Breaking News, January 31: Group that exposed genocide in Canada to begin direct actions on February 9th.
Breaking News – Global Media Release – Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Group that exposed genocide in Canada to begin direct actions on February 9 – Protests and occupations will target “ongoing crimes against humanity” by China, churches, corporations
Group that exposed genocide in Canada to begin direct actions on February 9 against China, churches

The citizens movement that revealed and prosecuted Indian residential school crimes in Canada is launching a new direct-action campaign on February 9, the 25th anniversary of the movement’s birth.
Between 1998 and 2015, the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD) held high-profile protests, Tribunals, and church occupations that eventually forced Canada and its churches to admit to genocide. Now a revived FRD has launched a new coalition to confront and halt ongoing crimes against humanity, especially on Canada’s west coast.
The Coalition includes the FRD and the traditional Chilcotin, Squamish, and Anishinaabe nations, human rights groups, the sovereign Republic of Kanata, and the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State, which helped force Pope Benedict out of office in February 2013.
“Once again, we are saying no to the institutionalized slaughter of the innocent,” said Kevin Annett, one of the original founders of the FRD and a spokesman for the new Coalition.
“We are taking the fight to the criminals by aiming at the modern perpetrators of genocide and child killing in Canada: China, its puppet government in Ottawa, Big Pharma, and their partners in crime, the Catholic, Anglican, and United churches, that have all been legally evicted from Vancouver.”
Under a Supreme Court of British Columbia Notice dated March 4, 2008, Kevin Annett is legally empowered to enter these churches and enforce Squamish hereditary chief Kiapilano’s Eviction Order that banned them from his territories, encompassing Vancouver. (See Attachment #1 in attached pdf, and below)
The upcoming campaign will include public teach-ins and training workshops between February 9 and 12, followed by direct actions at churches and other locations on selected dates. An International Day of Action will occur on Sunday, February 26, the 12th anniversary of the medical murder of eyewitness William Combes at St. Paul’s Catholic Hospital in Vancouver. (See Attachments #2-7 in attached pdf)
Suzanne Holland, Ambassador of the traditional Chilcotin indigenous nation, endorses the new coalition and is organizing its actions in the Chilcotin territory of central British Columbia.
“We have expelled the genocidal churches from our land and reclaimed their properties as reparations for their crimes against our people. We ask all indigenous nations to do the same as part of our new coalition.”
For more information and to volunteer, see the attachments to this notice and listen to Here We Stand every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, at Also check under “Breaking News” at and write to
Issued by the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared and the members of the new coalition

On February 26, remember and avenge William Combes!

Murdered by royal command at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver
“We know the kill order against Combes came from Buckingham Palace. His testimony was perilous to the Queen and the entire royal family.” – Former British MI-6 agent, December 11, 2022
“William had all the symptoms of arsenic poisoning, not tuberculosis. When I asked questions, I was threatened and then forced out of my job. There’s no doubt he was murdered for talking about those children he saw the Queen abduct in Kamloops.” – Former St. Paul’s Hospital nurse Chloe Kirker, October 14, 2017
RALLY AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME: Sunday February 26, 2023 at 11 am St. Paul’s Hospital, 1081 Burrard St, Vancouver (at Helmcken Street)
MARCH TO THE WILLIAM COMBES MEMORIAL PARK at Richards and Dunsmuir Street for a noon hour gathering
Our actions are held on the 12th anniversary of William’s murder to reclaim and shut down the genocidal Catholic, Anglican, and United churches
For more information write to, and listen every Sunday at 6 pm eastern to
Sponsored by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the sovereign Republic of Kanata – ,
Join us throughout February to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the birth of our movement that exposed and prosecuted Genocide in Canada and Europe!
February 9-12: Public Teach-Ins and Action Training. Online sessions will include a special presentation on Here We Stand, Sunday February 12 at 6 pm eastern on
Saturday February 11: Rally & Party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the deposing of Joseph Ratzinger, aka “Pope Benedict”, brought down by our International Common Law Court of Justice in 2013!
Sundays of February 12, 19, and 26: Public Reclamations of Catholic, Anglican, and United churches under a Legal Right of Entry Notice.
Sunday February 26: Rallies and Marches to honor William Combes and name his killers on the 12th anniversary of his murder at St. Paul’s Catholic Hospital.
Other upcoming and ongoing actions: Sit-ins at government offices to force the nullification of church tax exemptions and privileges – Seizure of church lands and arrest of guilty officials – Public Pledge campaign to defund the Catholic, Anglican and United Church – Teach-Ins on Genocide Today and its Chinese, Vatican, and Big Pharma/corporate connections.
For more details and to organize these actions in your communities, write to, see under “ITCCS Updates”, and listen every Sunday at 6 pm eastern to
Sponsored by the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the sovereign Republic of Kanata

See important evidence in the attached pdf copy of this notice, and below:
B.C. Supreme Court Notice of Appointment of Kevin Annett by Squamish hereditary chief Kiapilano, granting Kevin a legal Right of Entry into Catholic, Anglican, and United churches:

From the affidavit of nurse Chloe Kirker, eyewitness to arsenic poisoning of William Combes at St. Paul’s Catholic Hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011: