A Gallery of murdered Indian residential school children and survivors
Some of the 60,000 slaughtered children and the ongoing victims of Church-State terror in Canada
Earth, cover not their blood!

Children murdered at the Lejac Catholic Indian school, January 2, 1937: Allen Willie, Andrew Paul, Maurice Justin
“The manner of their death clearly indicated homicide. The boys were forced to stand in the sub-zero snow in their shorts and shirts as punishment. They were all dead by morning. I cannot in good conscience issue a report saying that they died of natural causes.” – Dr. C.W. Pitts to Indian Agent R.H. Moore, January 4, 1937
“Our inquest showed that the boys were not subjected to ill treatment but ran away to spend holidays with their families. No blame is attached to the school.” – Dr. C.W. Pitts to Agent Moore, January 6, 1937

Vicky Stewart, age nine, beaten to death by staffer Ann Knizky at the United Church’s Edmonton ‘Indian Residential School’, April 9, 1958
“I saw that evil woman Knizky hit Vicky on the head with a two by four. She died during the night, but they said she died of TB when she didn’t have it. The church killed my little sister and got away with it.” – Berle Stewart, May 2007

William Combes*, eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth, killed in St. Paul’s Hospital by order of Charles Windsor February 26, 2011
“William had all the symptoms of arsenic poisoning just before he died. He didn’t have any symptoms of TB like the B.C. Coroner claimed. I was threatened to keep quiet about what happened.” – Attending nurse Chloe Kirker, August 18, 2016
*William Combes is featured in Kevin Annett’s historic documentary film on genocide in Canada Unrepentant ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czej73SfYJc )

Harriett Nahanee*, the first eyewitness to report child killings at the United Church’s Alberni ‘Indian Residential School’, murdered at St. Paul’s Catholic Hospital, Vancouver, February 24, 2007
“After Harriett was illegally arrested, Judge Brenda Brown locked her up in an unheated cell in Surrey Remand Prison at the age of 72. Then they transferred her to St. Paul’s Hospital where she was dead a day later.” – Nahanee family member, March 2, 2007
*Harriett Nahanee is featured in Kevin Annett’s historic documentary film on genocide in Canada Unrepentant ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czej73SfYJc )

Harry Wilson (left), knifed to death after speaking publicly of finding dead children at the United Church Alberni Indian Residential School, April 6, 2012
“After I told Principal Andrews about finding that girl’s body, he had me locked up in the Nanaimo Indian Hospital. I was in there for a long time. They gave me electric shocks and they experimented on me.” – Harry Wilson, March 28, 2012
“Harry, you have half a brain and nobody’s going to miss you if you’re found floating face down in the water. So you’d better not talk about that dead girl.” –Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council official Charlie Thompson to Harry Wilson, Port Alberni, B.C., March 28, 1998

Johnny ‘Bingo’ Dawson, beaten to death by Vancouver police after leading occupations of United, Catholic and Anglican churches, December 9, 2009
“I saw three cops work over Johnny Bingo in the alley right off Main and Hastings. One of them was that sergeant who threatened to kill Bingo if he went into anymore churches. They used clubs on him and busted his jaw and he was dead the next day.” – Ricky Lavallee, shortly before his death by beating on January 3, 2012

Ricky Lavallee*, beaten to death by Vancouver Police after leading occupations of Catholic, Anglican, and United churches and reporting the death by police beating of Johnny ‘Bingo’ Dawson, January 3, 2012
*Ricky Lavallee is featured in Kevin Annett’s documentary film on genocide in Canada Unrepentant ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czej73SfYJc )

Ron Barbour*, found dead two weeks after protesting indigenous child killings at the Vancouver Club, July 30, 2008; no cause of death was given
“Ron told me that RCMP officers had threatened to kill him for working with me and our campaign. He fled to Winnipeg in fear for his life. Just before he died, Ron phoned me to say that the Mounties were following him, and he was in danger.” – Kevin Annett
*Ron Barbour is featured in Kevin’s historic documentary film Unrepentant ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czej73SfYJc )

Elder Louis Daniels*, murdered in Winnipeg General Hospital after naming names of local Catholic and Anglican church child killers, January 16, 2008
“When I was a boy in Brandon residential school, I heard the staff talk about the government plan to help the churches wipe out all our Ojibwe people. They’ve always done whatever they want to our people. They still traffic and kill our children in foster care and the social services.” – Louis Daniels, December 9, 2006
* Louis Daniels adopted Kevin Annett into the Ojibwe nation in 2006 and gave him the name Eagle Strong Voice

Edna Brass, killed in Vancouver General Hospital after naming names of Vancouver police responsible for murdering native women, March 15, 2013
“Edna worked on the Vancouver police liaison society and had all the dirt on which women were being killed by which cop. She also was documenting the huge money rip off happening in the society. I heard more than one cop say that her days were numbered.” – Retired RCMP officer George Brown*, July 7, 2021
*George Brown is featured in Kevin’s historic documentary film on Genocide in Canada Unrepentant ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czej73SfYJc )

Joan Morris*, involuntarily sterilized as a child and held for years in the United Church’s Nanaimo Indian Hospital, 1959-1965
“They put me under an X-Ray machine for a long time so I couldn’t have children. They took out one of my lungs and broke all the bones in my feet so I couldn’t run away. It was Doctors Schmidt and Lang from Nanaimo who did it. They worked for the church and they did that to lots of our children.” – Joan Morris, August 3, 2004
*Joan Morris is featured in Kevin’s historic documentary film on Genocide in Canada Unrepentant ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czej73SfYJc )

Sarah Modeste, involuntarily sterilized by United Church missionary doctor James Goodbrand at the King’s Daughters Clinic, Duncan, B.C., 1958
“Doctor Goodbrand got so angry when he heard I’d married Freddy, who was a traditional native man. He said, ‘Now I’ve got to do an operation on you.’ He did it to me after he delivered my first child. I couldn’t have any more children after that. Goodbrand told me he was getting paid $300 from the federal government for every Indian woman he sterilized, especially the pagans.” – Sarah Modeste, October 14, 2006
*Sarah Modeste is featured in Kevin’s historic documentary film on Genocide in Canada Unrepentant ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czej73SfYJc )

George Darby, United Church missionary doctor who involuntarily sterilized and experimented on generations of native women and children at the R.W. Large Hospital in Bella Bella, B.C. (above)
“Doctor Darby stopped a lot of our women from having babies. If you didn’t go to church or you stuck to your traditional ways, the Mounties gave you a red ticket and you had to report to him at the hospital. He sterilized me in the summer of 1949 after I went to a secret potlatch. He was raping me when I woke up on the operating table.” – Ethel Wilson, June 4, 1998