No Justice in “Canada: The Case for Republican Courts – Radio Free Kanata
Posted on May 16, 2015 by adminSunday, May 17: This regular Radio Free Kanata Program explains why there can be no justice within “Canadian” courts under “crown law” jurisdiction, and how we are creating an alternative in Republican common law courts.The history of crown absolutism in Canada and the absence of an accountable judicial system will be examined by hosts Kevin Annett and Ryan Gable, and guests Theresa Harrison and Lori O’Rorke.How is it that genocidal churches and their “crown” sponsors have been able to legally commit mass murder? How do fraudulent foreign bodies like the “Canada revenue agency” routinely defraud the public, and silence their critics?Join the program, and the Republic, and learn how to establish justice under a truly sovereign people.Tune in to at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, Sunday May 17. All our programs are archived at this website. Sponsored by the Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata.
Posted in Action: What to Do, Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Canada, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, common law, Crown of England, CSIS, Dean Clifford, England, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Holy See, ITCCS, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ottawa, police state, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, queen Elizabeth, radio free kanata, Republic of Kanata, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Murder of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Stephen Harper, The International Common Law Court of Justice, United Church of Canada
This Sunday on Radio Free Kanata:
Posted on April 30, 2015 by adminDigging up the Crime: The Witnesses Speak
Mohawk elder Bill Squire commences dig for missing childrenMohawk Anglican school, October 2011This Sunday, May 3, Radio Free Kanata uncovers crimes by the church and crown of England in Brantford, Ontario – and how the guilty were brought to common law trial.Generations of children were ritually raped, tortured and killed at the Anglican church’s Mohawk Indian school in Brantford, and thrown into mass graves nearby. But in 2011, those graves were opened for the first time, by Mohawk elders and people like Lori O’Rorke, who was part of an International Tribunal’s inquiry into crimes at the school.Lori joins us on this Sunday’s show. And this month, other activists in Ontario are continuing the work to arrest the church officials responsible for these killings and their concealment: a campaign sponsored by the Republic of Kanata, its Sheriffs and its High Court of Justice.Learn more about how our home grown war criminals are being exposed and stopped. Join us along with our regular hosts Kevin Annett and Ryan Gable, this Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, at . And see the ITCCS report on the Mohawk mass graves and excavation at: ,

Unearthed on the Mohawk school grounds, October 2011” I am 95% sure that this is a human bone and I’d stake my reputation on it”. …”- Greg Olson, Ontario Coroner’s Office, December 1, 2011
Arrest the Convicted War Criminals on our Land!
Posted on April 7, 2015 by admin
Official Communique from The Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata
April 6, 2015Winnipeg
An Urgent Directive to all Sheriffs and Peace Officers of the Republic, and their Direct Action Groups (DAG’s):Thirty men and women – all of them officials of church and state, plus one corporate CEO – were lawfully convicted in February, 2013 of committing or concealing unspeakable Crimes against Humanity across Kanata, including the torture, trafficking and killing of children. These guilty individuals were all sentenced to twenty five years in prison or permanent banishment from Kanata. It is now the job of all Republican Sheriffs and citizens to immediately arrest and detain or banish these guilty criminals, who are wanted felons and Public Enemies under the law. You will be acting under the authority and warrants of the High Court of Justice of the Republic.
A complete dossier of these convictions and court order will be provided to you as part of your training for this mission. The names and locations of the guilty are listed below. The Arrest Warrant issued against each party by the Republic’s High Court of Justice will be provided to you upon completion of your training.
The guilty parties include heads of state like Elizabeth Windsor, Stephen Harper and Joseph Ratzinger, officials of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, RCMP officers, and lower level functionaries.
Arrest Procedure:
Upon receiving the High Court of Justice Arrest Warrant, Republic Sheriffs and their citizen-based Direct Action groups will apprehend the convicted party named in the Warrant and declare them to be under arrest. The following statement will then be read to them in front of at least three witnesses, and filmed and broadcast for posterity:
“(Name of Apprehended party), you have been lawfully convicted of committing or concealing crimes against humanity on the soil of Kanata, and accordingly have been sentenced to twenty five years in prison or permanent banishment from Kanata. You are hereby declared to be a public enemy. As an officer of the Republic of Kanata, and acting under the authority of the court’s verdict, and of this Warrant of the High Court of Justice of the Republic of Kanata, I hereby order you to immediately comply with this Warrant and either surrender yourself to me for incarceration, or leave our country immediately, and never return. If you fail to comply with this Warrant, harsher measures will be taken against you. Do you understand what I have said to you and will you comply?”
If the party complies, he or she will be led away by you and taken to the border for deportation. More likely, they will ignore or deny the Warrant and their guilt, in which case you will respond,
“You have twenty four hours to comply with this Warrant.”
