Campaign News Update: Sunday, September 8, 2019

In this Update:
1. Where Oh Where is Justin Trudeau? An Elusive Prime Minister hides in plain sight
2. On the Campaign Trail: From West to East
3. New Republican Assemblies formed
4. Cleansing the Temples: National Day of Action against Genocidal Canadian Churches set for September 22
5. The Free University is launched under the Republic’s auspices
6. Award winning journalist profiles Kevin Annett in an upcoming release
Where Oh Where is Justin Trudeau? An Elusive Prime Minister hides in plain sight
Rulers caught with their pants down tend to avoid the spotlight. Sometimes – like in the case of “Pope” Benedict – they hide out altogether. Justin “Mini Me” Trudeau is no exception. Ever since being publicly named and summoned as a major defendant in Canada’s latest War Crimes Tribunal, Trudeau has dodged the media like a besieged Dick Nixon in his final days.
On September 6, the Liberal Party announced that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will not participate in upcoming party election debates, including the televised Macleans/City TV debate set for September 12. With the Liberals dropping in the polls as the federal election looms on October 21, the party is doing its best to fog and downplay two political bombshells: Trudeau’s personal involvement in the SNC Lavalin bribery scandal involving his own cabinet members, and the growing evidence of his ties to aboriginal-killing Chinese corporations in British Columbia. Trudeau refused to respond to a Public Summons issued to him last June to answer questions about these ties at an upcoming international Tribunal in Vancouver commencing September 16.
Perhaps not unrelated to all of this was a phone call made on September 2 to the syndicated journalist Sarah Webster by a lawyer who claimed to represent the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). The lawyer grilled Webster about an article she is writing on Kevin Annett and the Republican movement. According to Ms. Webster,
“The lawyer asked me why I had contacted the PMO and whether I’d done so on behalf of Kevin Annett. When I told him no, that I was simply researching an article about him and wanted to interview someone at the PMO, he pressed me for information about Kevin’s location and plans. When I played dumb, he warned me that my failure to disclose information involving the “security” of key government officials constituted a felony and I could be prosecuted.
“What does Reverend Annett have to do with the security of government officials?” I asked the lawyer. When he didn’t reply, I continued,
“Are you saying Kevin Annett is a threat to their security?”
“I have been so informed, yes”
“By whom?”
“By the relevant authorities”
“Do you mean a political threat?”
“I’m not free to comment about anything else”
Clearly, Justin Trudeau and those around him are more than a bit nervous about the Republican campaign’s spotlighting of the Chinese connection to the Liberal government. Attacking the messenger – in this case, once again, Kevin Annett – is standard ops for criminally-complicit regimes of both Church and State.
Like trying to close the barn door after all the horses are loose.
(Note: See more below on Sarah Webster’s exclusive piece on Kevin Annett and the campaign, to be released worldwide before the election)
On the Campaign Trail: From West to East
Two new delegates to a future Republican Congress have joined Kevin Annett, Tim Bartsch and Brenda Everall on the campaign trail. The new delegates will announce their identity this coming week, but they live on the west coast of Canada and in Alberta. One of them recently convened a Republican Assembly in her own traditional indigenous territory and announced an ending of all ties between her local native nation and the federal government.
“We have never recognized the authority of the British Crown or its puppet genocidal government in Ottawa” said the delegate. “As independent, traditional indigenous people we are joining hands with Kevin Annett and the movement to create a Republic of Equal Nations in Kanata.”
These new volunteers joined Kevin Annett this past week in a series of local election meetings in “British” Columbia and Alberta. On Labor Day, Kevin also spoke at a regular meeting of the Republican Assembly of North Winnipeg, where he announced his candidacy on July 23.
During the week of September 16, three Republican events will be held in Owen Sound, Toronto and Picton, Ontario: respectively, on the 16th, 18th and 20th. (Please note the rescheduled date and location of the Toronto event; more news is forthcoming).
“There’s an amazing groundswell of support building for the Republic, wherever we travel” said Kevin Annett today from his office in Winnipeg.
“The official national poll that showed a 58% support rate for a Canadian Republic is woefully out of date. Our own polling of people on the ground this past week shows a 73% support level. Our time has come. The only issue now is whether people will take the next step, take out citizenship and actively build the Republic”.

