The Anatomy of a Character Assassination: Why does the Big Lie always work?
Dissecting one of Canada’s longest smear campaigns and the thing behind it
by Sarah J. Webster*
*Sarah Webster is the pseudonym of a veteran syndicated journalist. Since June 1998, she is the only journalist to have consistently investigated and publicized Kevin Annett and the protests, public inquiries, and tribunals he has launched to prosecute genocide in Canada and globally. Her most recent article on Kevin is found at Erasing the Erasure: On the Trail of Canada’s Biggest Cover Up – Salem-News.Com. She can be reached at .

“In ten years, nobody’s going to remember your name, and if they do, they’ll be afraid of it.” – RCMP Inspector Peter Montague to Kevin Annett, May 9, 2008
“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” – Mark Twain
It’s rare to meet a self-admitted black operative. But I did, on July 6, 2005.
His name was Dennis Tallio and he was a west coast Heiltsuk native. During 1998, he was part of Kevin Annett’s early efforts to expose the murder of children in the infamous death camps Canada still calls ‘Indian Residential Schools’. Then Dennis was convinced to publicly slander Kevin in return for cash.
“It was no big deal,” Dennis told me when I interviewed him in Vancouver’s downtown eastside. “We were all told that we could make money if we turned against Kevin. We had to say he was abusing us and ripping off our stories as residential school survivors.”
“Was he?” I asked him.
“No way. He was a straight shooter. But money is money.”
“Who paid you, Dennis?”
“It was all coming through the native liaison society with the VPD (Vancouver Police Department). A guy named Bobby Joseph.”
The Robert Joseph in question is today one of Canada’s chief “apples”, to employ native street parlance. Recipient of the Order of Canada and honorary doctorates, Bobby is a particularly successful “good Indian” who lucratively preaches Christian Canada’s gospel of “reconciliation” as part of its erasure of its torture and mass murder of generations of indigenous children.
Clearly, character assassinations pay well; at least, for the ones engineering them. Dennis Tallio didn’t fare as well as Bobby Joseph. After blackening Kevin’s name all over the native world, Dennis ended up dead in a Vancouver skid row hotel room in October 2005, not long after I had spoken to him. His official cause of death was listed as “unknown”.

Kevin Annett with his hand on Dennis Tallio’s shoulder (center), August 9, 1998
The Big Lie is as old as humanity and always sounds the same. The targeted person is labeled as someone with a “bad reputation” or some other unspecified evil. He is besmirched by unnamed people who have been “harmed” by him, without any details ever being provided.
Rumors like these are like a virus: its source is invisible, but it spreads exponentially until it becomes normative and untraceable. Like the crime that the lie is concealing, it eventually becomes institutionalized.
This sordid method has been levelled against Kevin Annett since June of 1998, initially by RCMP Inspector Peter Montague and his allies among officials of the United Church of Canada. The people who have been primarily targeted by this ‘bad jacketing’ operation include Kevin’s family and allies, progressive activists, scholars, native people, Christians, and the media.
The evidence of a black operation as huge as the one conducted against Kevin Annett for over a quarter century is as prevalent as the crime Kevin has fought to expose. But as with the ‘Indian residential school’ massacre, the eyewitnesses know they won’t live long if they talk about it. At least that’s true for indigenous witnesses, who are not citizens under Canada’s apartheid ‘Indian Act’ and can be snuffed out without any legal consequence.
For most white Canadians, it’s a question of not wanting to know about their homegrown massacre of native children and believing any lie that helps them in their denial: like the officially sanctioned lie that Kevin Annett is “a con man who hurts people”. To quote the man who created that fabrication, RCMP Inspector Peter Montague, “Discredit Annett and you discredit the issue.” (August 2, 1998)
Over more than forty years of journalism, I’ve learned that the fear generated against someone increases in direct proportion to the threat that person poses to vested interests. That’s perhaps self-evident. But when normally rational and ‘awake’ people automatically regurgitate the fear and smear rhetoric about Kevin without even knowing him, it’s obvious that the Big Lie is coming from the same source and is employing brainwashing techniques that are very powerful and permanent.
I’ll come back to that, because it’s at the heart of the problem. But for new readers, let me rewind the tape to what began Canada’s permanent black operation against Kevin Annett, and why it’s continuing. I describe this more thoroughly in my article Erasing the Erasure: On the Trail of Canada’s Biggest Cover Up – Salem-News.Com.
In a nutshell, this saga began about the land, big money, and dead little Indians, but it eventually led to something much bigger.