After 24 hours, you will return with others in your DAG and enforce the Warrant.
You may approach local police, deputize them as common law peace officers, and seek their assistance in the arrests.
The DAG that accompanies you must consist of at least five people, including a videographer to record the event, and someone to act as a liaison with the press, or with the police or other security if they try to intervene.
We will be holding specific training workshops in the weeks ahead to prepare you and your DAG for this mission. Contact us directly for more information.
with our thanks,
Colin Sullivan, Secretary, on behalf of the Provisional Council
A List of the “Dirty Thirty”: The Convicted War Criminals of KanataName, Position, Last Known Location: 1. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Ottawa 2. Joseph Ratzinger, former “pope”, Rome 3. Elizabeth Windsor, “queen of england”, London, England 4. Pedro Lopez Quintana, Vatican Nuncio to Canada, Ottawa 5. Fred Hiltz, Primate, Anglican Church in Canada Toronto 6. Bob Bennett, Anglican Bishop, Huron Diocese, London, Ontario 7. Nora Sanders, General Secretary, United Church of Canada, Etobicoke, Ontario 8. Murray Sinclair, Chairman, “truth and reconciliation commission” Winnipeg 9. John Milloy, Officer, “truth and reconciliation commission” , Peterborough, Ontario 10. Gary Paterson, Moderator, United Church of Canada (UCC), Etobicoke 11. Jon Jessiman, Lawyer, United Church of Canada, Delta, B.C. 12. Marion Best, Former Moderator, UCC, Toronto 13. Brian Thorpe, Official, UCC, Etobicoke 14. Bill Howie, Official, UCC , Victoria 15. Art Anderson, Official, UCC , Vancouver 16. Foster Freed, UCC clergy, Parksville, BC 17. Phil Spencer, UCC clergy, Qualicum Beach, BC 18. John Cashore, Former B.C. government minister, Coquitlam, BC 19. Peter Montague, RCMP Inspector, Vancouver 20. Robert Paulson, Former RCMP Superintendent, Ottawa 21. Terry Whyte, Former UCC clergy, Port Alberni 22. Ron Huinink, Lawyer, Vancouver 23. Daniel Fulton, Former CEO, Weyerhauser Ltd., Seattle 24. Sean Atleo, Former Chief, Assembly of First Nations, Ottawa 25. Bill Montour, CEO, Six Nations Confederacy, Brantford, Ontario 26. Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, Superior General, Jesuit Order, Rome 27. Tarcisio Bertone, Cardinal, Rome 28. Angelo Sodano, Cardinal, Rome 29. Angela Bognasco, Cardinal, Genoa 30. Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury, London, England
ref: ,
Exclusive! This Sunday on Radio Free Kanata
Posted on March 20, 2015 by adminDean Clifford is Free!Renowned Canadian prisoner of conscience is released on conditions from a sixteen month illegal imprisonment
Posted in Action: What to Do, Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Canada, Charges Laid, common law, Crown of England, CSIS, Dean Clifford, England, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, ITCCS, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Media, Ottawa, police state, political prisoners, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, radio free kanata, RCMP, Reality Checks, Republic of Kanata, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, The International Common Law Court of JusticeCommon Law Grand Jury Reward Notice
Posted on February 12, 2015 by admin
$10,000 REWARD
A reward of $10,000 is offered by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) for informationleading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the death of the following aboriginal members of the ITCCS or its predecessor in Canada, The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD):
Chief Louis Daniels – FRD convener and liaison with Ojibway Nation, died in Winnipeg General Hospital, February 12, 2006
Harriet Nahanee – witness to Alberni residential school murders, died in Surrey Remand Prison after her arrest by RCMP, February 24, 2007
Johnny “Bingo” Dawson – leader of FRD protests, died in Vancouver after being beaten by Vancouver police, December 9, 2009
William Combes – witness to abduction of children by Queen of England, died in Vancouver General Hospital, February 26, 2011
Ricky Lavallee – witness to alleged beating-to-death of Bingo Dawson by Vancouver police, died suddenly on January 3, 2012
Harry Wilson – witness to two murders at Alberni residential school, died of unknown cause, May 3, 2012
These deaths and other crimes by church, state and organized crime in Canada are the subject of an ongoing Citizen Grand Jury investigation presently being conducted on the west coast under the auspices of the Republic of Canada and its common law High Court of Justice. To contact the Grand Jury with information, write to .
