Special Update and Announcement from Kevin Annett and the sovereign Republic of Kanata
July 31, 2021
Special Update and Announcement from Kevin Annett and the sovereign Republic of Kanata
The campaign to disestablish a genocidal Canadian Church and State ramps up this coming month with a national speaking and organizing tour by Kevin Annett and other leading members of the Canadian Genocide Tribunal and the Republic. The tour will extend into the fall.
Besides conducting forensic investigations at the mass graves of children, they will hold teach-ins, protests, seizure of church properties and arrests of those responsible or convicted of crimes against humanity in Canada.
Kevin will also be holding readings from his latest book Memoirs of a Revolutionary: Understanding the Present Tyranny ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0939XD3PK ).
This national tour will also extend the work of the Republic in creating a new sovereign jurisdiction outside the covid police state and rallying people to the new nation. The tour is held under the sovereign protection of the Republic and its Sheriffs and of the traditional elders of nine indigenous nations.
To arrange for Kevin and the others to speak in your community, contact canadiangenocidetribunal@protonmail.com .
For more information, and to listen to a recent Alberta TV interview with Kevin, tune in this Sunday, August 1 to our regular program Here We Stand, on www.bbsradio.com/herewestand at 3pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT)
www.murderbydecree.com , www.republicofkanata.ca