ITCCS Breaking News: October 25, 2014 – Police State Powers coming to Canada

By Kevin Annett

Posted on October 25, 2014 by admin

Canada: “Track B” secret government, police powers established by Order in Council – “Our equivalent of NDAA” in effect November 1 – ITCCS to respond


In the wake of the staged shooting of a Canadian soldier in Canada’s capital this week, a secret system of government armed with sweeping police powers will soon be inaugurated by a special Order in Council.

A source in Ottawa claims the new system mirrors the American “Homeland Security” regime, and stands outside the laws and Parliament of Canada. The Order establishing the new regime is codenamed “Track B’, and is closed to public scrutiny and Parliamentary or judicial review.

“This is like the free trade agreement: there’ll be the official version for the masses and the real arrangement, cloaked and operational. Not even (Prime Minister) Harper’s cabinet knows most of the facts” stated the source today.

Under “Track B”, according to the source, police and special para-military units will have unlimited powers of arrest and detention, utilizing secret prisons and open ended warrants to incarcerate anyone indefinitely without due process or Habeas Corpus.

“November 1 is the official start date, but things are moving already” said the source.

In response to the Track B disclosure, ITCCS Central will be issuing a special communique and directive to its members this Monday, October 27, along with a breaking interview with its North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett.

The special communique and interview will be posted at and throughout the ITCCS global network.

Issued by ITCCS Central, Brussels

October 25, 2014, Brussels (7 pm GMT)