Posted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, Action: What to Do, APTN, Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Canada, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, common law, Crown of England, England, Ethnic Cleansing, gary patterson, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Holy See, ITCCS, Jesuits, Johnny Bingo Dawson, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ninth Circle, Ottawa, police state, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Press TV, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, RCMP, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ricky Lavallee, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Stephen Harper, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Torture, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, vancouver club, William Combes
The Hard Truth about the Crime called Canada
Posted on January 25, 2015 by admin
Twenty Reasons, and 50,000 more, why you should join the Republic of Kanata
Mohawk elder Bill Squire commences ITCCS forensic dig at a mass grave of children killed at the Anglican Mohawk school, Brantford, Ontario, October, 2011
The subject of an upcoming Grand Jury investigation:
1. Nine year old Vicky Stewart of the Tsimshian nation was killed at the United Church residential school in Edmonton on April 9, 1958 by school matron Ann Knizky, who hit Vicky over the head with a two by four. The RCMP refused to press charges against either Knizky or the United Church, and threatened Vicky`s family with imprisonment if they pursued the matter.
2. Margaret Sepass was raped and then beaten to death by an Anglican priest named John Warner on December 5, 1969, at St. Michael’s Indian school in Alert Bay, British Columbia. Margaret was nine years old. Her burial site is unknown and John Warner was never charged.
3. On January 5, 1938, Albert Gray was beaten to death by Reverend Alfred Caldwell of the United Church of Canada when Albert took a prune from a jar without permission. Albert was eleven years old. His body was buried in secret behind the Ahousat Indian school and Alfred Caldwell was never charged.
4. On December 24, 1946, the same Principal Caldwell kicked 14 year old Maisie Shaw to her death down a flight of stairs at the United Church`s Alberni residential school, as witnessed by Harriett Nahanee. The RCMP covered up the murder.
5. On April 3, 1964, Richard Thomas was sodomized and then strangled to death by Catholic priest Terence McNamara at the Kuper Island Indian school. Richard was buried in secret in an orchard south of the school, and Terence McNamara, who is still alive, was never charged.
6. Elaine Dick, age 6, was kicked to death by a nun in April of 1964 at the Squamish Indian school in Vancouver. The RCMP refused to press charges when requested by the victim`s family.
7. Daniel Kangetok, age 4, was infected with an untreatable virus as part of a Defense Research Board experimental program funded by the Canadian military. He was left to die at the Carcross Anglican residential school in the Yukon, in February of 1971.
8. David Sepass, age 8, was pushed down some stairs by a priest at the Kuper Island catholic school and left to die, early in 1958.
9. A newborn Cree baby was burned alive by a senior priest at the Catholic Muscowegan Indian school near Regina in May of 1944, as witnessed by Irene Favel. The priest was never charged.
10. Susan Ball, age 5, starved to death in a closet at the United Church Edmonton residential school during the winter term of 1959, after being confined there by a church matron for speaking her own language.
11. Pauline Frank, age 8, died from medical experimentation performed by Canadian army researchers at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital in March of 1972. Her body was buried in secret on the grounds of the hospital, which is still restricted military property.
12. Albert Baptiste, age 9, died from electric shocks from a cattle prod wielded by a catholic priest at the Mission residential school over Christmas in 1951.
13. Nancy Joe, age 14, died from involuntary drug testing by military doctors at the Nanaimo Indian hospital in the spring of 1967.
14. Lorraine white, teenager, was gang raped by United Church residential school staff and left to die, Port Alberni, summer of 1971.
15. Eighteen Mohawk children, all under the age of sixteen, were shot to death by Canadian soldiers outside Brantford, Ontario, in the summer of 1943, as witnessed by Rufus McNaughton. The children were buried in secret in a mass grave.
16. Johnny Bingo Dawson, an eyewitness to crimes in Anglican residential schools and a leader of protests against these criminal churches, died of injuries from a police beating after being threatened by them, in Vancouver on December 9, 2009. Official cause of death was alcohol poisoning, despite the absence of alcohol in his blood.
17. Ricky Lavallee, the eyewitness to Bingo’s beating by the Vancouver police, died of a blow to his chest in early January of 2011.
18. William Combes, an eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth from Kamloops Indian school on October 10, 1964, was killed by a lethal injection at St. Paul’s catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011.
19. Harriett Nahanee, the first eyewitness to a residential school murder to go public, died after mistreatment in a Vancouver jail, February, 2007.
20. Nora Bernard, the first aboriginal in Canada to sue the Catholic church for residential school crimes, was murdered in December of 2007 on the eve of Canada`s official spin doctoring of the residential school genocide.
… and more than 50,000 others, all of them children.
No-one has ever been charged or tried under Canadian law for any these killings. And the criminal government and churches responsible for this mass murder have been legally absolved of any responsibility for them under Canadian law.
Nothing has been healed. Nothing has been reconciled. Justice has been exterminated as completely as these innocent victims.
