November 25, 1910. (1) This plan was set in motion and maintained by the Crown of England and its Privy Council Office and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the judiciary and private corporations. As a plan of deliberate church-sponsored genocide it has been modeled on and tied to similar Crimes by the Vatican against non-Catholic peoples across the world.
- This Canadian plan consisted of a state and church funded program of systemic inter-generational genocide based initially within the so-called Indian residential school system, modeled on a Jesuit program and established with state approval and by Order in Council on July 1, 1920. (2) That system killed more than half of the children incarcerated within it until it formally ended in 1996, or more than 65,000 children. (3) It also served as the launching pad for a general campaign of extermination of the non-assimilatedaboriginal tribes; a campaign that continues to the present time. This genocide has accounted for the massive de-population of more than 95% of the original native nations, predominantly on Canada’s west coast: a killing-off of between one and two million people since 1850.
- While the general aim of this genocide was the elimination of all non-Christian native peoples, its associated purpose was the extirpation of traditional indigenous kinship networks and the matriarchal clan mother system of authority that ensured indigenous control of lands and resources. This was achieved by wiping out the native family system and specifically, traditional women and their children. That traditional system was in fact effectively destroyed by the Indian residential schools between 1889 and 1996 along with the majority of indigenous languages and traditional land bases.
- Despite the phasing out of Indian residential schools after 1972, this genocidal plan intensified at the hands of different branches of the Canadian government and agencies like Catholic-run adoption and foster care agencies. Every level of government and church in Canada has continued the active destruction of indigenous families and their culture, including child welfare and family court systems and the state-funded aboriginal band councils themselves. The “chiefs”of these councils have played a key role in eradicating any lingering indigenous identity or authority and control over traditional lands and resources. They also routinely engage in the terrorizing and exploiting of their own people, including through the trafficking and sale of tribal children. These “chiefs” are doing these crimes at the behest and in the payment of the Canadian government and resource-extractive multinational corporations from America, Japan and China.
- The expulsion of all remaining traditional native tribes from their west coast lands assumed greater urgency as the twentieth century closed and the world demand for hydro-electricity, timber, minerals and other British Columbia (B.C.) resources intensified. Consequently, the period since 1990 has witnessed a rapid escalation of violence against Indians and a return to the brutal methods of the early colonial period. By the 1990′s, large numbers of aboriginal families in northern B.C. began disappearing at the hands of death squads manned by off-duty RCMP officers and local policemen, as well as third party contractors hired by the federal government, its aboriginal front men and foreign corporations. (4)
6. By 1995, when the incipient ITCCS campaign to expose residential school crimes began making headlines in the Canadian media, stories of these disappearances of native families were also proliferating. Together, these exposures provoked a public misinformation campaign by the RCMP designed to conceal the extent and the nature of the disappearances. This misinformation was only partly successful, and prompted the government of Canada to take firmer measures to erase any public awareness of the ongoing genocide of native families. It did so by means of a secret government Cabinet Directive dated April 3, 1998. (5)
- This Directive by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Jean Chretien was launched barely one week before the opening of the first independent inquiry into residential school crimes in Canada: the United Nations- affiliated IHRAAM Tribunal held in Vancouver. (6) The Directive consisted of an official plan of state terror that was aimed at aboriginal activists, residential school survivors and the public campaign led by the future ITCCS North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett, who organized the IHRAAM Tribunal. The Chretien terror plan authorized the use of “black ops” methods of illegal monitoring, smears, disruptions and violence against Annett and these targeted groups, including the elimination of individuals who held knowledge or evidence of genocidal acts by Canadian church and state employees. This Cabinet Directive was never revoked, and has caused the death of at least seven native activists who have been assassinated by RCMP operatives since 1998, including members of the ITCCS network. (7)
- The cabinet Directive in question was issued for implementation by the federal government to “E” Division of the RCMP in Vancouver in the first week of June, 1998, just prior to the convening of the IHRAAM Tribunal on June 12, 1998. In fact, the disruption of the IHRAAM Tribunal was the first and primary goal of this state terror campaign, according to statements made by RCMP “E” Division Inspector Peter Montague who led the disruption campaign. This disruption became especially active after the Tribunal gave a public airing to the first reports of organized murder and child trafficking among northern B.C. tribes by “chiefs” in the pay of the federal government. (8) Another target of this state terror plan were the Gustafson Lake natives in central B.C. who after defending the sacred burial lands of their people were subjected to a covertly-organized military assault and follow-up smear campaign by Montague and the RCMP during the same summer of 1998.