In hindsight, it was not surprising that the United Church of Canada fired Kevin Annett without cause and stripped him of his livelihood after he blew the whistle on that church’s theft of west coast native land and murder of residential school children. ( But then for church officials to pay Kevin’s wife Anne McNamee to divorce him and rob him of his children with the help of Family Court judges and the RCMP meant that he was suffering more than the usual slam-dunking of an inconvenient whistleblower.
The rapid savaging of his name, reputation, and employability by the United Church during this period (1995-1997) kicked off an even broader black operation by the Canadian government after Kevin convened the first public tribunal into Indian residential schools in June 1998. Like the crimes in those facilities, this black operation against Kevin and his work was a joint church and state action from the beginning. (1)
In the spring of 2008, I received confirmation of this coordinated campaign from a senior source in the government. A retired civil servant described to me a secret directive that was issued by Prime Minister Jean Chretien’s office on August 12, 1998, soon after Kevin’s Tribunal concluded in Vancouver. The directive ordered the RCMP to conduct covert surveillance and disruption of Kevin Annett and his work and to “neutralize” native people working with him. Indeed, seven indigenous members of Kevin’s network subsequently died from conspicuous foul play. (2)
A former Canadian Security Intelligence (CSIS) agent named Grant Wakefield also confirmed these black operations when I interviewed him early in 2017. Significantly, Wakefield had first heard of the government’s campaign against Kevin during his penetration of the infamous killing zone known as Piggy’s Palace in Coquitlam, B.C.
“In the summer of 2010 on his Vancouver Co-op Radio show, Annett interviewed two native women who’d been taken to Piggy’s Palace by the Mounties. They said they saw girls get killed there. They told him they’d seen several senators and a former Prime Minister involved in the killings. I told my boss about this, but he said I couldn’t mention Annett in my report because he was on a ‘scrub list’ from the PMO (Prime Minister’s Office). Soon after that the feds booted Annett off the air of Co-op Radio and blackened him all over Vancouver.” (3)
These covert acts were accompanied by a national media blackout on Kevin that began as part of the Canadian government’s spin and coverup fiasco known inaccurately as the ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission.’ After the feds’ absurd ‘apology’ for the residential school genocide on June 11, 2008, Kevin’s name, evidence, and campaigns were censored from all mainstream media, in the manner of a banned person in apartheid South Africa.
This general erasure was supplemented by a massive misinformation attack on Kevin over the internet that intensified when he expanded his work to America and Europe starting in the spring of 2009.
Despite all these attacks, Kevin and a handful of native people had won a major victory during 2008 when they forced Canada’s public admission of genocide. Kevin continued to score such successes in Europe, helping force Pope Benedict and three Cardinals out of office early in 2013 as part of the verdict of an international common law court he helped create.
As well, Kevin sparked the movement to establish a Republic in Canada early in 2015 in the wake of the court verdict’s lawful disestablishment of crown authority. (4)
At that point, Kevin’s Church and State enemies employed the desperate, last-ditch method of ‘Night and Fog’ to deal with him. Rather than kill him and create a martyr, thereby drawing attention to what he had unearthed, they simply expunged his memory and daily existence from the public consciousness.
This erasure intensified after the summer of 2015 when Canada’s stage-managed ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ (TRC) released its final report that officially exonerated Church and State for their murder of over 60,000 children. The evidence of planned genocide that Kevin had so thoroughly documented over the years flatly refuted the TRC’s whitewash narrative of ‘random abuses’, and so Kevin’s inconvenient evidence had to go. His books and videos were systematically purged from the internet and from libraries and colleges across Canada. (5)
So confident were the whitewashers in their false narrative that, in June of 2019, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, in reference to the Canadian ‘Indian residential school’ system, “Yes, it was genocide.” Pope Francis made the same remark in the summer of 2022 on a visit to Canada.
Obviously, neither man feared that their public admissions of guilt would provoke the sanctions of international law, which require that any groups inflicting genocide must be ‘prosecuted and punished’, including through the prosecution of their top officers. (6) Once again, the fix was in, but only because Kevin Annett, as the sole oppositional voice to the Great Canadian Whitewash, had been effectively gagged, along with the damning truth he had proven.
