By Kevin Annett

The recent Cree Massacre in Saskatchewan – Who did it, why, and how we stop them

The recent Cree Massacre in Saskatchewan – Who did it, why, and how we stop them A Breaking December 6 interview with Kevin Annett and Owen Lucas of the Republic AllianceWith details of the upcoming Citizens Grand Jury investigationKevin Annett – “Corporate Death Squad Operation” 10 Native Murders ( Murdered by Rio Tinto Mining Corporation and…
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December 8, 2022 0

Mass murder, coverup, and payoffs: Following the Big Money behind the Cree Nation massacre

Mass murder, coverup, and payoffs: Following the Big Money behind the Cree Nation massacre by Kevin Annett Mass murder, coverup, and payoffs: Following the Big Money behind the Cree Nation massacre in Canada The scenario is a familiar one: stage a conspicuous killing, kill the killers, and buy everyone’s silence. But why has it happened…
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December 1, 2022 0

Investigating themselves, again: Latest OPP scam and genocide concealment in Canada

The Canada Tragic-Comedy Hour November 28, 2022 Investigating Themselves, Again: News Item: “Ontario Provincial Police open ‘tip line’ for anyone with information on criminal acts and child killing at the Anglican Mohawk residential school in Brantford” “Hello, is this the OPP Tip Line?” “Yes it is, how may we help you?” “I have information on mass graves…
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November 28, 2022 0

Fighting to Win: Strategy and Tactics for engaging the Corporatocracy, from The Art of War

Sun Tzu: “Know Your Enemy” – Kevin Annett Interview ( Part Two in a seminar on how to wage modern guerilla warfare with your hosts Kevin Annett and Owen Lucas of the Global Republic Alliance Listen to the Voice of the Republic and the Resistance every Sunday on at 6 pm eastern, 11 pm Ireland, Monday…
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October 26, 2022 0

A Public Warning from the International Common Law Court of Justice:

A Public Warning from the International Common Law Court of Justice: Avoid Mike Holt and the “” corporation October 20, 2022 For several years, our court and its chief advisor, Kevin Annett, have worked with an Australian named Mike Holt. We did so in response to his request to help him bring our work to…
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October 20, 2022 0

Breaking News, October 9-10: King Charles linked to the death of Kamloops children and William Combes Witnesses describe murderous rituals in Canada and at Carnarvon Castle

King Charles linked to death of Kamloops children and William Combes– Witnesses describe rituals Here We Stand, October 9, 2022 | BBS Radio October 10, 2022 London, UK: Today, on the 58th anniversary of the permanent disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian residential school, new evidence has surfaced linking British monarch King Charles to…
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October 10, 2022 0

Breaking News, September 19/20, 2022: King Charles ordered to appear before International Tribunal over the death of William Combs and Others.

King Charles ordered to appear before International Tribunal over the death of William Combes and others A Breaking News Release from the International Common Law Court of JusticeSeptember 19/20, 2022 King Charles ordered to appear before international tribunal over death of William Combes and others London, UK: Charles Windsor, the so-called King of England, was…
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September 19, 2022 0

Farewell to the Crown: A Postmortem on Lizzie Brit and the monarchy that never was

Farewell to the Crown: A Postmortem on Lizzie Brit and the monarchy that never was by Kevin Annett Co-Convener of the sovereign Republic of Kanata Farewell to the Crown: A Postmortem on Elizabeth Windsor As it is found that the bestowing and holding of the office of monarchy in any one person is unnatural, unnecessary,…
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September 8, 2022 0

The Global Campaign to Defund and Disestablish the Church of Rome

The Global Campaign to Defund and Disestablish the Church of Rome Issued by the Republic Alliance and its allied indigenous nations September 1, 2022 The coming month is what Napoleon called “the favorable moment” in a battle. The Church of Rome is teetering on the brink of a crisis that makes the resignation of Pope…
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September 3, 2022 0

Breaking News, August 26: Financial Crisis hits the Vatican: Assets to be buried after papal admission of genocide

Breaking Global News: Friday, August 26, 2022 Financial Crisis hits the Vatican: Assets to be buried after papal admission of genocide nullification of Church tax exemptions, and UN expulsion move;Learn the details this Sunday on Here We Stand, and in a special global broadcast this Monday, August 29 Rome:A source in the Vatican Bank (Istituto per le Opere di Religione,…
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August 26, 2022 0