Two Row Wampum Tawagonshi Proclamation of Banishment and Confiscation

Proclamation of Banishment and Confiscation
issued against the Church of Rome by traditional indigenous elders
assembled at Council Fire according to the Great Law of Balance
on the Nineteenth Day of August in the year 2022
We are the Original People known as Ahousaht, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Squamish, Tsilhqotin, Cree, Metis, Anishinabek, Huron, Mohawk, Haudenosaunee, Miqmaq, Dene, and Inuit who stand on our ancestral Land Law jurisdiction and the original Two Row Wampum treaty binding all who enter our nations.
We are survivors of a centuries-long war of extermination waged against our people by the Church of Rome and its accomplices. This Church planned and operated most of the genocidal Indian residential schools that killed over 60,000 of our children. The Church continues to traffic, torture, and murder our children, and rob and destroy our people and our lands, in league with its partners in genocide, the governments of Canada and China.
Therefore, according to the Great Law, we, the Elders assembled at Council Fire, proclaim that the Church of Rome and its officers, clergy, and agents are hereby and forever banished from our nations and from anywhere in Canada and must immediately depart or face arrest by our Peacekeepers.
As well, the properties, churches, assets, and lands now owned or occupied by the Church of Rome in our nations and anywhere in Canada are hereby and forever confiscated by our people as reparations owed to us by that church for its genocide and other atrocities committed against our nations.
This Proclamation authorizes our people and Peacekeepers to enforce our decision by immediately evicting all personnel of the Church of Rome from our nations and arresting those who will not comply, and by seizing and occupying that Church’s properties, churches, assets, and lands.
Further, we offer this Proclamation to our indigenous brothers and sisters across Mother Earth, and urge them to take similar action against the genocidal Church of Rome in their own nations and territories.
We also invite them to gather in their communities, and with us at the United Nations, on Sunday, September 11, 2022, to enforce the expulsion of the Church of Rome and its agents from the United Nations and all its bodies. We especially call upon the Lenape people, as the traditional owners of the unceded land where the United Nations stands, to support this expulsion.
This Proclamation reclaims our stolen lands and fulfills the prophecy of the Great Peacemaker Daganawida. He foresaw that our lands would be invaded by a two headed white snake from the east who would fool and destroy many of us, but would one day be consumed by our sacred fire. We are today killing that Vatican snake from Rome and reestablishing the Great Law of Balance that unites all free and sovereign People within creation’s eternal Circle.
We place our names and guiding spirit to this Proclamation and call for it to be read and enacted across Turtle Island and our sacred Mother Earth. We do so in league with our allies in the Republic of Kanata and the International Common Law Court of Justice: we endorse their lawful disestablishment of the Church of Rome, and we name them as Peacekeepers in our nations.
Issued by us at Council Fire in the territory of the eastern woodlands people on Friday, August 19, 2022, and communicated to our Republic of Kanata liaison officer Gano Geesheway Geekeedo, Eagle Strong Voice.