Breaking News, March 9-10: Co-Conspirators in Genocide may be arrested and their assets seized by March 31; Notice of Default issued to them by International Court

Breaking News Release – Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Co-Conspirators in Genocide may be arrested and their assets seized by March 31; Notice of Default issued to them by International Court
An international court has found twelve co-conspirators in the genocide of native people to be in legal default for failing to reply to a Notice of Liability issued to them by Reverend Kevin Annett on February 26.
According to a Default Notice issued today by the court, the co-conspirators have until March 31 to admit their wrongs and issue reparations, or face court-ordered financial foreclosure and arrest.
The Co-Conspirators include former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien and top officials of the United Church of Canada, the RCMP and Weyerhauser Ltd.
Today’s Default Notice was issued to the accused on behalf of Kevin Annett by the International Common Law Court of Justice, which successfully prosecuted and deposed Pope Benedict in February of 2013 for Crimes against Humanity.
The Notice, which was issued by Court Registrar Jocelyn Comrie-Dufort, states to the accused that they “are in a state of legal and moral default and pro confesso admission of guilt and are therefore subject to court-authorized seizures of your properties and assets, and your possible arrest”.
The Notice also states that the Court will consider an application to proceed with such actions at the opening session of its West Coast Common Law Court of Justice proceedings, to commence in Vancouver on Monday, March 30 and to which the accused may be summoned. If the application is granted, accredited Sheriffs will act on a court warrant to lawfully seize these assets and arrest the accused.
A list of the Co-Conspirators and a copy of the Court’s Default Notice follows.
Issued on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 by the International Common Law Court of Justice. Contact for more information, attn: Jocelyn Comrie-Dufort.

Public Notice of Default and Foreclosure
Issued against Jean Chretien, Peter Montague, John Creighton, John Cashore, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, Jon Jessiman, Brian Thorpe, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, James McNamee and Anne McNamee

The International Common Law Court of Justice was established on July 1, 2012 as the legal arm of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). It operates under the norms and precedents of International Law and Common Law. Its proceedings and verdicts have the full effect and force of the Law. Contact and .
Public Notice of Default and Foreclosure
Issued against Jean Chretien, Peter Montague, John Creighton, John Cashore, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, Jon Jessiman, Brian Thorpe, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, James McNamee and Anne McNamee (hereafter referred to as “The Accused”)
By the Criminal Trial Division of The International Common Law Court of Justice on the Tenth Day of March in the Year 2020 in the City of Vancouver
This Notice is issued by our Court on behalf of Reverend Kevin Annett and others regarding your criminal liability for actions detailed in a Legal Notice sent to you on February 26, 2020.
The deadline stipulated in the Notice of Liability has expired without a response from you, either individually or collectively.
Accordingly, the Court issues to you this Public Notice of Default and Foreclosure, charging you with failure to remit the required admissions, reparations and payments to Reverend Annett and others as outlined in the Notice of Liability. You are in a state of legal and moral default and pro confesso admission of guilt and are therefore subject to court-authorized seizures of your assets and properties, and your possible arrest.
BE ADVISED that an application has been made to our Court to commence such actions against you. This application will be considered during the opening session of our West Coast Common Law Court of Justice proceedings in the City of Vancouver on Monday, March 30, 2020, to which you may be summoned to appear. If granted, a warrant allowing the legal seizure of your assets, properties and persons will be issued on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 and will be enforced against you by accredited Court Sheriffs or deputized police officers on or after that date.
FURTHER BE ADVISED that if before that date you comply with the requirements of the Notice of Liability of February 26, 2020, no such actions will be taken against you by our Court.
(signed in the attached document)
Jocelyn Comrie-Dufort, LL.B
Clerk and Registrar of the Court

The ITCCS office in Brussels is the coordinating center for the Tribunal.