But the Night and Fog didn’t stop there, for Kevin didn’t stop. With the arrival of the COVID regime early in 2020 and its culture of fear and repression, a new wave of popular resistance began across the world. This revival created a huge, fresh audience for Kevin’s work, especially his successful campaign that had put Canada and the Vatican on trial for genocide in a European common law court during 2012 and 2013. Common law assemblies and courts were created in over a dozen countries by people who had read and were inspired by Kevin’s seminal book “Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual”. (7)
This revived global ‘freedom movement’ rebounded to Canada in 2020, expanding tenfold the membership of the fledgling Republic of Kanata that Kevin and two hundred people had founded in 2015. By early 2021, thirty-two Republic Assemblies had been established that nullified Canadian and ‘crown’ authority and empowered its citizens to seize the properties and assets of the genocidal Catholic, Anglican, and United Church of Canada. (
Naturally, Kevin’s foes in Church and State didn’t take this development lightly. Nor did China, which now owns much of the western Canadian economy, and whose oil and gas companies’ murderous assaults on native people in northern British Columbia and Alberta have been documented and made public by Kevin and Republic activists. By the summer of 2021, most of the Republic of Kanata Assemblies, and all of them on the west coast, had been destroyed from within by the same black ops methods that had wiped out Kevin’s previous campaigns. (8)
I was fortunate to witness firsthand this “Round Six” assault on Kevin Annett and the movement he was once again inspiring, and to speak to one of the operatives involved in the takedown.
Her name was Dayna Furst. I was led to her by an indigenous man who had attended some of the Republic Assembly gatherings in Coquitlam, B.C., where she and Kevin had both been active. The native man claimed that Dayna had offered him money if he spied on Kevin and helped her to discredit him and have him expelled from the Coquitlam Assembly.
As it turned out, Dayna Furst was willing to talk to me, perhaps because she had herself been given the boot from the Assembly and she carried a trunk full of grudges.
“I lost my job with the government right after COVID hit because I wouldn’t wear a mask, and my own daughter wouldn’t even speak to me. It all made me pretty pissed off. So, when I heard that people were resisting the COVID rules, I went to the meeting and that’s where I met Kevin and we started working together. Then soon after that I got a call from my employer saying I could have my job back without conditions, but I had to meet with the Mounties first.”
In a nutshell, Dayna was threatened with arrest and incarceration by the RCMP officer who met her unless she worked as their operative in the Coquitlam Assembly. She was paid to defame Kevin Annett and spread false rumors about him to the key organizers in the Assembly.
A similar approach had previously been made by the RCMP on Vancouver Island to the people who helped Kevin launch Republic Assemblies in Victoria, Duncan, Nanaimo, Parksville, Port Alberni, and Courtenay. All these groups were destroyed in a two-month period early in 2021, after the organizers inexplicably resigned after they had launched sudden, unprovoked verbal attacks on Kevin.
As it turned out, Dayna rubbed folks in the Coquitlam Assembly the wrong way and she was shown the door. After the Assembly collapsed from its own inertia, Dayna was left high and dry by her RCMP handler. But in a parting shot, the Mountie warned Dayna not to reveal their arrangement or she would “get dragged down with Annett and end up like a Falun Gong.”

Dayna Furst (left) and Kevin Annett, Vancouver, April 15, 2021
The cop’s reference to the persecuted Chinese dissidents was telling and more than coincidental. For that summer of 2021, the RCMP and Vancouver Police announced the creation of a “Law Enforcement Cooperation Initiative” with the Chinese State Security Ministry that would allow China to station its police and secret operatives throughout British Columbia. This “initiative” included the opening of extra-territorial Chinese police stations in Vancouver, Nanaimo, Prince George, and Prince Rupert, the China-owned super-port, to “safeguard vital Chinese interests”. (9)
Or, as Kevin Annett wryly put it,
“PetroChina and Sinopec are getting rid of indigenous families in the way of their operations, along with anyone who protests it. Having west coast citizens form their own common law assemblies and pass laws banning genocidal regimes from their land directly threatens all that.”
Clearly, the takedown campaign against Kevin and his movement has assumed a much bigger dimension nowadays, involving China and its chief financial underwriter, the Vatican Bank. The effectiveness of that shutdown has only grown in recent years. Obviously, more is involved than the traditional “smear and fear” methods in black operations.
So how has the Goliath of Church, State, and Big Money so consistently crushed the movement to expose and stop its crimes, including genocide in Canada?
One clear reason is that it has been made possible with the help of the mind-altering cybertechnology that now monitors and directs the thoughts of much of humanity.
Many novice, self-styled “truthers” pride themselves on their knowledge of this technology and its use as a bioweapon. But their awareness arose mostly in response to the global outbreak of the alleged ‘COVID’ pandemic in the spring of 2020, which is popularly perceived as when the problem began.
