GLOBAL BREAKING NEWS: From Kamloops to Rome, Stop the Child Killers: A Month of Mourning and Direct Action begins on July 1, 2021
A Joint Call issued on Friday, June 25, 2021 by the Canadian Genocide Tribunal and Elders of the Squamish, Gitxsan, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Secwepemc, Tsilhqot’in, Cree, Anishinaabeg-Ojibwe, Mohawk-Kanien’keha:ka and Mi’kmaq indigenous nations
Today, the United States government announced that over 40,000 native children likely died in American Indian residential schools, while Russia and its allies have called on the United Nations to investigate and indict Canada for genocide. Our years-long campaign is finally moving mountains!
Stopping the Child Killers, from Kamloops to Rome: Direct Actions begin July 1

Children’s bones are recovered and identified at former Mohawk residential school, Brantford, October 2011 by the ITCCS
The churches and the government got away with killing our children and shoving them in the ground. Now they’re lying about what they did because they’re still doing it. It’s crazy and it’s got to stop! The only way we can honor those murdered kids is to prevent it from happening again by putting their killers behind bars and taking back what they stole from us. – Grand River Mohawk elder Cheryl Squire, Brantford, October 11, 2011
Everyone is obligated by law and morality to prevent and punish genocide within their own borders and to oppose such crimes by their governments and rulers. Any failure to do so constitutes complicity in such crimes and is a punishable offense under international law. – Legal Commentary on the United Nations Convention on Genocide, New York, 1960
For centuries we have lived through the violence and horrors of Christian Empire and seen its genocide torture and kill our children in Europe and here on Turtle Island. We still feel its attack on us every day as our children are trafficked and ruined, our land is stolen and destroyed by foreign powers, and our families and traditions disintegrate. We are dying as People of the Great Spirit, and no amount of words and blood money will save us.
The churches and governments that began this crime are continuing it today under a mask of lies. So now it is up to we as sovereign people to uproot and end this sickness once and for all, relying on the Great Law and our ancestors. The uprooting must begin in ourselves for we have all been accomplices in this crime. We must reclaim our spirit and our lives by cleansing ourselves of the lies and atrocities of a corporate Church and State.
In that spirit and standing within the Great Law of Creation, we declare the following:
1. The graves of children killed in the Christian death camps falsely called Indian residential schools constitute sacred ground that cannot be opened and examined by any agent of the churches and government that killed them, including puppet band councils. Only an independent Tribunal within the authority of traditional land law jurisdiction and International Law may conduct forensic studies and excavations of these and other burial sites on our territories. We hereby authorize such work. And so therefore as the sovereign title holders of this land we order all “crown” and church agents to immediately stop their actions at these burial sites or face immediate and permanent banishing from our territories.
2. To separate ourselves from the crimes and culture of our domestic genocide, we hereby declarea week of mourning, fasting and prayer across the territories known as Canada, commencing at sunrise on Thursday, July 1, 2021. We ask all people to withdraw their labor, payments, thoughts, and energy from society and stand separate within the heart of Creation, asking the Great Spirit for guidance and strength to do what is right and just.
3. To save our children and recover what has been stolen from us, and in accordance with International Law, we call upon all people to join with us in direct public actions throughout the month of July 2021 and beyond to occupy and reclaim the properties, lands and wealth of the criminal churches that killed over 60,000 of our children in the “residential school” death camps: the Catholic, Anglican and United Church. We hereby declare these churches permanently banished from our territories.
4. Finally, to reclaim the land called Canada from the criminally-convicted regime known as the Crown of England and its Vatican sponsor, as the sovereign title holders of the land called Canada we order the Governor-General, Prime Minister, Members of the Privy Council and Parliament, and all fiduciary officers of the Government of Canada to a) immediately comply with international law by nullifying the tax exemptions, privileges and legal status of the aforementioned genocidal churches in Canada, and b) surrendering themselves and the officers of these churches to stand before our Nations and its Canadian Genocide Tribunal for trial, judgement and sentencing as culpable parties to Crimes against Humanity.
Let all the people separate from evil and stand with us as free and sovereign nations!
Issued this Twenty-Fifth Day of June in the year 2021 on the sovereign territories of our nations and within the sovereign federated Republic of Kanata.
The Canadian Genocide Tribunal (affiliated with the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State – ITCCS) , ,

Kevin Annett (right) with Mohawk school survivor Geronimo Henry, October 2011