9. It is important to note that this Chretien “state terror” Directive of April 3, 1998 was aimed at anyone who threatened to expose the historic and ongoing genocide of native people. Between 2006 and 2012, seven key eyewitnesses and prominent indigenous activists of the ITCCS network in Vancouver and Winnipeg were murdered at the hands of this Directive: Harriett Nahanee, Johnny “Bingo” Dawson, Ricky Lavallee, Harry Wilson, William Combes, Edna Phillips and Chief Louis Daniels. In the process of its state terror campaign, the Chretien Directive disrupted and marginalized the movement to prosecute Canadian church and state for residential school crimes. But for many years it also concealed the killing or disappearance of aboriginal families across B.C. For example, after the June, 1998 Tribunal had been attacked and neutralized by RCMP operatives, the same agents – under the direction of RCMP Inspector Peter Montague – performed a similar destruction of the community effort to identify the growing numbers of missing native women across B.C. and in Vancouver’s downtown east side.
- This state-level attack on a genuine missing peoples’ inquiry was prompted by the fact that by this point, in early 1999, startling new evidence began to surface that tied the identity of some of the present-day killers of native people with men and women who worked in the Indian residential school system. In fact, our work has revealed that the present leadership of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and United Church of Canada is either directly implicated in residential school-era crimes or is actively protecting those who are; and that these same predators are still engaged in the systemic rape, trafficking and killing of children. It is therefore clear that a continuity of crime exists that spans decades and links the church-instigated residential school atrocities with the rape, torture and disappearance of present day natives, especially women and children. That is, the crime has never stopped and is being protected by the same unholy alliance of church, police and government. This no doubt explains that trio’s unrelenting hostility and sabotage efforts towards the ITCCS campaign and its chief public spokesman and symbol in North America, Kevin Annett.
11. Our continuing investigations reveal that many of the men and women who trafficked, tortured and killed children in the Indian residential schools and who are still preying on aboriginal women and children are also members or affiliates of the elite Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings street. Their odious ranks include three Supreme Court judges, a battery of lawyers, church officials and corporate officers, a former Prime Minister, a Catholic Archbishop and senior members of the RCMP and the Canadian military. Virtually all of these individuals are practicing members of the Anglican, Catholic or United Church that ran the residential school death camps. Many of these men have also been identified by a former Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) operative as participants in the murderous “Piggy’s Palace” torture and “snuff-film” ring, including two politicians who now serve in the Canadian Senate: former Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell and aboriginal puppet leader Patrick Brazeau. (9)
12. The general purpose and consequence of the Chretien state terror directive has been to protect these men and camouflage their links to the residential school era and present day corporate power brokers. But what cannot be concealed is the clear and direct connection between the highest levels of governmental, police, corporate, church and judicial power in Canada and these deliberate genocidal crimes, as well as their ties to similar crimes in other countries. There is, for example, a clear and direct link between the Thailand and China-based organ and human trafficking industry and the disappearance of aboriginal women in B.C. (10)
- By 2007, once these connections had been firmly proven by our campaign and by the growing testimonies of many aboriginal eyewitnesses, the Conservative government of Stephen Harper relied on the still-operative Chretien Plan to put a final end to these exposures by placing a definitive “spin and containment” over the whole issue of past and present Genocide in Canada. It did so through its own controlled, in-house committee: an elaborate deception and obstruction of justice misnamed the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC).
- The TRC was modeled on a standard black-ops misdirection campaign to create a false narrative on a crime by burying evidence, silencing witnesses, discrediting truth tellers and exonerating the guilty. In partnership with the three churches responsible for the residential schools genocide and with the active compliance of the world media, the United Nations and every level of judicial and political power in Canada, the TRC buried the truth and the evidence of that genocide with remarkable ease and success. It did so in order to mask the continuance of that crime, especially among west coast native nations. (11) Accordingly, the TRC was followed closely by a second cover-up effort by the present Liberal government of Canada known as the “National Missing Women Inquiry”.
- It is clear that this latest stage-managed “Inquiry” is a further enactment of the Chretien Plan to eliminate all witnesses and evidence to Canada’s “Final Solution” of its indigenous population that began in 1910. The so-called “Missing Women Inquiry” is operating through the very police agencies, including the RCMP, that are responsible for the killing of targeted native women and their families and that have concealed these crimes for many years.
- Like the TRC, the Missing Women “Inquiry” operates through hand-picked government loyalists who lack any judicial power or mandate to bring charges against the guilty or conduct any genuine investigation. The pseudo Inquiry is actually halting genuine efforts to reveal the crimes and who is responsible for them, and is silencing eyewitnesses who dispute the officialaccounts of the disappearances. As a controlled stage show run by the very powers responsible for making native women go missing, the “Inquiry” is moribund, having released no report of any of its supposed findings in the over two years of its shadowy existence. We believe this is to ensure that the final destruction of indigenous peoples and their land base will proceed with maximum profit to the corporate and governmental interests behind that destruction.