New Republican Assemblies formed
Three more Republican Assemblies were formed and chartered this past week, bringing the total to eleven across Kanata. That was the good news issued from the central office of the Provisional Council for the Republic in Winnipeg.
Under common law and the Republican Constitution, twelve or more people in a community can sign a Charter and constitute themselves as a legislative Assembly with the power to form a citizen’s militia and local common law courts. These Republican Assemblies can then issue citizenship identities and deputize police to disavow their allegiance to the “crown” and serve under the authority of the Republic.
Copies of the Republican Assembly Charter and Kanata Citizenship Cards can be obtained through the Provisional Council at .
Cleansing the Temples: National Day of Action against Genocidal Canadian Churches set for September 22
60,000 murdered children was part of the fuel that ignited the Republic of Kanata. The churches that killed them in their so-called residential schools have had no legal or moral right to operate ever since their lawful conviction as genocidal institutions in February 2013. A standing arrest warrant is still in place for the top officers of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, their churches have been legally evicted from our nation, and the property and assets of these criminal bodies can be legally seized by the people. (see
On Sunday, September 22, the Republic of Kanata is sponsoring a National Day of Action to make this happen. Citizens and their indigenous allies will be picketing, occupying and reclaiming these churches across the nation. Citizens and supporters can and should organize an action at their local Catholic, Anglican and United churches, or find out if an action is being planned in their communities. More information and copies of leaflets and other supplies can be obtained at .
But don’t forget: this is not a one day event. The disestablishing of these churches and the reclaiming of their space is an open-ended and ongoing effort. It represents part of the Republic’s program of cleansing our nation of its ongoing genocide and the institutions responsible.
The Free University is launched under the Republic’s auspices
How do we construct a truly post-colonial, anti-corporatist education system and culture in Kanata when those who try to do so are continually targeted and marginalized? Five blacklisted scholars are showing us how.
At a founding meeting in Vancouver on August 24, the five men and women and their supporters formed a movement called The Free University. Their aim is twofold: a) to construct a “Pedagogy and Curriculum of Liberation” to reverse the legacy and mindset of a genocidal Canada, and b) to provide an alternative forum for scholars who have been blacklisted for their work. The Free University has affiliated itself to the Republic of Kanata and will operate under its jurisdiction and security, and within its territories.
According to one of the founding scholars, an indigenous woman of Anishinabe-Cree ancestry,
“Canada is a country of silent but ruthless academic censorship. The purging of dissident scholars like us goes on behind the scenes but is systematic, weeding out any alternative view of official history. The classic, ground breaking work on the Canadian genocide, Kevin Annett’s Murder by Decree, has been purged right out of every college and library across Canada. Our job is to reverse this culture of censorship. We must make the full truth of our domestic war crimes known to every student and to our children. We won’t have a future, otherwise.”
Kevin Annett was present at the founding meeting. He spoke of his expulsion from the University of ‘British’ Columbia (UBC) during his Ph.D program between 1996-1998, after the intervention of his former employer, the United Church of Canada. Kevin was also banned from lecturing on the UBC campus in 2003 and again last year. Academic allies of his like sociologist Dr. Richard Fredericks have been threatened and fired for circulating Kevin’s books, films and research in their classrooms.
“The Free University is also our way of fighting the Corporate University and its rule of Big Money over Free Inquiry” declared Kevin to the meeting.
“If we are to have a new Republic we have to unlearn the thoughts and ways of a genocidal culture. Our education system has to free the truth and the real history as well as the minds of our coming generations.”
The Free University has just issued two special leaflets and internet notices addressed to the students and faculty of the University of BC and Vancouver Island University. They address the complicity of these colleges with the west coast genocide and the presence of mass graves of native women and children on their properties. Copies of the leaflets also here are attached to this email.
To contact The Free University write to .
Award winning journalist profiles Kevin Annett in an upcoming release
Sarah J. Webster had only used a pseudonym once before, during her thirty plus years as an investigative journalist. But nowadays she still uses the “Webster” name after researching and writing about Kevin Annett and the Canadian genocide. Her first article about Kevin in the fall of 2017 evoked RCMP harassment, threats of lawsuits and a gamut of late-night death threats.( ) And now she’s on the campaign trail with Kevin and is producing an even more penetrating article about the burgeoning Republic of Kanata.
“Some guys just never give up” Sarah commented after observing Kevin at one of his election meetings in the north end of Winnipeg. “And of course, neither do the creeps.”
Sarah described her recent harassment by a government lawyer who wanted to know all she could tell him about Kevin Annett’s plans and movements. She declined, and then the lawyer spoke of her possible prosecution.
“It’s the same reaction, wherever you go in official Canadian society” said Sarah.
“The mere mention of the name Kevin Annett sends everyone into a frenzy. I find that fascinating, both as a journalist and a non-Canadian. To be so hated at the top and so cherished on the bottom of society means you’re doing something right in my book. And now with the Republic idea, I expect the division to get even greater and the shit to fly even more. Hell, I want to do a whole series on Kevin.”
Sarah Webster’s writings are syndicated in Europe, Asia and America. She is the recipient of several journalism excellence awards and is a consultant to alternative media networks. She can be contacted at .
For ongoing updates on these and other topics and the Republic of Kanata, listen every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern to Here We Stand: The Voice of the Republic, at .

Listen to Kevin live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at .