Month: October 2020

By Kevin Annett

“Pope Snuffing” Court targets Crimes on Canada’s west coast – Arrests and Convictions sought as new evidence surfaces of an “international criminal conspiracy”

The International Court that convicted and deposed Pope Benedict and indicted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for Complicity in Genocide has commenced criminal proceedings on Canada’s west coast against a group of co-conspirators in Crimes against Humanity. The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) announced today that it will convene on Monday, November 2, 2020…
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October 28, 2020 0

Boycott the British Columbia Election, Vote for the Republic!

On October 24, people in British Columbia will be asked to ratify the covid police state measures that place all power in the hands of one man, the Lieutenant-Governor, and puts him and all politicians above the law. The Republic of Kanata calls on everyone to boycott the election and vote instead for the Republic…
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October 17, 2020 0