- As proof of this is the burial and obfuscation by the “Inquiry” of a key fact: namely, that the west coast disappearances are the result of specific racial and political targeting and are not random killings. This point was established by our own investigations as early as the spring of 2003. (12) That is, the vast majority of missing aboriginal women are from matrilineal clan led families that traditionally controlled the resources and land bases of the different Indian nations. In short, their killing was in fact the deliberate political assassination of the remaining traditional leaders of west coast tribes whose resistance stands in the way of resource-hungry corporations. In that sense, these latest murders are simply the continuation of Canada’s long tradition of overt extermination when it comes to indigenous people and their leaders.
- These crimes have a darker aspect, involving Satanic ritualism that the IHRAAM Tribunal documented in June, 1998 during its inquiry into the Indian residential schools. The so-called “Ninth Circle”, a Catholic sacrificial cult formed in the 17thcentury by the Jesuits and still in operation under the directives of the highest level of the Vatican, functioned in the Canadian residential schools from their inception. (13) The routine trafficking, torture and murder of children was practiced in the Anglican, Catholic and United Church Indian schools and implicates senior members of the government and the British royal family and these churches. (14)The same Ninth Circle continues to kill with impunity today including on west coast native lands heavily endowed with valuable resources. It is evident that the same forces traditionally behind the theft of aboriginal lives and lands continue to ritually kill and traffic native children.
- Behind its mask of beneficence, as epitomized by its fresh-faced, spin doctoring Prime Minister Trudeau, Canada is a closed and repressive society that is actively exterminating the remaining traditional indigenous people within its borders. It is doing so according to its foundational genocidal program of 1910 and the 1998 Chretien black-ops Directive, and with the active collusion and in the interest of mostly Chinese and American resource corporations.
20. As a state-led campaign, this culmination of the Canadian genocide has judicial sanction, as is evident in not only the refusal of any “Crown” court to prosecute any person or agency for genocidal acts, but by the active victimization by the same courts of anyone who exposes these crimes. In short, there is no avenue for relief or justice for survivors of this genocide within Canada or in the agencies of the United Nations, which have turned their back on the reality of this ongoing crime by Christian and Corporate Canada. (15)
21. Accordingly, it falls on the global community to stand upon international law and bring political and economic sanctions against Canada, the Crown of England, the Vatican and their church and corporate associates for their proven Crimes against Humanity. Canada and these powers are rogue bodies whose actions threaten not only the innocent but the sovereignty and peace of all nations. This threat is evident in the continued standing policy known as Crimen Sollicitationas within the Roman Catholic church, that subverts child protection laws and the power of sovereign governments by requiring that every Catholic in the world protect in-house child abusers and conceal child abuse and trafficking from the police. The Anglican / Church of England is governed by the same policy, as will any non-Catholic church that reunifies with the Roman Papacy according to the “one world church” plan of the convicted war criminal Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Pope Francis”. (16) Since its enactment in 1929, Crimen Sollicitationas has encouraged and caused the systematic murder of children in Canada, America, Ireland, Croatia, across Europe and around the world to continue unchecked. As long as such institutionalized criminality against children is allowed to legally operate, no country can claim to be protecting its own citizenry or its own lawful sovereignty.
22. There is a clear moral and legal obligation of sovereign nations to restrain and punish proven criminal regimes like Canada, the British Crown and the Vatican. We therefore call upon nations to do so, using their full police, military and legal machinery. We are especially directing this call to President Vladimir Putin, his government and the people of Russia, and all countries outside the western bloc.
23. Specifically, our ITCCS Directorate and the ITCCS affiliates in seven countries ask that these governments undertake the following actions:
- Commence comprehensive economic and political sanctions against Canada, England and the Vatican as convicted genocidal regimes, including by seeking their formal censure and expulsion from the General Assembly of the United Nations, and by imposing a trade and tourism embargo on these powers
- Dispatch Peace Keeping forces to Canada to protect aboriginal eyewitnesses, targeted families and ITCCS activists who are confronting these crimes, and to arrest convicted and suspected war criminals in Canada
- Dispatch professionally trained forensic teams to assist us in the uncovering and analysis of crime scenes and mass graves at the site of former Indian residential schools and Indian hospitals across Canada
- Convene domestic and international courts of justice to indict and prosecute those individuals and corporate institutions responsible for these and other Crimes against Humanity
We also call upon the citizens of the world and of Canada to commence their own direct community sanctions against these governments and their churches in accordance with the Nuremberg Principle that compels citizens to neither fund nor cooperate with proven murderous regimes or organizations. These sanctions include denying taxes and any funds to these governments and to the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada; performing citizens’ arrests against known or suspected child-raping clergy and their accomplices; and peacefully seizing the property and wealth of these churches as convicted transnational criminal organizations.