In truth, the human mind has been under sustained cybernetic assault for decades, as leading neuroscientists like Dr. Michael Persinger of Laurentian University warned us in 2009:
“Within the last two decades the power has emerged to influence directly the six billion brains of the human species, without mediation through sensory modalities, by generating neural information within a physical or electronic medium within which all members of the species are immersed.” (10) (my emphasis)
Significantly, Kevin Annett was on to this fact as early as the spring of 1998. In his research and interviews with indigenous survivors, Kevin discovered how the prototypes of directed energy weaponry were first developed through the grisly implant experiments conducted on native children in the ‘Indian residential schools’ and Indian hospitals; and how these weapons were first used and tested on indigenous people to alter their thoughts, memories, and emotions.
Kevin publicly exposed this mind-controlling hardware during the mid-1990’s, just as it was being deployed against the general populace through the “World Wide Web” internet. This explains in part the sustained nature of the black operations conducted against Kevin by Canada and the Vatican. The latter has for decades funded the development of this bioweaponry in league with pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Glaxo, and Eli Lilly: the same corporations that for many years experimented on and killed generations of children in Catholic facilities, including the ‘Indian residential schools’. ( (11)
Knowing this, it’s hardly surprising that these felonious actors have relied on their mind-controlling weaponry to achieve what years of smears and attacks against Kevin could not: the almost complete erasure of Kevin’s work and his permanent demonization in the public mind. The speed with which initially supportive people are routinely turned away from and then against Kevin has become truly breathtaking. Kevin calls it “the light switch treatment.”
“It’s not like a typical smear or subliminal messaging, where some people are influenced by it and others aren’t. Now, everybody’s attitudes are permanently changed. A group will invite me to speak and then a day later will revoke the offer without an explanation or any further contact. Then they’ll start circulating the standard lies about me. It happens one hundred percent of the time now, but only when our communication is through the internet, which is a clue. That switching on and off has intensified since COVID and its nanoparticle injections.”
The fact that internet and iPad users are not in control of their own thoughts and feelings, and are not bothered enough by this to stop using those devices, is equally instructive. It suggests how complete is human captivity to this latest bioweapon and its ability to modulate thoughts to turn people against truth tellers like Kevin Annett, who has been targeted by the RCMP and Vancouver police for nearly thirty years.
Just before I started writing this piece, I was contacted by a woman named Florence Halama, who worked as a secretary at the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) when its native puppet Robert Joseph was paying Dennis Tallio and other natives to throw mud at Kevin.
In the spring of 2005, soon after Kevin’s group began holding protests at the genocidal Catholic, Anglican, and United churches in Vancouver, Florence was present at a meeting of senior RCMP and VPD officials. They were discussing their media strategy concerning the growing numbers of missing indigenous women, and specifically, how to conceal the fact that the Vancouver police were involved in those disappearances. According to Florence,
“It was the first time I’d heard Kevin’s name mentioned. A VPD guy, I think his name was Stuart something, was saying that the church protests were dangerous and should be monitored. But then a Mountie said not to worry because over six million dollars had already been spent to shut down Kevin Annett and his people. He said it was one of the biggest ‘scrub’ jobs in their history to date and it would continue as long as Kevin did.” (12)
Obviously, the cop was not lying, as our overview of Kevin’s campaigns demonstrates. According to another source of mine in the federal civil service, Kevin Annett remains “a priority security concern” of the Minister of Public Safety. The official ‘scrub job’ against Kevin Annett and his unrelenting work keeps growing with what it feeds on, and for good reason. For he keeps shining light on the actors and their methods in what is becoming a global omnicide.
Thankfully, Kevin remains remarkably active and determined in the face of the blood-soaked behemoth that he has battled for thirty years. But he is suffering much wear and tear from the effects of being a targeted “enemy of the state” all these years. I asked him recently what life is like for him now.
“It’s very much like being in prison, not just because of the poverty. Interviews and meetings are still routinely cancelled on me without explanation, and I still get threatened and assaulted. Peoples’ support or interest in what I’ve done and keep doing is pretty much gone now. The odium of being blacklisted has never lifted, even though I’ve been vindicated. I guess that’s all a sign that I’m on the right track and am still a threat to the bastards. But it’s also made me appreciate Martin Luther’s King remark that at the end of the day, it’s not the lies of my enemies that I’ll remember, but the silence of my friends.”
Over the many years I’ve documented Kevin Annett and his heroic stand, I’ve learned that blacklisting and brainwashing can only work when people allow them to. Even though Canadians have notoriously ignored child murder in their own backyard and Kevin Annett’s work, he has had a huge impact on the world. He has proven by his deeds that even the most oppressive system can be overturned, which is why he and his work are still so censored by his enemies.
