Liberty Now and Forever! Coming Events of the Republic of Kanata in Southwest Ontario
Liberty Now and Forever! Coming Events of the Republic of Kanata in Southwest Ontario

Friday July 1:
Kick off Kanata Day with an Election Rally in Newbury
as part of Republican Kevin Derbyshire’s campaign for town councilor
1:00 pm at Newbury Park (Broadway Street)
Featuring music, food, a flag raising, and inspiring speeches
Saturday July 2:
The convening of the Southwest Ontario Peoples’ Assembly:
a self-governing Legislature and Court for all the people of our region
Saturday July 9:
Public Rally to resist the COVID tyranny and build the Republic
1:00 pm at Harris Park in London (530 Ridout Street North)
Featuring music, food, speeches, and a citizenship swearing-in ceremony
For more information contact the Southwest Ontario Peoples’ Assembly c/o and see . Listen to the Voice of the Republic every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern at

Republican Patriots march on York (Toronto) and London, December 1837