In the weeks ahead, our delegation will be bringing this appeal and our evidence to the people, governments, educators, jurists and media of the world. Those of us who have revealed and confronted these crimes within Canada have been assaulted, harassed, imprisoned and censored by every level of government, the police, and the courts, and have been prevented from operating freely within our own country. Seven of our comrades have died from foul play at the hands of the police and others. We are therefore bringing this truth beyond Canada’s borders for the sake of the army of innocents who have died and who will continue to die if justice is not done.
Here we stand, we can do no other.
Issued September 5, 2017 by the ITCCS Central Directorate with the endorsement of elders of the Anishinabe, Mohawk, Cree, Metis, Cowichan and Squamish indigenous nations across Canada, and also by the ITCCS affiliates in Canada, USA, Ireland, England and Serbia
- A contractual agreement dated November 25, 1910 between the government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and Methodist churches (the latter two were the predecessors to the United Church of Canada) established the jointly funded and administered Indian residential schools in which over half of the children died.( .)
- A special Order in Council ratified on July 1, 1920 made it compulsory for every aboriginal child in Canada seven years or older to be incarcerated in the Indian residential school system.( )
- This approximate mortality figure is based on government and church statistics and is discussed and documented in detail on pp. 41 and following in Murder byDecree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada (Amazon, 2016). Found online
- Some of the evidence of these death squads and their police involvement is found in the testimonies on this memo: See also Part 3 .
- A copy of this Directive was issued in July 2016 to the ITCCS central office by an informant within the Canadian intelligence service. The Chretien Directive is described at
- IHRAAM is The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities, a non-governmental organization at the United Nations. IHRAAM sponsored the Tribunal and its Director Dr. Yussuf Kly and field worker Rudy James were in attendance there along with fifteen aboriginal observers, from June 12-14, 1998 in Vancouver. See The Globe and Mail, June 20, 1998 & .
- These assassinations have claimed seven aboriginal activists with the ITCCS in Vancouver and Winnipeg, as well as native protestors across Canada. Especially targeted have been traditional west coast elders with knowledge of the spiritual and oral histories of their nations.
- These reports involved the naming of the top government-funded “chief” of the Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council, Ed John, as a drug and child trafficker and land speculator who was actively killing off his own people at the behest of Alcan and B.C. Hydro to secure their land. John was named as such by three former members of his Tribal Council, two of whom (Frank Martin and Helen Michel) gave their testimonies at the IHRAAM Tribunal into residential school crimes in Vancouver in June, 1998. ( Ed John has served as Canada’s unofficial “aboriginal representative” at the United Nations and in other diplomatic capacities.
- The CSIS operative, Grant Wakefield, spoke in person to ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett concerning these facts on two occasions, but was subsequently sued by the government into silence and blacklisted in the Canadian media. His statement is contained in part in Part Three of Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada. The names of the politicians, judges and other officials active in the snuff and trafficking ring are held by the ITCCS; they include former Prime Minister Paul Martin and Justices MacEachern, Esson and Grobberman of the British Columbia Supreme Court, as well as senior police officers involved in the “Missing Women Inquiry”, such as Constable Bruce Michelson of the Vancouver Police Department.
- See Part Three of Murder by Decree. Wendy Poole, for instance, was a prominent “missing woman” in Vancouver whose family had been heavily involved in public protests and road blockades to defend their traditional territories from logging and strip mining. Her uncle, Art Solomon, was a sovereign traditionalist very much at odds with the government and its puppet native chiefs.
- Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada details the TRC cover up and criminality, in Part One. (
- This fact was established by RCMP Constable George Brown through his own independent Missing Persons Inquiry conducted in Vancouver from 2001-2003. Brown is quoted in the documentary film Unrepentant that is posted and in Part Three of the same book.
- See not only Murder by Decree but Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion byKevin Annett ( a discussion of the Ninth Circle cult. The testimony of two participants in Ninth Circle ceremonies in Europe, Toos Neijenhuis and Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, are found at these sites: and
- Ibid.
- See
- In September, 2010 Elizabeth Windsor signed the Holyrood Agreement with Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict, laying out the terms for the reincorporation of the Church of England into the Church of Rome. One of these terms was the imposition of the conditions of Crimen Sollicitationas on all Anglican clergy, officials and members. See this site: . A complete copy of the Crimen policy is available at .Jorge Bergoglio was found guilty of committing crimes against humanity, specifically the trafficking and death of children in Argentina during the 1980′s and in Belgium and Holland between 1998 and 2009, by the International Common Law Court of Justice in July of 2014. ( For more background see )
For the general catalogue of evidence and testimonies regarding past and present Genocide in Canada see . This evidence is also available in hardcover as Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada: A Counter Report to the ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ , obtainable through . The recent history of this campaign is found at