Catholic Church banned and its wealth seized by new law in the wake of papal admission of genocide

A Breaking News Update and Commentary from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State
Thursday, August 4, 2022
New law bans Catholic Church and seizes its wealth in the wake of papal admission of genocide
Church confiscations to begin September 4 as “Defund Genocide” movement spreads abroad
Diplomats, indigenous groups seek expulsion of Vatican from UN:
“Disestablishing the Catholic Church is a legal and moral obligation on humanity under the Law of Nations”
Catholic Church banned, wealth seized by new law after Pope admits genocide; Occupations begin soon
Ottawa, New York:
A national law was passed today in Canada that authorizes the public seizure of Roman Catholic churches and their wealth as reparations for “centuries of self-admitted crimes against humanity.”
The law (attached) also legally disestablishes and banishes the Roman Catholic Church from operating anywhere in Canada, and nullifies taxes to the Canadian government as a “proven co-conspirator in genocide.”
The National Council of Common Law Assemblies (NCCLA) issued the law today, Thursday, August 4, in response to the recent public admission by ‘Pope Francis”, Jorge Bergoglio, that his Roman Catholic church committed genocide in Canadian Indian residential schools. (Pope admits to Genocide! Breaking News, July 30: Pope’s admission of Genocide sparks arrest motion at United Nations – Murder by Decree)
The NCCLA law will be used by its Sheriffs to seize Catholic Church properties across Canada in a public campaign commencing on Sunday, September 4, 2022.
The NCCLA law has sparked similar moves in America, Italy, Holland, Australia, and other countries as part of a global “Defund Genocide” movement to punish the Vatican for its crimes and reclaim the wealth stolen by the church.
“The law is clear when it comes to self-admitted and proven genocidal powers like the Vatican,” said Carl Redvers, a legal adviser to the NCCLA in Winnipeg.
“They have no lawful right to operate, and their wealth and property must be seized to impede and prevent their criminal activities.”
In response, diplomats and indigenous delegates at the United Nations are seeking the expulsion of the Vatican from the UN General Assembly. A motion to that effect will be introduced after the Assembly convenes on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.
“Disestablishing the Catholic Church is a legal and moral obligation on humanity under the Law of Nations,” states a communique from the coalition sponsoring the UN motion.
“If the UN does not apply the rule of international law to that Church as a proven genocidal regime, then there is no such law, and the UN is not only obsolete but an accomplice in Vatican crimes.”
The NCCLA and its sponsor, the sovereign Republic of Kanata, will be holding global education and training workshops during August to prepare for the September actions. To participate and for more information, contact .
Issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State
August 4, 2022 ,
(See pdf attachment for stamped and signed version of the law)

The National Council of Common Law Assemblies
A Lawful Legislature and Court established under the authority of the Republic of Kanata
Public Reparations Law and Praemunire expropriating and nullifying the Church of Rome and federal taxes in Canada
NCCLA Order No. 08042022-A
A Public Notice Issued by the National Council of Common Law Assemblies Thursday, August 4, 2022
LET IT BE KNOWN that the people of Canada and of indigenous nations have been subjected to centuries of unrelenting foreign conquest, warfare, genocide, and tyranny by the British Crown and the Church of Rome, in violation of their lives and natural liberties.
LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN THAT the government of Canada, through its unauthorized and unlawful “Financial Concordat” with the Vatican and as a co-conspirator in genocide, has committed and is committing fraud and treason on the people of Canada, in violation of the English Statute of Praemunire, which prohibits the funding of the Roman papacy or the granting to it of authority or jurisdiction within any Commonwealth nation.
LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that because of this treasonous crime by the Canadian government and its courts, the Church of Rome and the Vatican have perpetrated a self-admitted historic and ongoing genocide in Canada while evading prosecution or accountability for these crimes, and have unlawfully appropriated more than $680 million from Canadian revenue since 2020 through the aforementioned “Financial Concordat”; and that accordingly, Canadian taxpayers are being forced to violate international law by funding the criminally convicted Vatican and its Church of Rome.
LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that because of these crimes of genocide, fraud, tyranny, and theft, under International and Natural Law the people of Canada and of indigenous nations are owed financial reparations by the British Crown, the Canadian government, and the Vatican-Church of Rome and its church associates, the Anglican and United Church, and the return and restoration of all that has been stolen from them by these powers including lands, resources, and revenues.
LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that because of the enormity of these crimes, these churches and governments have under law and morality forfeited and lost the right to operate in Canada.
ACCORDINGLY, in the name of the people of Canada and their sovereign Republic of Kanata and its allied indigenous nations, the National Council of Common Law Assemblies, as a de jure court of record, hereby declares the following law that shall apply everywhere in Canada as of this date:
1. Federal taxes are hereby and forever nullified, and are retained by the people.
2. A Universal Common Law Lien is placed on the wealth of the Crown of England, the government of Canada, and the Vatican-Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United Church of Canada, including on their lands, assets, and properties.
3. The people and their Sheriffs are empowered by this law and its accompanying Warrant to enforce this Universal Lien and seize the wealth, lands, assets, and properties of these governments and churches, using appropriate force.
4. The police and authorities of Canada are obligated to assist in the enforcement of this law, and to refrain from interfering with its enforcement, under pain of prosecution for obstructing justice.
5. All special privileges, rights, benefits, diplomatic arrangements and concordat agreements between the Vatican and Canada are hereby and forever nullified.
6. The Vatican-Church of Rome, the Anglican Church of England, the United Church of Canada, and the federal government are hereby and forever disestablished and banished from operating in Canada. The officers, agents, and employees of these churches and government are ordered to stand down from their offices on pain of arrest and prosecution.
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED by the National Council of Common Law Assemblies and by the sovereign Republic of Kanata, which lawfully supplants and replaces the former Dominion of Canada, that this Law of Reparations and Praemunire shall take effect and be enforceable as of 12:01 am eastern time on Thursday, August 4, 2022.
This Public Safety Law No. 08042022-A has the full force and effect of the Law and will be enforced by the Sheriffs of the Council, officers of the Republic and deputized police, and the public.
This Law is authorized and registered within the sovereign jurisdiction of the Republic of Kanata, and under the judicial authority and sanction of the International Common Law Court of Justice.
(signed and stamped in the original, attached version)
Presiding Magistrate of the Council
Clerk of the Council
Case Docket No. 08042022-A as registered in the NCCLA Court Archives, Winnipeg and the Central Registry of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels
August 4, 2022