The Bravest of the Brave: In Memory of Georgina Cameron
Murdered by the Catholic Church in Australia with help from a papal hitman

by her friend Kevin Annett
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these, you can be sure it will kill you, too. But there will be no special hurry.” ― Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms
The first time she was assaulted by Catholic goons, Georgina Cameron was making an announcement to the parishioners of Lumen Christi Church in Wollongong, Australia. It was December 21, 2022.
Leaning on her crutches, the little 69-year-old woman was quietly reading from the Catholic church policy stating that whenever children are raped by a priest, no-one is allowed speak about it and the police are not to be told.
“Your children are at risk and are threatened by this policy called Crimen Sollicitionas,” Georgina said, holding up some papers. “It also makes you accessories to the crime of protecting and enabling child rapists. As a teacher, I have a duty of care to prevent that.”
That’s as far as Georgina got. In her words,
“Before I could finish speaking, I was quickly surrounded by three large men who were led by the parish priest, James Arblaster. These men mobbed me and tried forcing me into the corner, despite me being disabled and on crutches. In the process they grabbed my arm and hurt me. Meanwhile, the priest tried grabbing my statement out of my hand and then, when I kept reading it, he screamed at the parishioners to ignore what I was saying.
“To make matters worse, the Bishop, Brian Mascord, joined the assault. He stood over me as I was pinned by the others and demanded that I be quiet, ignoring the violence being inflicted on me. Only when I challenged him about his complicity in enforcing the Crimen policy did he withdraw and hurry from the church. Then I was dragged and thrown out of the building, causing me excruciating pain and damaging my limbs.”
But the assault didn’t stop there. For performing a necessary humanitarian service in a public, taxpayer-supported space, Georgina Cameron became a walking target. But she refused to stop her public witnessing to Vatican Crimes. And so, the attacks that followed – including more physical assaults on her by church members and the police that were incited by Catholic Church officials – ended in her death in the summer of 2023.
My friend Georgina had more courage than anyone I’ve ever known. By singlehandedly challenging child killers to their face and making a Bishop run away, that frail, noble woman put not only them to shame but all those who refuse to confront the Catholic Church for its atrocities.
Her pit bull-like refusal to back down from church terror so alarmed and embarrassed the papal hierarchy that, according to new evidence, a top Vatican advisor instigated the kill order against Georgina.
The man’s name is Iain Benson.
Officially, Benson is a legal scholar at Notre Dame University in Sydney and a member of the shadowy Opus Dei cult. In practice, as an advisor to the Vatican’s Santa Alleanza covert action agency, Iain Benson is a hired gun. Part of his work is to eliminate people deemed as special ‘threats’ to the Catholic church’s child-trafficking and killing network: people like Georgia Cameron – and me.
Iain Benson is the same lawyer who stage-managed the show trial that blacklisted and expelled me from United Church ministry in 1997 after I unearthed the past and ongoing murder of native children by Canadian churches. (
Why the United Church turned to an outsider like Benson and paid him the unprecedented sum of $58,000 to do the hatchet job on me perplexed a lot of people at the time. But in the light of his involvement in the murder of Georgina Cameron, Benson’s role becomes even more obvious and odious.
As I describe in a just-released book*, Iain Benson is a member – along with the United Church officials who ‘sacked and racked’ me – of the notorious child-trafficking Twelve Mile Club, originally based in Vancouver but now operating around the Pacific Rim, including in Shanghai, China and Sydney, Australia. Georgina Cameron had just uncovered that fact when she was killed. *(The Criminal Conspiracy to Silence Genocide Truthers in Canada: A New Book and Campaign for 2025! – Murder by Decree)
“Benson’s a lot more evil than you think, Kev,” Georgina told me in our last zoom call just before she disappeared, in July 2023.
“I learned from one of his staffers at the university that he flies to Beijing and Rome several times a month and that a colleague accused him of buying and selling kids there, but then the colleague died suddenly. But the staffer said Benson’s in a special club that’s dirty with pedophilia and worse, and it’s connected to a similar thing in Vancouver.”
As undaunted with Iain Benson as she was with catholic church thugs, Georgina sought out and confronted him to his face the same month as her disappearance. She handed him a copy of the common law court order that had convicted Benson of complicity in genocide in Canada. Then she tried to perform a Citizens’ Arrest on him.
“He looked completely shocked,” Georgina recounted in our last call. “Then he gave me a hate stare like I’ve never seen before. The cops were at my door that evening. I was told to stop what I was doing, in no uncertain terms.”
Soon after Georgina’s disappearance, Iain Benson took an ‘extended academic leave’ to an undisclosed location. But as a convicted felon sentenced to thirty years imprisonment for his complicity in murder, Benson faces a standing global arrest warrant and a new Summons to answer charges of his role in Georgina Cameron’s death.
Long ago, the American Civil War poet Walt Whitman wrote,
“Brave were those who endured the storm of battle,
but braver still the ones who pushed to the front and fell,
unknown, unremembered.”
The only way for us to remember and honor Georgina Cameron is by doing as she did and pushing to the front line of battle, and fight to the death the child killers who hide behind clerical robes. For those monsters continue to prosper and feed, while the good woman who confronted them lies dead and the rest of you stand by and watch and allow it to happen.
Is it nothing to you?
Georgina Cameron, 1953-2023
Earth, cover not her blood!