Stop the criminal conspiracy known as Canada! Join the Republic of Kanata and help disestablish these criminal institutions of church and state. Simply, for these children: and for the ones who will die tomorrow if the murderers are left in power.
A Republican Grand Jury has been convened in Vancouver to bring charges against and arrest those responsible for these murders. ,
Issued by the High Court of Justice of the Republic of Kanata , Est. January 15, 2015
see also: / www.hiddennolonger.comPosted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, Action: What to Do, APTN, Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, common law, Crown of England, England, Ethnic Cleansing, gary patterson, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, ITCCS, Jesuits, Johnny Bingo Dawson, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Mohawk Nation, Ottawa, Papal Deception, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Press TV, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, Raymond Roussin, RCMP, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ricky Lavallee, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Squamish Nation, Stephen Harper, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Torture, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, vancouver clubLocal Republic of Kanata groups declare sovereignty, nullify crown authority
Posted on January 19, 2015 by admin
Posted in these local communities on January 15-16, 2015:
North Bay, Ontario:
Amherst, Nova Scotia:
More postings are coming from all the Kanata districts … please share and post!
The Provisional Council, Winnipeg
www.republicofkanata.comPosted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, Action: What to Do, Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Canada, Canon Law, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, common law, Crown of England, CSIS, Dean Clifford, England, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, ITCCS, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Ndrangheta, Ninth Circle, Ottawa, Papal Deception, police state, political prisoners, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Press TV, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, RCMP, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Squamish Nation, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, vancouver club, Vatican
Moving Past the Lies to our Real Purpose: Kevin Annett answers his Detractors
Posted on December 26, 2014 by adminA Breaking ITCCS Interview, December 26, 2014
Kevin Annett adopted into Grand River Mohawk community, Brantford, fall 2011Posted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, Action: What to Do, APTN, Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Canada, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, common law, Crown of England, CSIS, Denis Lebel, England, Ethnic Cleansing, gary patterson, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, ITCCS, Jesuits, Johnny Bingo Dawson, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Mohawk Nation, Ndrangheta, Ninth Circle, Ottawa, Papal Deception, police state, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis the First, Press TV, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, RCMP, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ricky Lavallee, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Stephen Harper, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, vancouver club, Vatican, William Combes
Posted on December 24, 2014 by admin

Issued against Alfred Webre, Alex Hunter and otherson 24 December, 2014
in the City of Vancouver, Canada
LET IT BE KNOWN that the contents of a public you tube broadcast issued on 22 December by Webre, Hunter and others constitutes a brutal and unprovoked act of deliberate criminal harassment and defamation, and incitement to hatred, against Kevin Daniel Annett by Webre, Hunter and others, who are accordingly liable for criminal prosecution under the law; and
LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that the You Tube corporation as well as any person who knowingly circulates the said broadcast is equally liable for prosecution under the law; and
LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that unless the offending broadcast is immediately removed from you tube and a public retraction and apology for its contents is issued, these persons and corporation can and will be named in a common law court action as part of a Citizens’ Grand Jury to be convened in the City of Vancouver on January 15, 2015.
Issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and Kevin Daniel Annett, acting under the authority of the common law.
A broadcast will be forthcoming.
www.itccs.orgPosted in Action: What to Do, Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Canada, Canon Law, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Crown of England, CSIS, gary patterson, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, ITCCS, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ndrangheta, Ninth Circle, police state, political prisoners, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, Radio, RCMP, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Satanic Ritual Torture, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, vancouver club
The Truth does finally come out, but only after much sacrifice:
Posted on December 23, 2014 by admin
“Your claims about thousands of children dying will never be proved, Reverend. Besides, this will never be allowed to come out. I should warn you that you’ve upset some people and they may take action to stop you.”
– RCMP Sergeant Gerry Peters to Kevin Annett, July 3, 1997, Vancouver
“The records of tens of thousands of First Nations children who died
during the Indian residential school period were released today by provincial governments.”
– Canadian Press and CTV News, March 24, 2014
Mohawk traditional elders commence ITCCS dig for remains of children at Mohawk Anglican Indian residential school, Brantford, October 2011Posted in “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, Action: What to Do, APTN, Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Canada, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, Crimen Solicitationas, Crown of England, CSIS, England, Ethnic Cleansing, gary patterson, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, Holy See, ITCCS, Jesuits, Johnny Bingo Dawson, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Mohawk Nation, Ottawa, Papal Deception, pedophilia, police state, Pope Benedict, Press TV, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, queen Elizabeth, Raymond Roussin, RCMP, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ricky Lavallee, Ritual Murder of Children, Ritual Rape, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Squamish Nation, Stephen Harper, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Torture, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, vancouver club, Vatican, William Combes