For the people who still care enough to take action, Kevin’s example of how to resist and overcome a massive blacklisting and state-level assault should do more than simply inspire them. As Kevin told me recently,
“No enemy is ever as powerful as the image it projects of itself. We’ve knocked down Goliath a few times and that has him scared. He’s only as powerful as we allow him to be by believing his lies. The important thing is to see the truth with our own eyes and act on what we see. Otherwise, we’re as complicit as the ones who throw babies in ovens and get away with it.” * (*See: Twelve Outlawed Memories of the Canadian Holocaust – Murder by Decree)

- This fact was admitted by senior United Church officials Brian Thorpe and Jon Jessiman during their unlawful ‘defrocking’ of Kevin Annett from 1996-97. Both men stated on record that their church had worked actively with RCMP Sgt. Peter Montague and Sgt. Paul Willms to monitor and disrupt Kevin’s work with the ‘Indian residential school’ survivors. (See below) Kevin’s biographical account and evidence of this collusion is in his books listed at Kevin-Annett-books-and-films.pdf ( and in the recent court record found in Crimes against Humanity in Canada: A Dossier of Evidence: The case of 60,000 murdered children and the man who surfaced their fate: Annett, Kevin: 9798399033556: Books .
- See A Gallery of murdered Indian residential school children and survivors – Murder by Decree and other evidence in the ITCCS Archive .
- From the author’s recorded interview with Grant Wakefield in Vancouver on January 22, 2017.
- This history is thoroughly documented in ‘ITCCS Archives’ at and at .
- A banning directive against Kevin’s books was apparently issued to all public libraries in Ontario by the provincial government soon after the TRC report appeared during 2016. According to a former assistant librarian at the Owen Sound Public Library who has since retired, “I was told that Mr. Annett’s name was on a list of proscribed authors and his works were not to be displayed by us … This was confirmed by the office of the federal Minister of Public Safety.” Similar claims have been made to me, off the record, by librarians and teachers in Vancouver, Nanaimo, Kamloops, Edmonton, Regina, Toronto, Ottawa, Cornwall, and Halifax.
- See The United Nations Convention on the Crime of Genocide (1948), which Canada ratified in 1952 and enabled legislatively in 2002. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998) also requires that responsible officers of self-admitted or proven genocidal regimes are to be arrested, tried, and punished, including heads of state.
- The Manual can be found at this link: Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual: Annett, Kevin Daniel: 9781544239613: Books . It has been translated into French, Spanish, and Dutch.
- Many of these assaults, on indigenous people by Chinese companies and on the Republic movement, are documented at under ‘ITCCS Updates’. Other sources for the atrocities committed by PetroChina and Sinopec in conjunction with the RCMP have been attested by journalist Merv Richie, former RCMP officer George Brown, former Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) director Richard Fadden, former CSIS field operative Grant Wakefield, and a host of indigenous eyewitnesses.
- Information on the combined intelligence initiative was provided by the author’s sources within the Vancouver Police Department and the RCMP. This initiative was based in part on the federal Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), enacted by both the Harper and Trudeau governments. FIPA removes all restrictions of Chinese investments in Canada and allows China to station its “security forces” on Canadian soil.
- The quote is from an interview conducted with Dr. Persinger on May 5, 2018. Persinger died suddenly on August 14, 2018.
- The use of children provided by churches for Big Pharma’s experimental drug testing has a long history, including within the Indian residential schools. But the Vatican has had a special relationship with, and is a heavy investor in, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and other bioweapon companies. Dozens of major Catholic seminaries and charities are recipients of funds from these drug corporations. (For more details of Vatican criminality see: Dethroning a Rogue Power: Why the Vatican must be denied membership and presence at the United Nations and in the world community eBook : Annett, Kevin: Kindle Store).
- From a recorded telephone conversation with Florence Halama on August 2, 2024. Her statement confirms a similar account given to the author by former RCMP officer George Brown (below) who was a member of the VPD’s alleged Missing Women Task Force and is featured in Kevin Annett’s award-winning documentary film Unrepentant (2007) found at . For more background, see also .


Kevin Annett (right) and eyewitnesses Ricky Lavallee and Chief Kiapilano after the occupation of Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Vancouver on March 16, 2008, by their group The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared. This action provoked the Canadian government to admit to genocide and then ramp up its misinformation and censorship campaign. See: Exclusive! The day we turned the tables on child killing churches: Historic footage of the church occupation that forced out the truth – Murder by Decree

RCMP officer Peter Montague, who coordinated the west coast black ops campaign against Kevin Annett for many years, beginning after Kevin’s first public forum in February 1998. (“Take down Annett and you take down the residential school issue.” – Montague, May 3, 1998)