Pro-ITCCS Belgian Member of Parliament Laurent Louis beaten, falsely arrested by police March 8

By Kevin Annett

Originally Posted on March 10, 2014 by admin

Arrestation arbitraire du Député indépendant Laurent Louis (Autre point de vue)

The one Belgian politician who has exposed high level child traffickers and publicly endorsed the work of ITCCS, MP Laurent Louis, was viciously assaulted and arrested by Belgian police on Saturday as he peacefully collected signatures for his upcoming re-election bid.

Mr. Louis was released after six hours in jail, and is bringing a lawsuit against the police responsible.

Mr. Louis is scheduled to meet with ITCCS officials and Rev. Kevin Annett later this month to lend support to the second major common law court case involving Vatican child trafficking.

“This sick and unprovoked attack on Monsieur Louis is aimed at all of us and at democracy. But we will not let child killers destroy their accusers like this. We will provide real security to brave fighters like Monsieur Louis and Kevin Annett so this cannot happen again” said George Dufort, ITCCS official, in Brussels today. ,